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October 16, 2013 Draft Minutes

Elections Commission Special Meeting
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
6:00 p.m.
City Hall, Room 421
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, California 94102


1. Call to Order & Roll Call
Commissioner Jill Rowe called the meeting to order at 6:02pm. PRESENT: Commissioners Rich Matthews, Rosabella Safont, Jill Rowe, Winnie Yu,
Catalina Ruiz-Healy, and Gerard Gleason. ALSO PRESENT: Director of Elections JohnArntz, Deputy City Attorney Andrew Shen, and Commission Secretary Tachina Alexander

2. Public comment on any issue within the Elections Commission’s general jurisdiction unless otherwise included in an item on this agenda.
Brent Turner informed the Commission legislation was signed
into law a couple of weeks ago, SP360, which allows the state to self-certify
voting systems and paves the way for open-source voting systems. LA County
announced they will implement open-source voting software systems which are
comparable to the 2008 open-source paper ballot printing system. There also is
a chance that an internet or capture component to this system and he will report
back on any future progress.

3. Approval of Minutes from previous meetings.
Commissioner Matthews moved to approve the Minutes of the October 2, 2013 Elections Commission Meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner Ruiz-Healy. The roll call vote was UNANIMOUS to APPROVE the minutes.

4. Director’s Report.
Director Arntz
Division Reports
A. Administrative (Budget/Personnel) – Getting requisitions for materials and
supplies together for elections as well as day time staffing preparations
due to additional personnel needs.
B. Ballot Distribution – Preparing to deliver materials as well as working out
the process to deliver bags with ballots to Inspectors, parking permits and
badges, Election Day street signage around City Hall, etc.
C. Campaign Services - Had an open house today from 2pm - 5pm with some
attendees. The write-in period will end October 22, 2013 and registration
ends October 21, 2013.
D. Outreach - They’ve distributed polling place mailers to schools,
departments, library branches, community newspapers, and buses as well
as bus shelters in Chinese, Spanish and English. There are two upcoming
presentations that the Elections Commission are invited to attend; Friday
October 18th at 2pm. Training for curbside voting pick-up will be Monday
October 21st at 3pm. On Election Day each entrance of City Hall will be
staffed for vote-by-mail ballot collection. Many upcoming registration events
and presentations all of which are listed on the Department’s website.
E. Poll Workers - They have sufficient numbers of clerks and inspectors
assigned to polling places but are still recruiting standbys. Clerks have
been trained and inspector classes begin October 29th - November 2nd.
The Department offered an online bilingual training for the first time and
150 have taken class to date. All Field Election Deputies (FEDS) have
been hired, assigned territories, and training is assigned to them either on
Sunday October 21st or October 27th in room 34.
F. Precinct Services - Elise Kennedy, longest serving poll worker (Harry
Truman was her 1st election), passed away and Precinct services attended
her service. They’ve created polling place change signs with blinking LED
lights, put together FED territory maps for technicians who work with the
vendor that technically supports the voting equipment.
G. Publications - Mailed voter guides out and met with vendor to finalize
preparations for June 2014 election. Reviewing proofing documentation
and temps training process.
H. Technology - Providing a lot of support and working on phone app for
FEDS. They’ve released the beta for the first field test in anticipation of
receiving any feedback regarding technical bugs. Although it’s still in beta
form the intent is to use it for the upcoming election.
I. Voter Services - Performing voter file maintenance. 35 voters per day,
higher than initial projections, have shown up for early voting. Processed
some vote-by-mail ballots and only 19 voters have registered online.
J. Warehouse - Getting supplies ready for election, completed equipment
testing, and completed maintenance.
Commissioner Comments
Commissioner Matthews inquired about the future site of the warehouse
and Director Arntz stated that he had not found a site that was feasible
within the city limits. However the City located a building in Brisbane which
is optimal for the needs of the Department which has potential promise and
will be available next year.


5. Discussion and possible action regarding potential revisions to Municipal
Elections Code Section 530, including with regard to formatting of ballot
arguments in the Voter Information Pamphlet and authorship of ballot
arguments by persons other than eligible San Francisco voters.
Commissioner Matthews referred to the “PS” in the Voter Information Pamphlet
in which the Commission discussed its confusion and the Commissions role in
clarifying it. Additionally, in section 530 the authorship is misleading to the voters
and clarification for both matters is essential prior to the 2014 election.
Commissioner Rowe was in agreement that some action needed to be taken as
the Commission has the ability to set general policies but the better option would
be to have the Board of Supervisors codify the code but the concern is how to get
them to do so.
Deputy City Attorney Andrew Shen assured the Commission that it was not
complicated but just a matter of designating one or two Commissioners to
approach a Board of Supervisor member who would be willing to address this
issue to the board. Given the law the Board would need to take it up in January
and adopted by February.
Commissioner Gleason circulated a document entitled “Draft Proposed Changes
to San Francisco Municipal Elections Code: SF Elections Commission October 16,
2013.” He believes that this is a minor issue but should approach Board President
Chiu and get his input.
Director Arntz sited that the formatting, italicization of names, and asterisks for
identification of name purposes needs adjusting as well. If a template is made
clarify when italicization, bolding, etc. is allowed because whatever guidance is in
the code is what the Department is going to follow.
Commissioner Rowe encouraged the Commissioners to forward any additional
ideas to her prior to the November meeting.
Deputy City Attorney Andrew Shen followed up on a comment made by
Commissioner Gleason at the previous meeting regarding the City Attorney’s
opinion regarding this issue. His research yielded no documentation where he
addressed this issue. He also wanted to flag one policy issue, in regards to
Commissioner Gleason’s draft, 530b mentions, in terms of authors, associations
or organizations but does not impose residency or registration requirements on
them. In subsection (d) in terms of authorization, “the signature of at least one of
the principle officers must be provided and that principle officer must be a San
Francisco registered voter” but doesn’t speak to the other principles in the
organization. What is the specific requirement for all principles?
Commissioner Gleason would like to make sure that for future elections, the
request for waiver remains specific as the Director has been doing, and not
general; it should include the number of employees and the category of work.


