City Non-Profit Contracting Task Force
City Non-Profit Contracting Task Force
September 19, 2002
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Representing Non-Profit Community:
Salvador Menjivar, Hamilton Family Center
Tony Michelini, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of San Francisco
Tiffany Mock-Goeman, Continuum
Jonathan Vernick, Baker Places, Inc.
Representing City Departments:
Judith Blackwell, Office of Contract Administration
Gene Coleman, Mayor’s Office of Community Development
Winna Davis, Mayor’s Office of Children, Youth, & Their Families
Kimberly Ferguson, Human Services
Larry Ross, Aging & Adult Services
Michelle Ruggels, Department of Public Health
Others: Staff:
Carmen LeFranc, Controller’s Office Henny Lee, Dept of Administrative Services
Galen Leung, Department of Public Health Rebecca Kinney, Dept of Admin. Services
Judith Stevenson, Baker Places, Inc. Angela Karikas, Deputy City Attorney
Monique Zmuda, Controller’s Office
The meeting was called to order by Co-Chair Blackwell at 1:14 P.M.
Consent Calendar
The September 12 minutes were unanimously approved.
Report of the Co-Chairs
Galen Leung, discussed the progress of Documentum. He said that program managershave been trained. The IT group has moved Documentum to a bigger server whichhas decreased turnaround time by about 50 percent. There is a pilot projectin the works for about ten contractors to begin using the system, which shouldbegin in December.
They have also been working with the Office of Contract Administration (OCA)to determine essential users in each Department and setting up OCA’s internalneeds such as archiving and sharing.
Karikas reported on the use of "master contracts" in Alameda County.Alameda does not have open-ended contracts. Their "master contract"is terms and conditions but is not a contract. The contact in Alameda saidhe had not seen any changes to the boilerplate, but that substantive changeswould probably need Board approval.
Nature & Timing of Report to Board of Supervisors
Task Force members discussed the recommendations and gave suggestions toCo-Chair Blackwell for writing the Report to the Board of Supervisors.
BP2 and TF2 (see Summary of Recommendation, 09/12/02) were discussed areto be continued at the next meeting.
Agenda Items
Public Comment
Judith Stevenson commented on the follow-up on recommendations that had notbeen approved.
Glynn Washington mentioned the charge of the Task Force.
Monique Zmuda remarked funding for Documentum and on "master contract".
The meeting was adjourned at 3:35 PM.