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June 26, 2009 - Special

San Francisco Local Agency Formation Commission

Note: Each item on the Consent or Regular agenda may include explanatory documents, including Executive Officer report and public correspondence.
These items will be available for review at City Hall, Room 244, Reception Desk.

Special Meeting - LAFCO
June 26, 2009, at 2:00 p.m.
Legislative Chamber, City Hall, Room 250

Chairperson Mirkarimi,
Members:  Commissioners Dufty, Campos, Mar and Schmeltzer
Alternate: Avalos and Bornstein

(There will be public comment on each item)

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting convened at 2:06 p.m.

Members Present: Chairperson Mirkarimi, Commissioners Dufty (arrived at 2:10 p.m.), Campos, Mar and Bornstein.

Members Absent: Commissioner Schmeltzer

2. Approval of minutes for May 29, 2009.

Public Comments: None

Commissioner Campos moved, Commissioner Mar seconded, to approve the minutes for May 29, 2009.

Ayes: Chairperson Mirkarimi, Commissioners Campos, Mar and Bornstein.
Absent: Commissioner Dufty

Action:  Approved.

Items 3, 4, 5, and 6 were heard together.

3. Report from SFPUC on the status of RFQ for Implementation of the CCA Program: Award of Contract.

Michael Campbell, CCA Director, reported on the RFQ progress made to date.  Two responses have been received and the evaluations should be done by July 4, 2009. The RFP will be issued in October 2009 with responses due in December 2009. The initial idea was to limit proposals to firms who were deemed qualified, but we have the option of opening it up to a wider pool.

Mr. Campbell also reported on State legislation that could limit CCA programs. There is an indication that this limitation was unintentional, but the Commission may want to take further action in order to encourage an amendment to the language of the legislation.

A summer intern and a full-time employee for SFPUC have been hired and will begin work on Monday. The full-time employee will participate in the hiring process for LAFCO staff.

Public Comment: Eric Brooks, SF Green Party, spoke about the importance of local renewables.

Chairperson Mirkarimi moved to continue this item to the call of the Chair.

Ayes: Chairperson Mirkarimi, Commissioners Campos, Dufty, Mar and Bornstein.

Action:  Continued to the Call of the Chair.

4. Report from SFPUC on the status of CCA activities and timeline.

See Item #3

5. Report from SFPUC on site availability in San Francisco for solar and/or wind projects.

See Item #3

6. Report from SFPUC on progress of the George E. Sansoucy Study.

See Item #3
7. Report on PG&E-sponsored State Initiative and Consideration of Resolution of Opposition and Request to Other CCAs and LAFCos to Oppose.

Nancy Miller, Interim Executive Officer, SF LAFCO, reported on a statewide ballot measure that was filed by PG&E, which requires CCA programs to get a two-thirds vote prior to providing service. Chairperson Mirkarimi requested a Closed Session be held at the next LAFCO meeting to discuss this matter further.

Public Comment: None.

Commissioner Dufty moved, and Commissioner Campos seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 2009-04 opposing the proposed California Constitutional Amendment Ballot Initiative.

Commissioner Campos moved, and Commissioner Dufty seconded, to direct the Interim Executive Officer to move forward with a memorandum to the Attorney General by July 22, 2009.


1. Adopted Resolution No. 2009-07;
 2.  Directed the Interim Executive Officer to send a memorandum to the Attorney General; and
 3.  A Closed Session on the PG&E-sponsored State Initiative will be held during the July 2009 LAFCO meeting.

8. Report and Possible Authorization for the Interim Executive Officer to contract for Oversight Activities.

Nancy Miller, Interim Executive Officer, SF LAFCO, gave an update on the contract for oversight activities that was approved during the June 2009 LAFCO meeting. The Commission requested staff to solicit bids for this project and three bids were received.

Commissioner Mar moved, and Commissioner Campos seconded, to authorize Local Power, Inc. as contractor to perform oversight activities.

Public Comment: Eric Brooks, SF Green Party, thanked Ms. Miller and Mr. Campbell and urged the Commission to use the contractor wisely.

Action:  Authorized Local Power as the contractor to perform oversight activities.

9. Status of hiring staff for CCA Implementation, Coordination and Outreach.

Nancy Miller, Interim Executive Officer, SF LAFCO, gave an update on the hiring process and reported that the first set of interviews was conducted.

A Closed Session will be held during the July 2009 LAFCO meeting to discuss the finalists and status of the hiring process for the staff person who will be heading the CCA implementation, coordination and outreach.

Public Comment:  Eric Brooks, SF Green Party, voiced his support of the closed session.

Action:  Continued to the July 2009 meeting.

10. Executive Officer Report

Nancy Miller, Interim Executive Officer, SF LAFCO, reported on the mirror bill to SB 695.

Public Comment: None.

Action:  Continued to the call of the Chair.

11. Public Comment for Items not on the Agenda

Eric Brooks, SF Green Party, spoke on the toxic materials being released as a result of the redevelopment of Bayview and Treasure Island and asked that this issue be agendized for a future LAFCO meeting; Male Speaker, spoke on issues.

12. Future Agenda Items

• Report by Local Power on their progress.

13. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 3:34 p.m.

Last updated: 10/5/2009 12:40:28 PM