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July 31, 2009 - Special

San Francisco Local Agency Formation Commission

Note: Each item on the Consent or Regular agenda may include explanatory documents, including Executive Officer report and public correspondence.
These items will be available for review at City Hall, Room 244, Reception Desk.

Special Meeting - LAFCO
July 31, 2009, at 2:00 p.m.
Legislative Chamber, City Hall, Room 250

Chairperson Mirkarimi,
Members:  Commissioners Dufty, Campos, Mar and Schmeltzer
Alternate: Avalos and Bornstein

(There will be public comment on each item)

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting convened at 2:07 p.m.

Members Present:  Schmeltzer, Mar, Mirkarimi, Campos, Bornstein, Dufty (left at 3:45 p.m.)

Members Absent:  None

2. Approval of minutes for June 26, 2009.  (Discussion and Action Item)

Public Comment:  None.

Chairperson Mirkarimi moved, Commissioner Dufty seconded, to approve the minutes for June 26, 2009.

Ayes:  Chairperson Mirkarimi, Commissioners Campos, Dufty, Mar, and

 Action:  Approved.

Items 3, 4 and 6 were heard together.

3. Report from SFPUC on the status of CCA activities and timeline.  (SFPUC Staff)
(Discussion Item)

Michael Campbell, CCA Director, gave an update of SF LAFCo’s RFP process, the progress Marin Clean Energy has made on their RFP, and the economic feasibility report. A joint meeting between SF LAFCo and SF PUC is being coordinated for September 2009.

Glenn Walker, George E. Sansoucy, P.E., LLC (GES), gave a presentation introducing GES and giving an update on the progress made on two of the tasks they were retained to review. The first task was a report on the theoretical and technical potential within the City and County of San Francisco and the second task was to analyze economic potential.

Public Comments:  Eric Brooks, SF Green Party, requested more than one provider be considered and a review of the GES report be done; Jeff Foreman spoke about CCA programs.

Chairperson Mirkarimi moved to continue these items to the call of the Chair.

Action:  Continued to the Call of the Chair.

4. Report from GES on status of the In City Renewable Resource Study.  (SFPUC Staff) (Discussion Item)

See Item No. 3

Action:  Continued to the Call of the Chair.

5. Report from Local Power, Inc. on progress of Clean Power SF and implementation timelines. (Discussion Item)

Paul Fenn, Local Power, Inc., gave a power point presentation on Local Power’s progress to date and their concerns.

Public Comment: Eric Brooks, SF Green Party, spoke about ensuring effectiveness.

Chairperson Mirkarimi moved to continue these items to the call of the Chair.

Ayes:  Chairperson Mirkarimi, Commissioners Campos, Mar, and Schmeltzer.
Absent:  Commissioner Dufty.

Action:  Continued to the Call of the chair.

6. Report on the status of Marin Clean Energy’s RFP process to select a provider.  (Discussion Item)

See Item No. 3

Action:  Continued to the Call of the Chair.

7. Presentation by Navigant Consulting, Inc., on Draft Risk Assessment Report and Public Outreach Process.  (Discussion Item)

John Dalessi, Executive Officer, Navigant Consulting, Inc., gave an overview of the report.

Public Comment:  None.

Chairperson Mirkarimi moved to continue these items to the call of the Chair.

Ayes:  Chairperson Mirkarimi, Commissioners Campos, Mar, and Schmeltzer.
Absent:  Commissioner Dufty.

Action:  Continued to the Call of the Chair.

8. Executive Officer Report

No report given.

9. Public Comment for Items not on the Agenda

Eric Brooks, SF Green Party, spoke about the Redevelopment Agency and the Mayor’s press conference.

10. Future Agenda Items


Commissioner Campos moved, Commissioner Schmeltzer seconded, to convene into closed session.

Ayes:  Chairperson Mirkarimi, Commissioners Campos, Mar, and Schmeltzer.
Absent:  Dufty

Action:  Convened into closed session.

11. PG&E-sponsored State Initiative – Potential Litigation

Action:  Continued to the Call of the Chair.

12. Senior Community Development Specialist II

Action:  Filed

13. Reconvene in Open Session

Chairperson Mirkarimi made a motion to not disclose the closed session deliberations.

Ayes:  Chairperson Mirkarimi, Commissioners Campos, Mar, and Schmeltzer.
 Absent:  Dufty

 Action:  Closed session deliberations not disclosed.

14. Adjournment

The meeting

Last updated: 10/5/2009 12:40:28 PM