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                                                                                        Gavin Newson
                                                                                        Susan Mizner

                                                                                       Jul Lynn Parsons
                                                                                       F. Ross Woodall 
                                                                                       Raphaella Bennin
                                                                                       Elizabeth Grigsby
                                                                                       Tatiana Kostanian 
                                                                                       Sarah Estes Merrell
                                                                                       Denise Senhaux
                                                                                       Amy Wishnie

                                          Mayor’s Disability Council
                                                 21 March 2008

1       ROLL CALL

Mayor’s Disability Council Members Present:  Raphaella Bennin, Elizabeth Grigsby, Tatiana Kostanian, Sarah Estes Merrell, Jul Lynn Parsons, Denise Senhaux and F. Ross Woodall.

Excused Absent:  Amy Wishnie

Mayor’s Office on Disability: Susan Mizner, Director; John Paul Scott, Deputy Director for Physical Access; Joanna Fraguli, Deputy Director for Programmatic Access; Ken Stein, Program Administrator; and Howard O. Wong, Council Clerk.

F. Ross Woodall, Co-Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m. 


The Council approved the agenda of the March 21, 2008 MDC Meeting.


The Council approved the Minutes from the January 18th and February 15th Meetings. 


Bob Planthold expressed his frustration that seats on the bus are not being yielded to seniors and people with disabilities.  He stated that it is a safety issue.  Mr. Planthold urged the Mayor to consider making a public service announcement on this issue because it is the law.

Lurilla Harris spoke about poor accessibility to her Credit Union and said that an accessible ramp is needed.  Susan Mizner, Director of MOD, advised Ms. Harris to call Human Rights Commission to follow-up on her complaint.

William Farrell commented on the personal impact affects on him of the State budget cuts, which have cut off his services with his therapist at the Golden Gate Regional Center. 

Walter Paulson announced that the Special Olympics is seeking athletes to participate in their sports events, and volunteers for this event.  


Co-Chair Parsons reported that there are numerous issues that the MDC continues to address including reasonable accommodations, advocacy, curb ramps, etc.  She expressed her appreciation to MOD’s Director, Susan Mizner, who has been working on the President’s Podium accessibility at the Board of Supervisor’s Chambers. 


Ms. Mizner gave a report on the following:

* Accessibility for the President’s Podium at the Board of Supervisor’s Chambers.  She stated that, while there is a great deal of disagreement, everyone agrees on the most important issues:  a)  that the podium needs to be accessible, and b)  that the work should be done as economically and efficiently as possible.  She reviewed the different designs considered, and why the proposed design was found to be best. 
* MOD is working with the City Attorney’s office on 3 class action lawsuits that have been filed against the City.  This has been time consuming due to document production and staff involvement. 
* MOD’s office has a couple of current challenges.  MOD’s Intake Coordinator is currently out on medical leave.  Also, a pipe break collapsed the ceiling in the office and flooded the reception area.  The office continues to be open for business.


Ms. Kirschbaum reported that the TEP is the first comprehensive effort in over a generation
to review San Francisco's Muni system and to recommend ways to improve service. The project
team has developed a comprehensive set of preliminary service and route proposals with the
goal of getting people to where they want to go quickly, reliably, and safely. These draft
proposals are the result of extensive outreach to Muni customers, and will be further refined
through continued public dialogue.

Some of the highlights include the following:

* 350 respondents to the survey identified themselves as seniors and people with disabilities.
* The challenges that seniors and people with disabilities face are unreliable service, pass-ups due to crowding, and standing -- both at the stop and on the vehicles.
* MTA will be working on 5 key areas: accurate schedules for reliability; adequate staffing; reliable vehicles; supervisor’s coverage and additional funding.
* Overall, their two focuses will be making both staffing & procedures/technology changes and reducing travel time & pedestrian safety.
* Some of the TEP proposals will begin as early of July 2008.

To obtain copies of the proposals, to provide comments, or for additional information, please
visit, phone 311, or email [email protected].


Bob Planthold spoke on the proposed elimination of some particular bus lines and the effect on riders, including himself.  He expressed his frustrations with MUNI not responding to complaints, including a call 6 weeks ago.

