Director’s Report to the Mayor’s Disability Council (MDC) - February 2022

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Director’s Report to the Mayor’s Disability Council (MDC)

February 2022

Nicole Bohn, Director

Mayor’s Office on Disability


Today’s Director’s Report to the Mayor’s Disability Council (MDC) provides a snapshot of some of the core issues that the Mayor’s Office on Disability (MOD) has been engaged with since the most recent public hearing of the MDC. These are in addition to JFK Drive accessibility proposals in Golden Gate Park, the primary subject of today’s public meeting. Along with this, items for future agenda consideration are provided.


Members of the public wishing to engage with aspects of this report may contact MOD at or by calling 415 554-6789. You may join our distribution list by contacting us, or by visiting our homepage:


Notes of thanks and remembrance: Thank you to the Council, the MOD Staff and members of the disability community for your warm thoughts during my injury and extended absence. Thanks especially to the Council for your work on sidewalk safety and e-mobility resolutions while I was away.


In January, we lost disability advocate, transit activist and disability community member Bob Planthold. You will recall that he was present at most convenings of the MDC Public Meetings, and often provided the Council with items for consideration during public comment. I was reminded during his memorial service that the Council once bestowed him with the Beacon Award, given to a member of the disability community for outstanding advocacy and service. The Council may consider reinstituting this practice, perhaps in his honor.



Legislative updates: MDC and members of the public may want to engage with the following:

Local Legislation

Shared Spaces: Referral 211301: Limits on Fines for Shared Spaces Violations (Peskin): Status: 30-Day Rule  

  • The legislation limits issuance of fines for violations on some businesses utilizing outdoor dining, while maintaining the ability to fine for physical access for persons with disabilities, and first responder access.
  • Expected to be heard at Land Use and Transportation Committee in the coming weeks
  • The Council may consider hearing an enforcement update at an upcoming public meeting.

State Legislation

Virtual Meetings Open meetings: state and local agencies: teleconferences (AB 361). Status: Approved by Governor.

  • This bill allows for continued provision of virtual meetings for government agencies through January 2024.

Bill to end subminimum wage for people with disabilities in California (SB 639). Status: Signed by Governor.

  • This bill prohibits subminimum wage for people with disabilities in California.

Transportation Network Company (TNC) legislation (SB 1376): TNC Access for All Act is in pilot implementation phase. MOD, SFMTA and the County Transportation Authority (CTA) continue to be parties to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) comment proceeding, on the recommendation of the Mayor’s Disability Council.

  • The proceedings are ongoing, and are currently focused on service implementation timelines.


Disability Community Resources

Rent Help and Eviction Protection:


COVID-19 Vaccines:

  • Third doses (booster shots) are currently available for all through your health provider or pharmacy network. Homebound vaccination is still available by contacting the Call Center. Call (628) 217-6101 for more information.


Other agenda Items for future MDC Hearing consideration, action, or resolution:

  • JFK Drive access follow-up (pending today’s meeting)
  • Shared Spaces enforcement (see legislative item above)
  • Hybrid public meeting participation for people with disabilities:
    • In the Fall of 2021, the Community Alliance of Disability Advocates (CADA) letter to the Mayor’s Office and City Administrator was forwarded to the MDC regarding virtual public meetings. Now, hybrid public meetings are set to launch for policy bodies as of March 2022.
    • The Council may want to learn more about and track this effort, especially pertaining to the ongoing provision of disability access for all participants.
  • Citywide Web Accessibility Policy:
    • Dissemination of a citywide policy pertaining to accessibility and language access compliance is underway this Spring. The Council may want to learn about and track this effort, especially pertaining to remediation plans, training, and citywide compliance.
  • Waste Reduction (Plastic Straws) Ordinance implementation update
  • Accessible Business Entrance (ABE) Ordinance Program update
  • Better Market Street accessibility improvements update