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Meeting Information


2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 


held at City Hall room 400   1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place  San Francisco, CA  94102                   
                         The Minutes of this meeting set forth all actions taken by the Committee on the matters 

                                                   stated, but not necessarily the chronological sequence in which the matters were taken up



(ACTION) Roll call.

President Stiglich called the meeting to order at 5:36pm.  Comms. Beijen, Fetico, Hale, Rojas were present at the gavel.  Comms Queen, Comm Lingad-Ricci were excused.  



(ACTION) Review and approval of Feb.15 & 22, 2005 meeting minutes

The minutes were approved as written.

(public comments)
There were none.



Public comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission
There were none.



(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Chief Probation Officer’s report:

·         Juvenile Probation Dept Recommendations to the Mayor's Supplemental Budget

The Chief referred to the list of items (see document attached) that he submitted to the Mayor’s Office, to be included in the Mayor’s Supplemental Budget proposal. This was presented to the Bd of Supervisors’ Finance Committee and the only item approved was the youth employment program.  The others will be reviewed again at next week’s Finance Committee meeting.

There were concerns that these items (ideas) were developed and forwarded to the Bd of Supervisors without giving the Commission the opportunity to review and comment on them (both programmatically and fiscally).  The Chief said his understanding was that since this was the Mayor’s supplemental budget, it had nothing to do with the Dept’s budget.

·         Summary of Testimony Before the Board Of Supervisors Select Committee

The Chief commented that he had learned of the Bd of Supervisors’ Select Committee meeting at the last moment and was able to put together a presentation that showed them the state of things in juvenile justice in the City (see attached doc), and the challenges faced by the Dept (vis a vis staffing and service needs).  He thought this was a very informative presentation that gave the supervisors an understanding that they did not previously have.

Comm Fetico asked about the newspaper article that said the Chief was bringing in experts from Chicago to set up a girls specific program for the Dept.  He said he was misquoted. These people would be coming to train, using some monies from the Zellerbach grant. The program would be staffed and operated locally.

Comm Beijen commended the Chief on his good work under such a short frame.

Comm Hale mentioned the good work on gender specific activities/interventions that were set up by Julie Posadas, but acknowledged that there are others in the field who have extensive experience in this matter. He further said that he wanted the Commission to be included in these functions and discussions so that they could be part of the entire voice that advances the Dept’s interests and services.

·         Zellerbach Grant Update

The Chief reported that the Bd of Supervisors approved the grant and the money is now in the Dept’s accounts, to be used for developing a fuller grant request from Zellerbach, as well as other activities previously mentioned.

(public comments)
Vicky Schwartz, Huckleberry Youth Services, said that the Chief did a commendable job at the Bd of Supervisors’ hearing on violence prevention.



(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Review and amend, if needed, letter to Margaret Brodkin, supporting their funding of the Safe Havens. 

President Stiglich reviewed that this was from a request by Tracy Brown to support the funding of the Safe Havens.  It was clarified that this was being funded within DCYF’s budget, and that the Commission could add its voice to supporting this.

(public comments)

There were none.



(DISCUSSION/ACTION) Establish protocols for communication/coordination between Program and Finance Committees.

Comm Hale recounted that this was an issue brought up by Comm Fetico, and he agreed that it was important to clarify.  Comm Fetico said that he has in the past been unsure of how the Program Comm was working and how the two committees could work together to be on top of how things were both programmatically and fiscally.

Comm Hale commented that the JDAI process was supposed to help us identify those programs needed to serve the population in the Dept. and also to look at what constitutes success. 

President Stiglich commented that she recalled this being raised in the Finance Committee, and said that the desire is to have the discussions in both committees be consistent and complementary so that they don’t pull us in different directions or duplicate, but instead help to gain a total picture of the operations of the Dept and its services.

Comm Hale mentioned the potential of contracting on a fee for service basis. President Stiglich said this is a good example of the type of issues that would come before committee, and for that matter, which committee.  Comm Hale briefly said that the aspect dealing with the fiscal implications would be considered by our Finance Committee while Programs would review the efficacy of the programs/services.  

This topic will be discussed further in upcoming meetings, under the same title.

(public comments)

there were none.


(DISCUSSION) Committee reports, other reports

·         Program committee

Comm Hale reviewed that there was an introduction of the Dept programs (Probation Services, Juvenile Hall, Community Programs) given to the new commissioners, but was not completed.  There will be ongoing briefings to complete the introduction.   He said that it was his hope that the division managers become effective advocates for the kinds of programs/services needed in the Dept.

(public comments)

There were none.


Public comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission

There were none.


(DISCUSSION) Requests for future agenda items. 

Comm Fetico wanted to have a review of the response to the request by the Controller’s office for an update to the recommendations of the Civil Grand Jury. The Dept will issue its own response, and the Commission will develop a response for its part.

Comm Fetico also asked for scheduling a performance review for the Chief, and the Dept doing performance reviews throughout its staff.  He asked for more input from the Commission for what it wants the Finance Committee to concentrate on.

Comm Hale brought up the idea that possibly the Commission needs to schedule a retreat to discuss this and other issues for the Commission.



(ACTION)  Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00pm


                         supplemental budget reqst   (pdf)             dept testimony for Bd of Supes     (pdf)