Mayor’s Disability Council
Friday December 17, 2010
Present: Jul Lynn Parsons, Ross Woodall, Raphaella Bennin, Harriet Chan, Wendy James, Tatiana Kostanian, Idell Wilson, and Roland Wong, and Denise Senhaux (via the Bridge Line).
Mayor’s Office on Disability: Susan Mizner, Director; John Paul Scott, Deputy Director for Physical Access; Ken Stein, Program Administrator; Joanna Fraguli, Deputy Director for Programmatic Access; and Mabel Martinez, Council Clerk.
2. PUBLIC COMMENT: Items not on today’s agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the MDC.
William Ferrell stated that in the spirit of Christmas and New Years we must remember
those less fortunate than ourselves.
John Alex Lowell, of the Pedestrian Safety Access Safety Committee, stated their annual report was released and approved. Co Chair Woodall asked about Mr. Lowell about both The Mayor’s Office on Disability’s (MOD) and the Mayor’s Disability Council’s (MDC) involvement in the creation of the annual report as well as expressed concern that the council only received the report a few days prior to the meeting. Mr. Lowell said that both MOD and MDC involvement had been inadequately sought, and he looks forward to working more closely with both groups in the coming year.
Presentations by Jim Brune, Executive Director, DCARA; Lisa Hoffmann, Department of Emergency Management; Rhianon Giutierrez; MDC Members and others.
A. Accessibility of Web Information and Services Provided by Entities Covered by the ADA
Jim Brune discussed two different evaluation standards by which to measure the accessibility of a website. Mr. Brune explained that either technical standards or performance standards could be adopted. Technical standards are specific rules which a website must follow to be in compliance whereas a performance standard is a general requirement that a website function to produce a certain outcome without outlining the specific method for obtain that result.
Council member Bennin pointed out that neither standard is required at this time, these are simply recommendations. Also the standard chosen would not be required to implement for two years, which Ms. Bennin believes is too long.
Mr. Brune concurred that two years is too long to wait.
Director Susan Mizner clarified that the ADA has no requirements specific for the web, but that there are expectations for Title II and Title III of the ADA.
Co Chair Parsons asked which standard should be adopted.
Mr. Brune replied that a performance standard should be adopted because ethe internet and technology change so rapidly that technical standards become obsolete very quickly.
B. Accessibility of Next Generation 9-1-1
Lisa Hoffmann discussed Next Generation 9-1-1. Currently 9-1-1 runs on an analog system which does not allow for text, email, and video teleconference options as methods to contact 9-1-1. Ms. Hoffmann said that the goal is to create a nationwide system that would keep pace with advances in technology. At this point in time a strategic method is being mapped out. There is no certain timeline as to when Next Generation 9-1-1 will be completed, but there is a prototype for a more advanced 9-1-1 system being worked on in Butte County.
Ms. Hoffmann will be attending the DOJ hearing on January 10, 2011 and will present a statement from the perspective of the 911 industry.
C. Movie Captioning and Video Description
Rhianon Giutierrez discussed the importance of movie captions in theatres and audio description availability. Ms. Giutierrez stressed the importance of people’s attending the DOJ hearing on January 10, 2011 to voice your opinion and to share their personal stories as to why captions and audio descriptions should be included in every movie so that everyone can enjoy viewing a film.
Lucas Tobin stated that a lack of captioning in movie theatres is not due to lack of technology, as is evidenced by the fact that movies viewed at home are captioned.
Co-Chair Woodall pointed out that audio description has to be put in when the movie is made.
Peggy Coster commented that there is a need for captioning with contrast between the captioning and the movie being viewed so that it is easy to read. She also talked about the need for greater web accessibility because it is hard to reach people on the phone for information.
D. Equipment and Furniture
Joanna Fraguli stated that she cannot transfer herself to a medical examination table and that a medical exam done in her chair is not adequate. It is paramount for people with mobility disabilities to have accessible equipment in a hospital..
John Paul Scott stated that there are accessible weight machines and examination tables at San Francisco General Hospital.
Ken Stein pointed out that accessible furniture also covers information kiosks
Council Member Wong said that there is a lack of accessible exercise equipment for people with disabilities. His doctor suggested he exercise, but there is no equipment available.
Peggy Coster said that when she works from her wheelchair she becomes sore. She would like accessible furniture and would like the internet to have speech technology capabilities.
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is seeking public comment on the above four proposed rules. DOJ will be holding a public hearing to receive public comments here in San Francisco on January 10th 2011 at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis Hotel, 55 Fourth Street, between 9:30 AM and 4 PM. For additional information, visit:
4. INFORMATION ITEM: Report from the Chair
Co Chair Woodall commented on the presentations and the importance of the DOJ proposals and how they can benefit all aspects of the lives of people with disabilities
Denise Senhaux reported to the Council about an amendment to the Social Security Act to permit persons with disabilities to accept scholarships and fellowships without interfering with their eligibility to receive SSI. This amendment is in honor of Paul Longmore. The petition is available on MOD’s website.
5. INFORMATION ITEM: Correspondence.
There was no correspondence.
The meeting was adjourned in Memory of HIV AIDS Activist Randy Allgaier.
Following adjournment of the meeting there was a holiday party at the Mayor’s Office on Disability located at 401 Van Ness Avenue, Room 300.
Last updated: 2/3/2014 11:01:14 AM