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January 20, 2010

City and County of San Francisco

Elections Commission

Approved: February 17, 2010

Minutes of the Meeting at City Hall Room 408

January 20, 2010




  1.   President Joseph Pair called the meeting to order

      at 6:11 pm.


  1. ROLL CALL.  PRESENT.  Commissioners Rosabella Safont, Gerard Gleason, Joseph Phair, Winnie Yu, Derek Turner, Arnold Townsend (arrived at 6:18 pm), Deputy City Attorney Andrew Shen, and Director of Elections John Arntz.  EXCUSED. Commissioner Richard P. Matthews.


  1. Announcements.  President Phair announced that City Attorney Dennis Herrera has reappointed Richard Matthews to a new five year term on the Elections Commission.


  1. Discussion and possible action to approve the minutes of the December 16, 2009 Elections Commission Meeting.  Commissioner Safont MOVED and Commissioner Turner SECONDED this item.


The Roll Call Vote was UNANIMOUS to approve the minutes.


5.  Director’s Report


Division Updates:


Ballot Distribution is inventorying and organizing materials at Brooks Hall and at the warehouse.  Staff is preparing the initial ballot order for the June election, updating the vote by mail envelopes, obtaining quotes from vendors, preparing street closure requests, examining the ballot security plan and organizing memory pack pick up routes for the November election since the number of polling places will increase for that election from 407 to 561. 


Budget and Personnel has, along with the Director, produced the first draft budget for the upcoming fiscal year which has been presented to the Commission.  The total is now $9.2 M which represents the Mayor’s Office’s mandated 10% reduction in costs.  There will be two school district elections in November, but that revenue is not shown yet in the draft, but will be added once information from the School District is received.  Other items which are not yet shown are:  Work orders with other agencies who assist in the elections, and reductions for temporary salaries, materials and supplies.  The division has been looking at its processes and believes it will be able to meet the 10% cut.




Campaign Services Division is handling the Petition to Recall Supervisor Sophie Maxwell of District 10.  The suggested deadline to  begin review of the petition signatures is January 25, 2010.  Staff has held a workshop to answer questions from candidates regarding the Judicial Offices for the Superior Court.  At this time, there are 40 candidates who have filed for the primary election in June, and staff is working already on the November election which so far has 54 candidates for supervisor who have taken out papers to run. 


Outreach Division has been working on the next newsletter, and a brochure that describes the accessible services of the DoE.  Staff is beginning its work to create public service announcements for the June and November elections. 


Publications Division is determining where they can be more efficient, such as building templates, and an in depth review of changes in the developments of typesetting and printing the information that goes into the voter guide, especially what goes into the primary election because it will be a very large book with ballot types and party information. 


Poll Locating and ADA Division is working to find 157 more polling locations in time for the June election.  We had fewer sites for the last two elections because state law allowed us to consolidate them.  Staff is also checking if previous sites have increased voters above the 1,000 registered voters limit set by law.  If so, those precincts must be split into two. 


Pollworker Division.  The SoS (Secretary of State) has issued pollworker training guidelines which may have changes that the Division may need to incorporate in its training and pollworker manual.    


Technology Division is conducting extensive database changes.  Staff is implementing a database for the warehouse to centralize tracking procedures.  In addition, the Division is working for a database for the Outreach Division and one for logic and accuracy. 


Voter Services Division is currently heavily involved in the upkeep of voting registration information which involves purging the names of voters who have not voted in the last two federal elections (since the year 2004), and haven’t changed their address or party affiliation.  The DoE will ask these voters, by mail, if their information is current, and if there is no reply or if the post office returns the letter, that voter will be removed from the rolls.  Staff is checking voters rolls against the deceased persons list the Division gets from the state.


Director Arntz advised that he has notified President Phair regarding the change in the campaign finance ordinance that  affects how notices related to campaign expenditure ceilings are provided to the public.  The Director said that it was not the Municipal Elections Code that was changed, it was a change within the Campaign Finance Reform Ordinance.  In the past, there was an indication of which candidates accepted or rejected the expenditure ceiling inside the VIP (Voter Information Pamphlet).  This will no longer be the case.  It will, however, be posted on the Ethics Commission’s website.


Commissioner Gleason mentioned that campaign finance reporting was the subject of a recent newspaper clipping forwarded to the Commissioners by the Commission Secretary.  Commissioner Gleason said that he did not want the Commission to find out about these concerns after the fact, through the newspaper rather than through the Department.  The Commission needs to get information on legislation that impacts the City’s elections in a more timely way.  This item should be addressed at a future meeting. 


President Phair asked the Director to let the Commission know when such legislation occurs. 


Deputy City Attorney Andrew Shen said that, on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office, his office would do its best to keep the Commission updated regarding changes in legislation that may effect the operation of the Department, especially since the City Attorney’s Office often helps to prepare such legislation.  Mr. Shen said his department will be more vigilant in the future. 