Peggy Coster expressed concern about the lack of seating for seniors and people with
disabilities in the new hybrid buses.  She stated that seniors may have to give up their seats to
make room for the wheelchair users. 

Howard Chabner stated that he likes low-floored buses because they are more accessible for
people in wheelchairs and the ride is smoother.


John Paul Scott, Deputy Director for Physical Access, introduced the updated ADA Transition Plan for Curb Ramps and Sidewalks, explaining that the update was 3 year process reassessing  previous transition plans on curb ramps and sidewalks.  A vote was taken among the MDC members and the resolution (see attached) passed unanimously. 


See attached report from Howard Chabner, Chair of the Physical Access Committee.


Deferred to the next meeting due to lack of time.


MDC Member Bennin reported that the Committee is assisting business vendors with disabilities to make a bid for laundry services at Laguna Honda Hospital and General Hospital.  In addition, they are finalizing their power point presentation on education and on the recruitment process.  They are hoping to present it to the Environmental Protection Agency which has expressed a strong interest in hiring more people with disabilities.  


MDC Member Grigsby expressed her concerns about how the proposed service cuts will affect many young people with disabilities living at home with nursing care.  She stated that the cuts may force them to live in residential facilities instead of their own residences.  MDC Member Grigsby urged the Mayor to reconsider the cuts, so that people will be able to remain in their homes and maintain their independence and dignity. 


Co-Chair Woodall adjourned the meeting at 4:10 PM.



For additional information, please contact:
Mayor’s Office on Disability
401 Van Ness, Room 300
San Francisco, CA  94102
415.554.6789 voice
415.554.6159 fax
415.554.6799 TTY
email: [email protected]

      Physical Access Committee Meeting Report
      March 14, 2008 Meeting
      by Howard Chabner, Chairman
      Attendance: This meeting was not well attended.  We strongly encourage members of the public and MDC members to attend our meetings.  It's a great opportunity to learn about and give your input on physical access projects, opportunities, barriers and issues throughout San Francisco. 
      1.  Progress update on SF General Hospital patient room access project.   John Paul Scott reported that the General Hospital project team has requested $2.7 million for the first phase of the patient room access upgrades.  They have now asked for that money to be split into two sub-phases, but both will be funded this year.  John Paul will meet with the project team and report further at our next meeting.     

      2.  Curb ramp update.  John Paul Scott reported that DPW hasn't been able to spend MOD's curb ramp money as quickly as planned because staff constraints limit DPW's ability to manage these projects [but the backlog should be completed within 6 weeks of the end of this fiscal year.

          Proposition K will provide money for new curb ramps along Hayes Street.  This proposition includes replacement of street lights and other fixtures, and the new curb cuts will be done as part of that project.  The proposition K money will be an additional source of funds for curb ramps, separate from MOD curb ramp funds.

      3.  Central Subway.   Byron Wen, John Paul Scott and I attended the February Muni Access Advisory Committee meeting and heard an excellent presentation about the Muni/MTA Central Subway from the program engineer, Albert Hoe.  We recommend that the MDC schedule the same presentation for an MDC meeting in the near future. 
          The plans and drawings have not been finalized, but, for all four stations, the conceptual drawings envision two large, glass elevators at every change in level, along with escalators and stairways.  At each station, the elevators would be easy to locate and would be physically integrated with the escalators, stairways and train platforms; they wouldn't be stuck in a dark corner.  If the stations are built as envisioned, access would be excellent.  John Paul explained to the committee how the proposed project embodies universal design principles, even though the engineer didn't explicitly mention those principles and perhaps may not consider the project in those terms.

      4.  2008 Parks Bond.  Most of the meeting was devoted to a presentation by the Rec and Park Department about the bond, which was passed in February by 71% of the voters and is part of San Francisco's 10 year capital plan that includes various bond measures through the year 2015.  Rec and Park planner Karen Mauney-Brodek gave an extremely thorough, clear presentation about how the $185 million bond money, plus other money will be spent to upgrade and repair neighborhood parks, waterfront parks and Bay access, restrooms, athletic fields, trails, trees and other amenities.  Along with Rhoda Parhams and Paulina Araica of Rec and Park’s capital group, she described everything from the way the bond works to how they decided on and prioritized the projects.  This impressive, well-thought out plan is available on the Rec and Park website.

