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December 7, 2011


Minutes Draft


Elections Commission Budget and Oversight of Public Elections Committee Meeting


       Wednesday December 7, 2011

                                                                                                                 At 6:00 pm

                                                                                                          City Hall, Room 421

                                                                                                 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place 

                                                                                                        San Francisco, CA 94102


           Order of business


  1. Call to Order at 6:00pm Roll Call: Present Commissioner Gerard Gleason, Commissioner Rosabella Safont and Excused Commissioner Jill Rowe. Present also Director John Arntz


  1. Report from Director of Elections on the November 8, 2011 Municipal Election.


Director John Arntz said the Department followed the Election plan and the Election went as planned.  Being that we only had a 2 card ballot contributed to the plan going smoothly.  Rank Choice votes were run twice being that all the numbers were not mapped, nothing was changed after rerunning all the numbers a count matched up without any problems.  Secretary of State and the Mayors Office Certified the ballot count.   


  1. Discussion and possible action regarding Budget and Oversight of Public Elections Committee recommendation to the Commission on evaluation of the effectiveness of the Elections Plan for November 8, 2011 Municipal Election.


Commissioner Gleason said that the IRIS Report showed a higher than usual number of calls regarding electioneering at polling places.  Director Arntz said that this was not particularly unusual and the calls regarding electioneering were followed up on.


Motion: The Budget and Oversight of Public Elections Committee recommends to the full Commission that the Department of Elections complied with the written Election Plan as previously approved by the Commission.


Vote was taken and it was unanimous to approve the Motion


  1. Discussion and possible action to approve August 3, 2011 Minutes for Budget and Oversight of Public Elections Committee meeting.

Vote was taken and it was unanimous to approve the Minutes


       Adjourn 6:40



Last updated: 2/3/2012 8:25:46 AM