6. Discussion and possible action regarding scheduling and procedures for
conducting performance reviews for Commission Secretary and Director of
Commissioner Rowe stated that the process for reviews of the Commission
Secretary and the Director of Elections are approaching and needs to be done
by December. Since the self-review process worked last year the Commission
will continue to use it. Commissioner Rowe will circulate a basic written
evaluation to each Commissioner to be completed and returned to the


Mayor’s office has still not appointed a replacement Commissioner


8. Announcements

9. Discussion and possible action regarding items for future agendas.
A. Municipal Elections Code #530
B. Evaluations

10. Discussion and possible action regarding request for schedule changes by
public employee: Commission Secretary Tachina Alexander.
Proposed schedule change for Tachina Alexander from Tue 8-5,Wed 8-5 or 1-end
of meeting and Thur 9-1 to Mon 8-5, Tues 8-12, Wed 8-5 or 1-end of meeting
Commissioner Rowe expressed concern regarding the posting of the agenda will
add on a day and she would be out possibly for 5 consecutive days.
Commissioner Matthew’s expressed concern regarding mail, however infrequently
sent, not reaching the Commissioners in a timely fashion due to her being out for 4
consecutive days.
Commissioner Rowe proposed that for now it be granted on an interim basis to
see how it works out and revisit it at a later date. She then inquired about whether
there was a need for a vote on this issue.
Deputy City Attorney Andrew Shen was not familiar with the need for the
Secretary’s schedule change to be brought before the Commission however he
advised that a vote need not take place nor has it historically been done every time
there is a request for a change.


Elections Commission Special Meeting
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
6:00 p.m.
City Hall, Room 421
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, California 94102


1. Call to Order & Roll Call
Commissioner Jill Rowe called the meeting to order at 6:02pm. PRESENT: Commissioners Rich Matthews, Rosabella Safont, Jill Rowe, Winnie Yu,
Catalina Ruiz-Healy, and Gerard Gleason. ALSO PRESENT: Director of Elections JohnArntz, Deputy City Attorney Andrew Shen, and Commission Secretary Tachina Alexander

2. Public comment on any issue within the Elections Commission’s general jurisdiction unless otherwise included in an item on this agenda.
Brent Turner informed the Commission legislation was signed
into law a couple of weeks ago, SP360, which allows the state to self-certify
voting systems and paves the way for open-source voting systems. LA County
announced they will implement open-source voting software systems which are
comparable to the 2008 open-source paper ballot printing system. There also is
a chance that an internet or capture component to this system and he will report
back on any future progress.

3. Approval of Minutes from previous meetings.
Commissioner Matthews moved to approve the Minutes of the October 2, 2013 Elections Commission Meeting and it was seconded by Commissioner Ruiz-Healy. The roll call vote was UNANIMOUS to APPROVE the minutes.

4. Director’s Report.
Director Arntz
Division Reports
A. Administrative (Budget/Personnel) – Getting requisitions for materials and
supplies together for elections as well as day time staffing preparations
due to additional personnel needs.
B. Ballot Distribution – Preparing to deliver materials as well as working out
the process to deliver bags with ballots to Inspectors, parking permits and
badges, Election Day street signage around City Hall, etc.
C. Campaign Services - Had an open house today from 2pm - 5pm with some
attendees. The write-in period will end October 22, 2013 and registration
ends October 21, 2013.
D. Outreach - They’ve distributed polling place mailers to schools,
departments, library branches, community newspapers, and buses as well
as bus shelters in Chinese, Spanish and English. There are two upcoming
presentations that the Elections Commission are invited to attend; Friday
October 18th at 2pm. Training for curbside voting pick-up will be Monday
October 21st at 3pm. On Election Day each entrance of City Hall will be
staffed for vote-by-mail ballot collection. Many upcoming registration events
and presentations all of which are listed on the Department’s website.
E. Poll Workers - They have sufficient numbers of clerks and inspectors
assigned to polling places but are still recruiting standbys. Clerks have
been trained and inspector classes begin October 29th - November 2nd.
The Department offered an online bilingual training for the first time and
150 have taken class to date. All Field Election Deputies (FEDS) have
been hired, assigned territories, and training is assigned to them either on
Sunday October 21st or October 27th in room 34.
F. Precinct Services - Elise Kennedy, longest serving poll worker (Harry
Truman was her 1st election), passed away and Precinct services attended
her service. They’ve created polling place change signs with blinking LED
lights, put together FED territory maps for technicians who work with the
vendor that technically supports the voting equipment.
G. Publications - Mailed voter guides out and met with vendor to finalize
preparations for June 2014 election. Reviewing proofing documentation
and temps training process.
H. Technology - Providing a lot of support and working on phone app for
FEDS. They’ve released the beta for the first field test in anticipation of
receiving any feedback regarding technical bugs. Although it’s still in beta
form the intent is to use it for the upcoming election.
I. Voter Services - Performing voter file maintenance. 35 voters per day,
higher than initial projections, have shown up for early voting. Processed
some vote-by-mail ballots and only 19 voters have registered online.
J. Warehouse - Getting supplies ready for election, completed equipment
testing, and completed maintenance.
Commissioner Comments
Commissioner Matthews inquired about the future site of the warehouse
and Director Arntz stated that he had not found a site that was feasible
within the city limits. However the City located a building in Brisbane which
is optimal for the needs of the Department which has potential promise and
will be available next year.


