Veterans' Affairs Commission - January 13, 2015 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
January 13, 2015 - 6:00pm
City Hall, Room 416
San Francisco, CA 94102

Minutes for Veterans Affairs Commission Meeting: Jan. 13, 2015


Call to Order

Having achieved a Quorum (see Roll Call, below), the January 2015 Meeting (of the SFVAC) was called to order (in City Hall Hearing Room #416) by President Stephen Noetzel at 6:00pm.  Meeting started with the traditional Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call

In Attendance for the Meeting:  (14) Commissioners: Baldonado, Caldera, Gallagher, Guy, Jenkins, Kennedy, Maffei, Marshall, Noetzel, Ramirez, Smith, Weeby, Wilkerson and Wong.   

Absent:  Excused (1) Comm. D. Dacumos (Schedule Conflict)

Absent:  Un-Excused (1) Commissioner L. Burnette

City Attorney W. Snodgrass was also present.

Note: Commission strength currently at 16 members, with one (Mayoral Appointed) Vacancy.


Approval of AGENDA

Motion to accept Agenda was made by made by Comm. Kennedy (2nd, Comm. Caldera). Without objection, the Agenda was APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY, as distributed.


Review of Minutes of Previous VAC meeting.

Motion to Approve draft of Minutes for VAC meeting of December 9, 2014 (as written by Comm. Kennedy), made by Comm. Caldera, (2nd Comm. Guy). With no objection or suggested changes, the subject Minutes were unanimously approved.


Agenda item 1 – Call for PUBLIC COMMENT

Guest LEON VEAL spoke to introduce the Commission to the PROJECT READ program at the San Francisco Public Library where he is an Outreach Coordinator working with Veterans to enhance skills in their search for careers and employment.


Agenda item 2 - Officers Reports  


A.   President’s Report;   President  Noetzel to reported on Current Vacancies on the VAC, Re-Appointments, and recruiting potential applicants.  5 VAC vacancies are expected in the next months.  Commissioner Ramirez contacted President Noetzel to advise him that he would not seek re-appointment.  Applications for VAC are currently open and there are already three candidates for the vacant positions.  President Noetzel asked for Commissioner’s assistance in recruiting qualified applicants for VAC appointment.


B. Vice Presidents Report;  In accordance with VAC Bylaws, Vice President Michael Maffei distributed copies of his DRAFT of the 2014 ANNUAL REPORT. A motion to accept the Report, as written was made by Comm. Kennedy (2nd. Comm. Baldonado).  

In discussion, Comm. Weeby asked if it might be appropriate to include a listing of the various Endorsements that the Commission had approved during the 2014 Administration Year. VP Maffei agreed to modify the Report to include such a listing. Comm. Caldera requested inclusion of our consideration of the Correction of Records for the Port Chicago Disaster sailors, and the ongoing research work on this issue. VP Maffei agreed to add information on this issue and Comm. Caldera agreed to forward suggested text for the inclusion. Hearing no further suggestions for changes, the question was called and a vote was taken on the Adoption and Ratification of the Annual Report. The vote was unanimous and the 2014 ANNUAL REPORT, as written and modified is hereby ADOPTED and RATIFIED. Comm. Maffei will insure that the Report is re-printed as adopted, and signed copies are forwarded to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors.


C.  Secretary’s Report;  Secretary Kennedy stated that he had nothing to report this month.


Agenda item 3.   NEW Business – Election of VAC Officers for 2015 Term.

A.  President Noetzel  began by asking Secretary Kennedy to review, for the record, the names of the Commissioners nominated.

They are:     

  • For the Office of VAC SECRETARY: Comm. Dwane KENNEDY

  • For the Office of VAC VICE PRESIDENT: Comm. Mike MAFFEI and Comm. Jeff MARSHALL

  • For the Office of VAC PRESIDENT: Comm. Angela JENKINS and Comm. Stephen NOETZEL


B.  President Noetzel then called for Candidate Statements, whereby nominated candidates were provided will have equal FLOOR TIME to announce their ‘Platform’, or Administrative Plans, Goals, and Vision for the VAC, if elected.


  • Commissioner Kennedy stated that if re-elected as Secretary he would continue to execute the rather extensive duties of the office of Commission Secretary - as he has done since he stepped in to ‘fill the gap’ during the non-performance of the previous Secretary in mid 2014. He said a Primary Goal was to restore confidence that the Commission business will be done in accordance with all appropriate Public Notice and record-keeping protocols.


  • Commissioner Marshall stated that if elected as Vice President he would focus on making recommendations to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors on “best practices” on policies and governance systems affecting San Francisco Veterans. 


