Authorize staff, in consultation with SFPUC, to request proposals from qualified consultants for certain additional tasks contemplated in Section IV of the Joint CCA RFQ, dated November 21, 2007, and to negotiate contracts for these tasks for approval by SF LAFCO at its next meeting, including but not limited to the following items: (Discussion and Action item)
a. Evaluate Cost/Benefit of involving City Agencies for use of their assets; renewable siting, transmission/distribution or generation:
(1) Determine if this could lower the costs of 360MW
(2) If so, determine if feasible/practical, in light of agency constraints
b. H Bonds – Develop Marketable H Bonds
c. Regulatory Review: (1) What governmental regulations will apply (Outside of AB 117, S.F. CCA Ordinances)? (2) What governmental programs may be able to provide benefits to the S.F. CCA Program?
d. Program Financial Model: From Customer rates to H Bond repayment and all elements, how will all of the program financial structures work?
e. Risk Assessment: What are the significant risks associated with the Project? (Builds on info from Task 1-4 and 7)
f. DBOM Contract: Develop Term Sheet with critical contract elements (Builds on info from Task 1-4 and 7)
g. Verify that access to Hetch Hetchy power is feasible, and that other barriers such as the interconnection agreement can be overcome.
Nancy Miller, Interim Executive Director spoke on the item and answered questions from the Commission.
Chairperson Mirkarimi requested the Clerk to agendize an item to discuss SF LAFCo's interim budget at its next meeting.
Public Comment: None
Motion made by Chairperson Mirkarimi, seconded by Commissioner Daly, to continue the item to the Call of the Chair.
Ayes: Chairperson Mirkarimi, Commissioners Daly, McGoldrick and Schmeltzer
Action: Approved