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May 29, 2009 - Special

San Francisco Local Agency Formation Commission


Note: Each item on the Consent or Regular agenda may include explanatory documents, including Executive Officer report and public correspondence.
These items will be available for review at City Hall, Room 244, Reception Desk.

Special Meeting
May 29, 2009, at 2:00 p.m.
City Hall, Room 250

Chairperson Mirkarimi,
Members: Commissioners Dufty, Campos, Mar and Schmeltzer
Alternate: Avalos and Bornstein

(There will be public comment on each item)

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting convened at 2:10 p.m.

Members Present: Chairperson Mirkarimi, Commissioners Dufty, Mar (arrived at 2:22 p.m.), Bornstein, and Schmeltzer.

Members Absent: Vice-Chair Campos

2. Approval of Minutes for April 3, 2009 and April 24, 2009.

Public Comment: None.

Chairperson Mirkarimi moved to approve the minutes for April 3, 2009 and April 24, 2009.

Ayes: Chairperson Mirkarimi, Commissioners Dufty, Bornstein, and Schmeltzer.

Action: Approved.

3. Report from SFPUC on the status of CCA activities and timeline.

Michael Campbell, CCA Director, gave an overview of CCA activities to date and the timeline moving forward. He also reported on six turbine sites of interest for the project. The economic feasibility study will be done while putting together a portfolio and is due at the end of June; the consultants will present the results to LAFCO once completed. Market research has also assembled a task force that will gather information through a telephone survey conducted in multiple languages. The focus of this survey will be on gathering information to craft the RFP, the types of potential customers, and the best way to promote the program for the maximum effect. They are also reaching out to candidates to fill the position for Clean Power SF Manager.

Public Comment: None.

Commissioner Mirkarimi moved to continue this item to the call of the Chair.

Ayes: Chairperson Mirkarimi, Commissioners Dufty, Mar, Bornstein, and Schmeltzer.

Action: Continued to the Call of the Chair.

4. Presentation on Marin Clean Energy Program.

Dawn Weisz, Marin County Sustainability and Community Choice Aggregation Coordinator, gave a presentation on Marin County's progress in implementing their CCA Program, titled Marin Clean Energy, which included light green and dark green components, their goals, and the RFP they are putting together. She also reported on the statistics derived from the survey conducted by their consultant and their timeline. There was a discussion on their experience with various firms, including Navigant Consulting. Marketing involved many community organizations, along with City representatives, and focused on educating the public so that informed decisions can be made.

Public Comment: Eric Brooks, SF Green Party, commended Marin, addressed the issue of Navigant and voiced concern about bio-mass.

Commissioner Mirkarimi moved to continue this item to the call of the Chair.

Ayes: Chairperson Mirkarimi, Commissioners Dufty, Mar, Bornstein, and Schmeltzer.

Action: Continued to the Call of the Chair.

Items 5 and 7 were heard together.

5. Presentation by Navigant Consulting, Inc., of the Risk Assessment Study Outline.

Nancy Miller, Interim Executive Officer, SF LAFCO, introduced the Navigant Consulting, Inc., representatives for their presentation, John Dalessi, Executive Officer, and Ray Welch of the San Francisco office. Mr. Dalessi and Mr. Welch presented their outline for the Risk Assessment Study with an update of their progress. The second task they are assigned to work on is the Term Sheet, which will be presented before the Commission at a later date.

In response to Commissioner Bornstein's request, Ms. Miller agreed to report on all State Legislation that could affect this program in her Executive Officer's report each month.

Ms. Miller gave a report on her efforts to respond to the various energy advocacy groups' concerns regarding the selection of Navigant Consulting, Inc. She met with a group of advocacy representatives and presented two actions for the Commissions consideration: A) peer review of Navigant's work by Local Power, Inc., and B) the retention of Local Power as an Oversight Contractor.

Public Comment: Erick Brooks, SF Green Party, spoke about the meeting with Ms. Miller and the outcome; Joshua Arce, Brightline Defense Project, spoke about energy efficiency and the concerns of the advocates.

Item A
Chairperson Mirkarimi moved to award the contract for peer review of Navigant's work to Local Power, Inc.

Ayes: Chairperson Mirkarimi, Commissioners Dufty and Mar
Noes: Commissioner Schmeltzer

Action: Motion Passed

Item B
Chairperson Mirkarimi moved to continue Item B to the next meeting.

Action: Item B will be placed on the next meeting agenda.

6. Authorize Submission of a Grant Proposal on Behalf of the Commission to the California Energy Commission on Technology Innovations for Buildings and Communities. (Discussion and Action Item) (Attachments, pages 15-29)

Chairperson Mirkarimi moved to continue this item to the call of the Chair.

Action: Continued to the Call of the Chair.

7. Authorize the Interim Executive Officer to Contract with Local Power, Inc., to Provide Peer Review/Oversight Activities. (Discussion and Action Item) (Attachment, pages 31-33)

See Item No. 5

8. Consideration of Award of Contract for Clean Power SF: Portions of Tasks A and C: Analyze Potential City Renewable Sites and Review Government Regulations Affecting Clean Power SF. (Discussion and Action Item) (Attachment, pages 35-38)

Nancy Miller and Mike Campbell gave an overview of the history on this item and a summary of what each Task entails. Some of the items related to these Tasks need further clarification and this information will be brought back. Paul Fenn, CEO, Local Power, Inc., spoke about the challenges regarding renewable energy and the resources needed to identify and analyze possible sites.

Mr. Campbell agreed to provide data and specifications for possible sites that are City-owned. Chairperson Mirkarimi asked for an inventory list to be provided beforehand and included as part of this discussion. Mr. Campbell said he would provide this information to the Commission the following week.

Public Comment: Erick Brooks, SF Green Party, asked for a report regarding this issue from SFPUC prior to the meeting.

Chairperson Mirkarimi moved to continue this item to the call of the Chair.

Action: Continued to the Call of the Chair.

9. Status of hiring staff for CCA Implementation, Coordination and Outreach. (Discussion Item) (Attachment, pages 39-40)

Nancy Miller gave an update of the interview/hiring process and reported that 26 applications have been received so far. Ms. Miller solicited the Commission's input on the desired type of candidate and questions that could possibly be asked during the interviews. She will give an update to the Commission at the next meeting.

Public Comment: None.

Chairperson Mirkarimi moved to place this item on the next meeting agenda.

Action: This item will be placed on the next meeting agenda.

10. Executive Officer Report

No report given.

11 and 12 heard together.

11. Public Comment for Items not on the Agenda

Eric Brooks, SF Green Party, requested a report on the GES work be placed on the next agenda. Nancy Miller responded that an update of this work will be included as part of Mr. Campbell's report.

12. Future Agenda Items

13. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 5:13 p.m.

Last updated: 8/18/2009 1:54:54 PM