  • Commissioner Maffei expressed a commitment to increase the effectiveness of the VAC by improving the collegiately between Commissioners.  He identified the importance of diversity on the VAC including people, opinions and experiences.   Commissioner Maffei reminded Commission that we all have military service backgrounds and share the desire to serve SF Veterans.  Commissioner Maffei acknowledged Commissioners Marshalls efforts on systemic improvements and expressed a desire to continue this effort.


  • Commissioner Jenkins reflected on her first visit to the VAC hearing and her appreciation that there was a Commission that served the needs for SF Veterans.  Commissioner Jenkins told the Commission that she served in the first Gulf War and was introduced to somebody that helped her. Now that she is retired she has time to provide service to Veterans.  She stated that she has a passion to learn and to reach out to others. Commissioner hopes that she can be a leader that others will follow when they cannot go it alone.


  • Commissioner Noetzel stated that if re-elected as President he would continue to faithfully conduct the duties of the office of Commission President – and looked forward to the opportunity to concentrate on new leadership initiatives after spending much of 2014 to cover failures of an AWOL Secretary. He stated that the Primary Goal of his Leadership effort in the New Year would be to work closely with the American Legion War Memorial Commission to insure a fair Space Allocation for Veterans and Veterans Support Groups when the newly-remodeled War Memorial Veterans Building re-opens in the fall of 2015. He said he will also be supportive of new initiatives as suggested by individual Commissioners, such as research and education around the issue of Moral Injury, as sustained by our veterans during military service.


After completion of Candidate Statements, Comm. Caldera asked for the opportunity to ask questions of the candidates.  President Noetzel agreed and opened the floor to questions.  Commissioner Caldera stated that he had been on the Commission for 7 years and there had been no African American President.  Commissioner Wilkerson stated that he had earlier served as VAC President.  Comm. Caldera further suggested that history could be made by electing an African American as VAC president.  Commissioner Caldera restated that there had never been a woman VAC president.  Commissioner Caldera stated that the S.F. Board of Supervisors recently elected an African American woman as BOS president and believes that the channels are there to elect a person to a position even if they lack the experience. Commissioner Caldera expressed his opinion that he would like to see more diversity in leadership roles on the Commission. 


Commissioner Marshall asked the Presidential Candidates why it was important to focus on the War Memorial Restoration work when there are other organizations that addressing the issues?  President Noetzel stated that the American Legion War Memorial Commission specifically asked for the support of the Veterans Affairs Commission.  Since the VAC is an advisory Commission to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors on Veterans Issues, lock step support on the War Memorial Issue is highly important issue for the VAC. 


Commissioner Jenkins offered to do more research on the War Memorial Issue and expressed her desire to reach out to help veterans including the Port Chicago matter.  Commissioner Jenkins acknowledged the efforts of President Noetzel and a desire to work together cohesively in the future.


C.  Election.  Secretary Kennedy distributed Printed Ballot, for all 3 offices. Meeting went into recess as ballots were being completed.  After tabulation of the Ballots by Secretary Kennedy and Meeting Guest Charmaine Angeles, the meeting was again called to order and Secretary announced the voting results, as follows:


  • For the office of VAC Secretary, Commissioner Kennedy (unopposed)  received a total of fourteen votes (14),  Specifically, Commissioners Baldonado, Caldera, Gallagher, Guy, Jenkins, Kennedy, Maffei, Marshall, Noetzel, Ramirez, Smith, Weeby, Wilkerson and Wong.

 President Noetzel congratulated Comm. Kennedy on his unanimous election to VAC Secretary, for the 2015 term.


  •  For the office of VAC Vice President, Commissioner Maffei received a total of ELEVEN votes (11),  specifically

  Commissioners Baldonado, Gallagher, Guy, Jenkins, Kennedy, Maffei, Marshall, Noetzel, Weeby, Wilkerson, and Wong.


  •   For the office of Vice President, Commissioner Marshall received a total of THREE votes (3), specifically Commissioners

          Caldera, Ramirez, and Smith.

  Secretary Kennedy announced therefore that by a vote of 11 votes to 3, Commissioner Michael Maffei was duly re-

                elected as the 2015 Vice President of the SFVAC. President Noetzel congratulated Comm. Maffei on his election.


  •        For the office of VAC President, Commissioner Noetzel received a total of EIGHT votes (8), specifically 

       Commissioners Baldonado, Gallagher, Kennedy, Maffei, Marshall, Noetzel, Weeby, and Wong.


