Save the Date: Mayor’s Disability Council Virtual Public Meeting, March 18, 2022; 1 PM – 4 PM (Next Meeting: April 15, 2022)

Dear Community Members,




The Mayor’s Disability Council (MDC) announces their public meeting agenda items for March 18, 2022. The meeting will be held virtually. We hope that you will attend.

March 18, 2022

1 pm – 4 pm

Location: Virtual

Item 1: Keep Us connected 2022 Campaign and Empowered SF Tech Needs Assessment

Summary of key findings and recommendations for accessibility improvements and modifications of technology to San Francisco policy makers.

  • Presented by San Francisco Tech Council and the Dignity Fund Coalition

Item 2: Updates on the Disability Cultural Center and the Dignity Fund.

  • Presented by Department of Disability and Aging Services (DAS)

These virtual meetings will be broadcast on SFGov.TV cable stations 26 and 78, and may be viewed online at  Captioning and sign language interpretation provided.   A detailed agenda, along with specific instructions for viewing the meeting and participating in public comment, will be distributed by email and posted on the MOD website at least one week before each meeting. Director’s reports can be found in the “Public Notices and Meetings” section of the MDC website.

Mayor’s Office on Disability

1155 Market Street, 1st Floor

San Francisco, CA 94103

415.554.6789 Office

415.554.6159 Fax

 Follow the Mayor’s Office on Disability on Facebook!