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February 26, 2010


Note: Each item on the Consent or Regular agenda may include explanatory documents, including an Executive Officer’s report and public correspondence.
These items will be available for review at City Hall, Room 244, Reception Desk.

Special Meeting - LAFCO
February 26, 2010, at 2:00 p.m.
City Hall, Legislative Chamber, Room 250

Chairperson Ross Mirkarimi
Vice-Chair David Campos
Commissioners Bevan Dufty, John Avalos and Hope Schmeltzer
Commissioners Eric Mar and Michael Bornstein


1.     Call to Order and Roll Call
        The meeting convened at 2:11 p.m.

        On the call of the roll, Commissioners Campos, Avalos, and Dufty were noted
        absent. There was a quorum.

        Present: Chairperson Mirkarimi, Commissioners Campos (arrived at 2:59 p.m.),
        Avalos (arrived at 2:27 p.m.), Dufty (arrived at 2:32 p.m.), Mar (left at 2:45 p.m.),
        Schmeltzer, and Bornstein.

2.     Approval of Minutes:
        A. November 20, 2009 Special Meeting
        B. January 22, 2010 San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Joint Meeting

        Chairperson Mirkarimi moved, seconded by Commissioner Schmeltzer, to
        approve the minutes of the November 20, 2009 Special Meeting and the January
        22, 2010 Joint Meeting with the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. The
        motion passed unanimously by the following vote:

        Ayes: Chairperson Mirkarimi, Commissioners Mar, and Schmeltzer.
        Noes: None.
        Absent: Commissioners Campos, Dufty, and Avalos.

        Action: Approved.

3.     Report on the Status of Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) Activities
        A. Report from SF PUC

        Michael Campbell, CCA Director, gave an overview of the current activities for the
        CCA program and the progress being made, including an update on the contract
        negotiations with Power Choice.

        B. Report from SF LAFCo

        Nancy Miller, Interim Executive Officer, LAFCo, gave an update on the
        Implementation Plan and next steps of the process. She also requested the
        Commission to send a letter to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
        to encourage CPUC to expedite the Implementation Plan process. The
        Commission also indicated a resolution may be sent from the Board of
        Supervisors encouraging the same.

        Jason Fried, Senior Program Officer, LAFCo, gave an overview of the community
        outreach meetings that have been scheduled. SF PUC and LAFCo staffs are
        currently working on a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet.

        Caroline Teng, Community Development Coordinator, LAFCo, gave an update on
        the outreach being done and the social media campaign that is underway with SF

        Public Comment: Mr. Wright spoke on energy issues; Eric Brooks, Community
        Choice Energy Alliance, voiced concerns related to the Implementation Plan and
        various CCA issues; Cathy Brandhorst shared various concerns.

        Chairperson Mirkarimi moved, seconded by Commissioner Avalos, to send a letter
        signed by all LAFCo members to the CPUC requesting they expedite the
        Implementation Plan process. The motion passed unanimously by the following

        Ayes: Chairperson Mirkarimi, Commissioners Avalos, Dufty, and Schmeltzer.
        Noes: None.
        Absent: Commissioners Campos, and Mar.

        Action: Approved.

4.     Consideration of the Draft FY2010-2011 LAFCo Budget (Pursuant to Government
        Code Section 56381)

        Jason Fried, Senior Program Officer, LAFCo, presented the draft FY2010-2011
        LAFCo budget.

        Public Comment: Cathy Brandhorst shared various concerns.

        Commissioner Dufty moved, seconded by Commissioner Avalos, to approve the
        draft FY2010-2011 LAFCo budget as presented. The motion passed unanimously
        by the following vote:

        Ayes: Chairperson Mirkarimi, Commissioners Avalos, Dufty, and Schmeltzer.
        Noes: None.
        Absent: Commissioners Campos, and Mar.

        Action: Approved.

        Item Nos. 5 and 6 were heard together.

5.     Approval of Amendment No. 9 to the Legal Services Agreement with Miller, Owen
        & Trost

        Jason Fried, Senior Program Officer, LAFCo, gave an overview of the legal
        services that will be provided by Miller, Owen & Trost in the upcoming year.

        Chairperson Mirkarimi moved, seconded by Commissioner Avalos, to approve
        Amendment No. 9 to the Legal Services Agreement with Miller, Owen & Trost. The
        motion passed unanimously by the following vote:

        Ayes: Chairperson Mirkarimi, Commissioners Campos, Avalos, Dufty, and
        Noes: None.
        Absent: Commissioner Mar.

        Action: Approved.

6.     Executive Officer’s Report

        Nancy Miller, Interim Executive Officer, LAFCo, presented an update on
        Proposition 16, “Taxpayers Right to Vote Act,” including the list of sponsors in
        support and those against.

        Jason Fried, Senior Program Officer, LAFCo, spoke about the two upcoming
        vacancies in LAFCo and the procedural next steps.

        Public Comment: Eric Brooks, SF Green Party, spoke about issues related to
        Proposition 16.

7.     Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda

        Eric Brooks, SF Green Party, spoke about the fiber optic cables in San Francisco.

        Cathy Brandhorst spoke on various issues.

8.     Future Agenda Items

        A Special Meeting may be convened in March 2010 to consider the final
        CleanPowerSF contract.

9.     Adjournment

        The meeting adjourned at 3:09 p.m.
Last updated: 5/18/2010 4:49:44 PM