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June 20, 2002

City Non-Profit Contracting Task Force
Standardized Forms (reporting and invoicing) Committee

Standardized Forms Committee
June 20, 2002
1:00-3:00 p.m.


Representing Non-Profit Community:
Pablo Bravo, Baker Places

Representing City Departments:
Michael Ward, Office of Contract Administration
Pauson Yun, Department of Human Services Representative
Tyrone Navarro and Michelle Ruggels, Department of Public Health
David Newcomer, Dept. of Aging and Adult Services
Larry Ross, Dept. of Aging and Adult Services (not present)
Artina Lim, Dept. of Children, Youth and Families

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 PM.

Consent Calendar
Review of past Task Force meeting minutes and Agenda.

Report of the Co-Chairs
The subcommittee members reviewed the minutes that were presented to the Thursday, June 14 Task Force Meeting. At that meeting, it was requested that the Forms Subcommittee reconvene to continue to discuss the outstanding items.

Discussion Items:

The Subcommittee recommends the following steps:

(1)          Larry Ross as the Chair of the Subcommittee should send out letters to the major Departments who are not represented at the Subcommittee table letting them know that (a) a subcommittee has been convened to standardize Citywide contract exhibits as much as possible, and (b) their presence at this meeting is desired to ensure that proposed changes to the contract documents do not adversely impact their ability to meet funding agency requirements. The Subcommittee believes that the Departments should at least include: Dept. of Public Health, Dept. of Human Services, Mayor’s Office of Community Development, Dept. of Aging and Adult Services, and Department of Children, Youth and their Families.
(2)          The Subcommittee discussed the problem that DPH will have in representing itself at the Subcommittee in that there are so many different sections with different funding agency requirements. As a result of this discussion (summarized as a recommendation in the 6/6 minutes), the Subcommittee recommends that both the larger and smaller departments conduct an internal process to determine which parts of the contract exhibits are mandatory, and why they are mandatory, i.e. funding agency requirement, and if the requested piece of information has to be collected in the existing format, i.e. the form is specific to the funding agency. Michelle Ruggels of DPH is leading this process in DPH. She is preparing a format, which if completed by Thursday will be distributed to the Task Force on 6/27 as a possible template for all of the departments to use. The Subcommittee recommends that this internal process be completed by September 30th. The goal would be for the Departments to have sufficient information to be able to sit down with the other departments and contract agencies and determine the maximum and minimum amount of changes to the documents. This should facilitate coming to an agreement on the revised forms.

(3)          The Subcommittee recommends that a progress report be submitted by each Department in the end of July and in the end of August to the full Task Force through Larry Ross.

(4)          The Subcommittee recommends that the Forms Subcommittee, with all of the appropriate representation, begin meeting again in September and continue through November. The goal would be to have recommended documents ready by the end of November or December.

Discussion of Agenda

Public Comment
There were no public comments.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 PM.
The next meeting is TBD.


Last updated: 12/6/2009 11:37:53 AM