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April 4, 2012




Draft Minutes

Elections Commission Budget and

Oversight of Public Elections Committee Meeting

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

6:01 p.m.

City Hall Room 421


Order of Business

1.         The meeting was called order by Chairperson Jill Rowe at 6:01 p.m.


Present:  Chairperson Jill Rowe, Commissioner Catalina Ruiz- Healy and Commissioner Richard Matthews. Also Attending:  Director of Elections John Arntz and Acting Commission Secretary Gail Hilliard.

2.         Approval of Minutes

Discussion and possible action to approve the minutes of the February 1, 2012 meeting of the Budget and Oversight of Public Elections Committee.


Chairperson Jill Rowe asked that the Commission’s Secretary revisit the tapes, noted that the minutes did not include a vote, and asked that the minutes be tabled until the next meeting. 

3.         Director’s Report

Report from the Director of Elections on any updates to the budget for the fiscal years 2012-2014.


Director of Elections John Arntz stated that there have been no changes to the budget since the last meeting.


4.       Discussion and possible action regarding the Election Plan for the June 5, 2012 election.

           Commissioner Catalina Ruiz-Healy stated that she had one question/suggestion regarding the Outreach and Education section of the June 5, 2012 Election Plan.  She asked if the Department had any specific targets  in regards to the Spanish speaking outreach events to be  held in the community. Commissioner Ruiz-Healy stated that at a previous meeting she attended, the Department had a collection of information which had been compiled which could be used as a baseline.  Director Arntz stated that the Department does have information that is provided for elections.   Commissioner Ruiz-Healy commented that she found this information very helpful. 


Chairperson Jill Rowe inquired about the Election Plan page 4 (6) in regards to mail only precincts.  Director Arntz explained that first boundary lines for Supervisors, Senate and the Assembly are taken into account before drawing precinct boundaries then, when drawing the precinct lines, the Department considers whether there are hills and highways that might interfere with voters getting to their polling places.  In some cases when these precinct lines are drawn, some precincts may have less than 250 voters and the Department will make these mail ballot precincts since it is not cost effective to have a polling place for so few voters.  Voters in mail ballot precincts may vote provisionally in person in neighboring precincts or at City Hall.  Commissioner Rowe asked why theElection Plan shows 603 precincts, 570 polling sites and 29 mail only precincts which leaves a difference of 4 not accounted for.  Director Arntz explained that there are some areas where the lines create precincts that are on highways and even on Alameda Island that is part of San Francisco and is an old military runway.  Even though there are no voters in these areas they still must be designated as precincts.


Commissioner Matthews moved to refer the June 5, 2012 Election Plan to the full Commission with a recommendation to approve it.  Commissioner Ruiz-Healy seconded.  Vote was UNANIMOUS to approve.


5.         Adjourn 6:37


Last updated: 2/3/2014 2:17:38 PM