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June 15, 2012

Regular Meeting of
Mayor’s Disability Council
Friday June 15, 2012
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
City Hall, Room 400

1:00 p.m.


2. ACTION ITEM: Reading and Approval of the Agenda.

3. PUBLIC COMMENT: Items not on today’s agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the MDC. Each speaker is limited to three minutes.

4. INFORMATION ITEM: Report from the Chair.

5. INFORMATION ITEM: Report from the Director of the Mayor’s Office on Disability.

6. INFORMATION ITEM: Introduction of Newly-Appointed SFMTA Board Member Cristina Rubke.

7. INFORMATION ITEM: Addressing the Veterans Disability Claims Backlog. A Report-back and follow-up on the May 21st Town Hall Meeting with Congresswomen Barbara Lee and Jackie Spier. Presentation by Star Lara, Swords to Plowshares.

[Public Comment Is Welcome]

8. INFORMATION ITEM: ILRCSF ADA Anniversary Event: Veterans Telling Their Stories – A Celebration of the Americans With Disabilities Act, featuring the art and writings of U.S. military veterans with disabilities. Art exhibit and literary reading July 26th 2012, at the Veteran’s Memorial Building, 401 Van Ness, 5:30-8;30pm.

Veterans Telling Their Stories is a collaborative project of the Independent Living Resource Center San Francisco, American Legion Post 315, and the The Veteran’s Art Guild. Presentations by Lana Nieves, ILRCSF & JeanChas Morris, Veterans Media Center SF.

[Public Comment Is Welcome]

2:00 BREAK – The Council will take a 10-minute break.

9. ACTION ITEM: Co-Chairs Election

10. INFORMATION ITEM: Report from the Disability Disaster Preparedness Committee.

11. INFORMATION ITEM: Report from the Physical Access Committee.

12. PUBLIC COMMENT: Items not on today’s agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the MDC. Each speaker is limited to three minutes.

13. INFORMATION ITEM: Correspondence.

14. DISCUSSION ITEM: Council Member comments and announcements.


Regular Meetings – Third Friday of the month
Next Regular Meeting: Friday, July 20th, 2012, 1-4 PM, City Hall, Room 400

Last updated: 3/28/2014 2:07:31 PM