   Here are the access highlights:

      Rec and Park made a detailed assessment of capital needs, of which this bond is only part.  In arriving at the total amount, they assessed the needs throughout the system and then added 25% for access.
      All restrooms that will be renovated or replaced will be made accessible.  In many parks and playgrounds there are old, decrepit concrete restrooms; these will be replaced with new, accessible ones.
      Neighborhood parks are a major focus of the bond money.  In many neighborhood parks, the rec centers also function as emergency disaster shelters, so making them accessible and seismically safe is a very high priority.
      Rec and Park doesn't have its own ADA coordinator.  They use DPW and also they go through the usual permit process, which includes, of course, ADA plan checking at the Building Department.
      For playgrounds, there aren't any final legally binding access standards.  The US Access Board, which acts very slowly, has proposed rules; Rec and Park, and its counterparts in other cities, use these as a nonbinding set of best practices.
         Next Meeting

         Next meeting will be Friday, April 11; from 1:30 to 3:30 at City Hall, Room 421.


      1) Continuation of SF General Hospital accessible patient and public area toilets and showers.
      2) Possible presentation on the temporary TransBay Terminal going in at Howard and Main.



San Francisco Mayor's Disability Council Resolution
Endorsing City and County of San Francisco’s
Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan
For Curb Ramps and Sidewalks, Updates and Revisions,
Dated January 9, 2008

Whereas the City and County of San Francisco has an obligation under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other disability rights laws, to provide equal access to all City and County programs and activities, including curb ramps and accessible routes on sidewalks within the public right of way; and
Whereas in an economic environment of limited capital funding sources, competing needs for social service program funding, accessible and affordable housing, ADA Transition Plan for buildings and facilities, and other capital projects funded through the General Fund, the City and County must prioritize efforts for the removal of barriers within the public right of way under its jurisdiction; and,
Whereas the City and County of San Francisco’s Department of Public Works (DPW), in conjunction with the Mayor’s Office on Disability (MDC) has developed an Updated and Revised ADA Transition Plan for Curb Ramps and Sidewalks (the Plan), dated January 9, 2008 to meet the projected need for new construction and reconstruction of curb ramps, and maintenance for the state of good repair of sidewalks in the public right of way; and
Whereas the Plan contains systems of prioritization for planning construction or reconstruction of curb ramps and maintenance of sidewalks, as determined by citizen complaint, recommendations by  ADA Title II and through a grading system of evaluating the condition of existing curb ramps, and
Whereas, DPW and MOD have develop the Plan to be flexible and responsive to assess and reflect the particular needs and priorities that may be made evident on a yearly basis, and integrated into the City and County’s 10 Year Capital Plan, and
Whereas, MDC and DPW has solicited public input including participation by individuals with disabilities and groups that represent individuals with disabilities in the development of this plan and system of priorities; and
Whereas, the Plan integrated with the City and County’s 10 Year Capital Plan, and
Whereas, as required under the ADA, the Director of DPW is designated as the official responsible for the implementation of the Plan, and
Whereas the Plan, as required by the ADA, is made available to the public for review through multiple means (hard copy, website, electronic, etc),
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor’s Disability Council (MDC) recommends to the Mayor of San Francisco and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors that the City and County adopt the ADA Transition Plan for Curb Ramps and Sidewalks as updated and revised, and dated January 9, 2008.



September 21, 2007  Mayor’s Disability Council – ADOPTED

Ayes: 7 - Jul Lynn Parsons, F. Ross Woodall, Elizabeth Grigsby, Denise Senhaux, Tatiana Kostanian, Sarah Estes Merrell and Raphaella Bennin.

Absent:  Amy Wishnie

Minutes – Mayor’s Disability Council – 03/21/08                                    2






401 Van Ness, Room 300, San Francisco, CA  94102        415.554.6789     415.554.6159 fax
              415.554.6799 TTY     [email protected]