5. Discussion and possible action regarding potential revisions to Municipal
Elections Code Section 530, including with regard to formatting of ballot
arguments in the Voter Information Pamphlet and authorship of ballot
arguments by persons other than eligible San Francisco voters.
Commissioner Matthews referred to the “PS” in the Voter Information Pamphlet
in which the Commission discussed its confusion and the Commissions role in
clarifying it. Additionally, in section 530 the authorship is misleading to the voters
and clarification for both matters is essential prior to the 2014 election.
Commissioner Rowe was in agreement that some action needed to be taken as
the Commission has the ability to set general policies but the better option would
be to have the Board of Supervisors codify the code but the concern is how to get
them to do so.
Deputy City Attorney Andrew Shen assured the Commission that it was not
complicated but just a matter of designating one or two Commissioners to
approach a Board of Supervisor member who would be willing to address this
issue to the board. Given the law the Board would need to take it up in January
and adopted by February.
Commissioner Gleason circulated a document entitled “Draft Proposed Changes
to San Francisco Municipal Elections Code: SF Elections Commission October 16,
2013.” He believes that this is a minor issue but should approach Board President
Chu and get his input.
Director Arntz sited that the formatting, italicization of names, and asterisks for
identification of name purposes needs adjusting as well. If a template is made
clarify when italicization, bolding, etc. is allowed because whatever guidance is in
the code is what the Department is going to follow.
Commissioner Rowe encouraged the Commissioners to forward any additional
ideas to her prior to the November meeting.
Deputy City Attorney Andrew Shen followed up on a comment made by
Commissioner Gleason at the previous meeting regarding the City Attorney’s
opinion regarding this issue. His research yielded no documentation where he
addressed this issue. He also wanted to flag one policy issue, in regards to
Commissioner Gleason’s draft, 530b mentions, in terms of authors, associations
or organizations but does not impose residency or registration requirements on
them. In subsection (d) in terms of authorization, “the signature of at least one of
the principle officers must be provided and that principle officer must be a San
Francisco registered voter” but doesn’t speak to the other principles in the
organization. What is the specific requirement for all principles?
Commissioner Gleason would like to make sure that for future elections, the
request for waiver remains specific as the Director has been doing, and not
general; it should include the number of employees and the category of work.


6. Discussion and possible action regarding scheduling and procedures for
conducting performance reviews for Commission Secretary and Director of
Commissioner Rowe stated that the process for reviews of the Commission
Secretary and the Director of Elections are approaching and needs to be done
by December. Since the self-review process worked last year the Commission
will continue to use it. Commissioner Rowe will circulate a basic written
evaluation to each Commissioner to be completed and returned to the


Mayor’s office has still not appointed a replacement Commissioner


8. Announcements

9. Discussion and possible action regarding items for future agendas.
A. Municipal Elections Code #530
B. Evaluations

10. Discussion and possible action regarding request for schedule changes by
public employee: Commission Secretary Tachina Alexander.
Proposed schedule change for Tachina Alexander from Tue 8-5,Wed 8-5/1-end of
meeting and Thur 9-1 to Mon 8-5, Tues 8-5, Wed 8-12/1-end of meeting
Commissioner Rowe expressed concern regarding the posting of the agenda will
add on a day and she would be out possibly for 5 consecutive days.
Commissioner Matthew’s expressed concern regarding mail, however infrequently
sent, not reaching the Commissioners in a timely fashion due to her being out for 4
consecutive days.
Commissioner Rowe proposed that for now it be granted on an interim basis to
see how it works out and revisit it at a later date. She then inquired about whether
there was a need for a vote on this issue.
Deputy City Attorney Andrew Shen was not familiar with the need for the
Secretary’s schedule change to be brought before the Commission however he
advised that a vote need not take place nor has it historically been done every time
there is a request for a change.


Last updated: 4/1/2014 3:09:29 PM