  •        For the office of VAC President, Commissioner Jenkins received a total of SIX votes (6), specifically Commissioners 

       Caldera, Guy, Jenkins, Ramirez, Smith and Wilkerson.

Secretary Kennedy announced therefore that by a vote of 8 votes to 6, Commissioner Stephen Noetzel was duly re-elected as the 2015 President of the SFVAC.


Agenda item 4.  Goals and Plans for 2015 Administrative Year


President Noetzel opened the floor for Commissioners to offer their plans and goals for 2015.  Each Commissioner presented their anticipated contributions and objectives for 2015:


Comm. Kennedy said his primary goal is to serve as the Commission’s Secretary and continue to advise the Mayor and Board of Supervisors on Veterans issues associated with housing, transportation and health.


Comm. Wong’s objective is to work on Veterans housing issues (Leland Hotel), Veterans education (City College) and jobs for Veterans.  


Comm. Gallagher desires to do more proactive outreach for working veterans and resolve issues of inadequate housing for clean, sober and working veterans not just Veterans that are already down and out. 


Comm. Smith expressed is interest in working on issues around Mental Health Care (including moral injury) Education (college entry preparation) and Employment (issues that prevent employment).


Comm. Weeby would like to see more behind the scenes advocacy work and input from the Commission to populate and drive the monthly VAC agendas.  Improvements in technology provide an opportunity for Commissioners that work on Veterans issues to bring these issues to the surface and follow through with implementation. Filling vacant VAC seats with active members and improving relationships with the Mayor and Board of Supervisors is also important.


Comm. Noetzel, referred to his candidates statement and reinforced his stated goals for 2015.


Comm. Maffei referred to his candidate’s statement and reinforced his desire to improve collegiality among Commissioners and improve support from City Hall on Veterans issues.


Comm. Marshall wants to work with Mayor’s staff to focus on structural changes so that initiatives can be implemented more successfully and improve City Veterans services.


Comm. Baldonado remains focused on housing for veterans and their families, VA Medical Center services, War Memorial Building and delays in Veterans compensation.


Comm. Guy offered expressed an interest in working with homeless veterans and improving coordination with parallel Commissions in other jurisdictions to insure that Veterans needs are met.


Comm. Jenkins expressed her passion for leadership and desire to focus on camaraderie.  She stated that there should be an awareness of implicit bias in originations and within groups.  She would like to see implicit bias training in City employment and organizational activities.


Comm. Ramirez stated that while he would not be seeking re-appointment at expiration of his current Commission (at end of January).  He expressed is commitment to continue to support veterans through veterans service organizations in the future.  He will no longer be working at the VA Medical Center but remains committed to helping Veterans through his One Vet One Voice non-profit, Veterans Town Hall Collaborative and similar efforts.  He stated that there is a housing project in District 10 that is slow to develop and needs the support of the VAC.  There should also be a non-competitive employment provision within the City hiring practices.  The VAC should be the lead Commission on local VA events. 


Comm. Wilkerson stated that while he would not be seeking re-appointment at expiration of his current Commission (at end of January), he will continue to support veterans through veterans service organizations in the future. He added that he has witnessed many improvements and accomplishments over his tenure on the Commission and hopes that it will continue.


Comm. Caldera thanked the non-returning Commissioners.  Commissioner Caldera stated that as Commissioner of color, he was sad to see two Commissioners of color leave the VAC.  He expressed interest in helping veterans in crisis and the need for housing and suicide prevention. 


Agenda item 5: Veterans Related LEGISLATION.

Commissioner Wong announced a Special Notice, from the State Board of Equalization providing that Veterans who paid taxes on income as an Itinerant Vendor may be eligible for special Tax Refunds or Credits. He has sent an email to Commissioners with details on this new State Tax benefit.



Agenda item 6: WAR MEMORIAL VETERANS BUILDING  Commissioners were invited to present/discuss recent developments in this area. No further comments at this meeting.


Agenda item 7: ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Floor was opened for short announcements of veteran related events and/or activities.

While there were no specific Announcements made, Commissioners are urged to submit description of events and event details to Commissioners Marshall or Guy, for posting on the SFVAC Website and social networking pages.


Agenda item 9: Moment of Silence and Honors Report:

In memory of American Armed Service members who have made the ultimate sacrifice in all wars and conflicts, plus the passing of homeless veterans and veterans who died while waiting approval of benefits requests and suicides within the veterans and armed services community


Agenda Item 10.  ADJORNMENT 

(At 7:28pm)


Minutes of the 1/13/15 VAC Meeting written by Secretary Dwane Kennedy, and unanimously approved (after minor corrections) by the Commission at its meeting of February 10, 2015