6.   Old Business


  1.  Discussion and possible action to amend the Elections Commission’s bylaws as regards the Commission’s annual report (the “Report”) to conform the period to be covered by the Report to the Commission’s practice of a calendar year report and to revise the timing for preparation of the Report by the Commission President and approval of the report by the Commission all as set forth on Attachment A to this Agenda, and to authorize the Commission Secretary to prepare an amended and restated Commission bylaws to reflect the current state and content of the Commission’s bylaws.  Commissioner Turner MOVED and Commissioner Gleason SECONDED this item for discussion.  


      The Roll Call Vote was UNANIMOUS to approve the amendment of the Elections Commission Bylaws.





7.   New Business


   (a) Discussion and possible action regarding the Voter Outreach Report that was presented at the December 16, 2009 Elections Commission meeting.  (President Phair)  President Phair reminded the members that this report was not circulated prior to the start of the December 16th meeting and that he asked the Commission to review it and be prepared to discuss it at this meeting. 


   Director Arntz added that the turnout by district would be provided to Commissioner Yu, per her request and that there is a table that shows the events by supervisorial district.  He asked the Commissioners if they had other suggestions that could be used to make the report more comprehensive.


   Commissioner Safont said that she was pleasantly surprised to have a representative from the DoE come into her non-profit office with voting information and ask if she knew of other community based offices that could use voting information.


   Commissioner Yu said that she thought that the tables could be put in a consolidated one page form or matrix that could be used to track performances over several elections.  She added that a table showing how the budget effects outreach could be included.  This would help the Commission and the Department to advocate for these needs.


   Commissioner Townsend said that he would like to see the Commission be more actively involved in outreach.


   Commissioner Turner said that before he became a member of the Commission, he would have never guessed that the Department’s outreach was as extensive as it is.   He agreed that a matrix comparing elections, season to season, would be very useful in measuring success.


(b) Discussion and possible action regarding the DRAFT Elections Commission Annual Report for 2009.  (President Phair)

      President Phair and Commissioners Turner and Safont offered minor typographical corrections to the report.  Commissioner Turner MOVED and Commissioner Safont SECONDED adoption of the Annual Report with corrections.


      The Roll Call Vote was UNANIMOUS to approve the draft Commission Annual Report for 2009.


(c)  Discussion and possible action regarding the review of the website’s precinct mapping and suggestions regarding openness and community innovation with election data.  (Commissioner Turner)

      Commissioner Turner explained that this website takes the statement of the vote and color maps the results to the precinct level and turnout.  He asked if there was any feedback regarding how the Commission and Department could support these kinds of efforts particularly when, in this case, the creator of the website is hampered by how quickly the information is made available.


      Director Arntz said that the current system that the City uses does not by default provide real-time information on a precinct level.  He said that he thinks the DoE can get close to near real time election results with perhaps a 15 minute delay.  Aggregate totals may be possible for the June election with the totals for the candidates and measures.  The precinct breakdowns can be available within a week of an election.  


      Commissioner Townsend asked Commissioner Turner the name of the person responsible for the sfvote website.  Commissioner Turner answered that he thinks the website is an important service to voters and the name of the person responsible is Jesse Costello Goode, a software developer who does the website as a hobby. 



(d) Discussion and possible action to elect Officers of the San Francisco Elections Commission.  The process shall be as follows:  The current president will open nominations first for the office of president of the Elections Commission.  When there are no further nominations, the president will close nominations.  Public comment will then be sought.  At the conclusion of public comment, there will be a roll call vote of all commissioners during which each commissioner shall say then name of a nominee for whom he or she wishes to vote.  Any nominee receiving four votes shall be elected president.  The same process will then be followed for the office of vice president.  The terms of office for the new officers begin immediately at the conclusion of tonight’s meeting.  (Elec. Comm. Bylaws, Art. V, Sec. 1(B).)


      President Phair opened the floor for nominations for the office of President.  Commissioner Gleason nominated Commissioner Phair and Commissioner Townsend SECONDED the nomination.  There were no further nominations for President.  The Roll Call Vote to elect Joseph B. Phair to the office of President of the Elections Commission for a second term was UNANIMOUS.


      President Phair opened the floor for nominations for the office of Vice President.  Commissioner Safont nominated Commissioner Winnie Yu and Commissioner Phair SECONDED the nomination.  There were no further nominations for Vice President.  The Roll Call Vote to elect Winnie Yu to the office of Vice President of the Elections Commission was UNANIMOUS.


      Commissioner Safont thanked President Phair and said that it had been a pleasure working with him last year as his Vice President, and wished the best to the new Vice President, Commissioner Yu, in the coming year.


  1. Discussion regarding items for future agendas

      Commissioner Gleason said that he would provide better wording regarding           how the Commission is to be apprised of information and legislation that may effect elections in the future.



Adjournment  at 7:03 pm.


Last updated: 2/3/2014 11:02:56 AM