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January 18, 2012


Elections Commission Meeting

Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 6:00 pm

City Hall Room 408


Order of Business

  1. Call to Order 6:00 pm & Roll Call
    Present: Commissioner Gerard Gleason, Commissioner Rosabella Safont, Commissioner Arnold Townsend, Commissioner Catalina Ruiz-Healy, Commissioner Jill Rowe, Commissioner Winnie Yu and Commissioner Rich Matthews.  Also present Director John Arntz and Deputy City Attorney Mollie Lee.



  1. Announcements: None

  2. Public comment on any issue within the Elections Commission’s general jurisdiction that is not included in any other item on this agenda.


Public Speaker Emil Lawrence requested he be added to the mailing list for the Elections Commission.


4.  Director’s Report

The Director will update the Commission on matters pertaining to elections and the Department of Elections, including updates on activities of the divisions, plans and activities for upcoming elections or election-related functions, and budgetary matters.


Budget- Director Arntz says that everyone in the department is putting sometime in reviewing their budgets and should have their electronic files to the commission by this Friday.  Ballot Distribution the 2012 Retirement Election is in the process and the last day to return ballots is Friday January 27, 2012.  June 2012 Election the department is coordinating meetings with Runbeck regarding Agilis sorting machines as well working with the vender to redesign the envelope.  Campaign Services the department is preparing Signatures-In-Lieu (SIL) packets for the Judicial, Federal and State candidates, to date the department issued petitions to all candidates currently 13 incumbent Judges, 3 Congressional Candidates and 2 Legislative Candidates the department has an intake of SIL for validation.  The department will have several to attend training in Solano, for filing on how we should handle filing for no party affiliation.  Outreach the post-election report is posted on our website; the report includes a link to SurveyMonkey questionnaire that is intended to gather feedback on the Department’s outreach efforts in the November 2011 elections.  The division is planning to conduct a Community Network meeting on February 9 and the department has already sent invitations we expect some 30 to 50 attendees.  The staff has been updating information and forms to the website for the June Election.  Poll Workers staff has been working on developing the voter education materials explaining the Top Two candidates Primary Act.  The divisions have been working on the divisional budgets for Fiscal Year 2012-2013.  Precinct Services we have been updating maps for the June Elections precinct boundaries that have been altered by new lines, department is planning to release new district lines April 15th 2012.  Voter Services The department has received candidate petition for 3 Judicial. 100% signature verification on State Petition #1499 Referendum to overturn statewide Senate map certified by the citizens redistricting commission with 10,710 signatures.



5.  Commissioners’ Reports:

Commissioners will report on any meetings with public officials, or oversight and observation activities since the last meeting, if any.  None


New Business

  1. Discussion and possible action to approve the Minutes of the December 21, 2011 Commission Meeting. 


Vote was taken as was unanimous to approve the Minutes of December 21, 2011.


Old Business


7.  Discussion and possible action to determine procedure for the annual performance reviews for the Director of Elections and the Acting Commission Secretary.

Commissioner Matthews requested any comments be sent to him by February 7, 2012. 

8.  Discussion and possible action to approach the Board of Supervisors and/or any other responsible party to resend the Resolution on the voter profile, approved by the Elections Commission at the meeting of November 18, 2009, to the City's State Legislation Committee. (Continued from the November 16, 2011 Commission meeting.)

Director Arntz says he will forward to all Commissioners

  1. Discussion regarding items for future agendas.


Public Speaker David Pilpel requested an elections plan for the June 2012 election.



Annual Business


10.  Discussion and possible action to elect Officers of the San Francisco Elections Commission. 

The process shall be as follows:  The current president will open nominations first for the office of president of the Elections Commission.  When there are no further nominations, the president will close nominations.  Public comment will then be sought.  At the conclusion of public comment, there will be a roll call vote of all commissioners during which each commissioner shall say the name of a nominee for whom he or she wishes to vote.  Any nominee receiving four votes shall be elected president.  The same process will then be followed for the office of vice president.  The terms of office for the new officers begin immediately at the conclusion of tonight’s meeting.  (Elec. Comm. Bylaws, Art. V, Sec. 1B).)

Commissioner Matthews opened this session for the voting of new Elections Commissions

Officers for 2012.   Commissioner Matthews nominated Commissioner Gerard Gleason for

President and Commissioner Safont seconded. 

Vote was taken and it was unanimous for Commissioner Gleason for President.

Commissioner Safont nominated Commissioner Jill Rowe for Vice President

Commissioner Matthews seconded.

Vote was taken and it was unanimous for Jill Rowe for Vice President.


Adjourn 6:29


Last updated: 2/8/2012 9:40:31 AM