Rincon Hill
Vision for a New Neighborhood in Rincon Hill
Rincon Hill: Past and Present
1. Land Use
  Encourage the Development of a Unique, Dynamic, Mixed-Use Residential Neighborhood Close to Downtown...
RIN.LUS.1.2   Maximize Housing on Rincon Hill...
RIN.LUS.1.3   Create Space for Additional Uses to Provide Needed Services...
RIN.LUS.1.4   Allow Existing Industrial, Service and Office Uses to Remain...
RIN.LUS.1.5   Add Life and Activity to the District's Public Spaces...
RIN.LUS.P   Policies
RIN.LUS.P.1.1   Residential
RIN.HOU 2. Housing
RIN.HOU.2.1   Provide Quality Housing in a Pleasant Environment...
RIN.HOU.2.2   Encourage New Housing Production That Meets a Variety of Housing Needs...
RIN.HOU.2.3   Encourage New Housing Production of an Adequate Size and Configuration to Serve Families
RIN.HOU.2.4   Preserve Existing Housing Units on Guy Place and Lansing Street
RIN.HOU.P   Policies
RIN.HOU.P.2.1   Housing Affordability
RIN.URB 3. Urban Design
RIN.URB.3.1   Achieve an Aesthetically Pleasing Residential Community
RIN.URB.3.2   Develop a Distinctive Skyline Form...
RIN.URB.3.3   Respect the Natural Topography of the Hill...
RIN.URB.3.4   Preserve Views of the Bay and the Bay Bridge...
RIN.URB.3.5   Maintain View Corridors Through the Area by Means of Height and Bulk Controls...
RIN.URB.3.6   Ensure Adequate Light and Air to the District...
RIN.URB.3.7   Reduce the Present Industrial Scale of the Streets...
RIN.URB.3.8   Encourage a Human Scale Streetscape...
RIN.URB.3.9   Minimize the Visual Impacts of Residential Parking, Loading, Utilities and Services...
RIN.URB.3.10   Relate the Height and Bulk of Podium Buildings to the Width of the Street...
RIN.URB.3.11   Preserve and Enhance the Character and Scale of Finely-Grained Residential Areas...
RIN.URB.P   Policies
RIN.URB.P.3.1   Towers
RIN.URB.P.3.10   Podium and Gound Floor
RIN.ROS 4. Recreation, Open Space, and Community Facilities
RIN.ROS.4.1   Create a Variety of New Open Spaces and Community Facilities...
RIN.ROS.4.2   Create a New Neighborhood Park to Serve the District
RIN.ROS.4.3   Link the Area Via Pedestrian Improvements to Major Open Spaces...
RIN.ROS.4.4   Ensure Adequate Sunlight and Minimize Wind and Shadow on Public Streets and Open Spaces
RIN.ROS.4.5   Use Excess Street Space on Spear, Main, and Beale Streets for Sidewalk Widenings...
RIN.ROS.4.6   Create an Inviting and Pleasant Mid-Block Pedestrian Corridor to the Waterfront
RIN.ROS.4.7   Require Private Development to Contribute to the Creation, Maintenance, and Operations of Open Spaces and Community Facilities...
RIN.ROS.4.8   Ensure That There Are Adequate School Facilities...
RIN.ROS.P   Policies
RIN.ROS.P.4.1   Public Open Space System
RIN.ROS.P.4.6   Developer Contributions to Public Open Space
RIN.ROS.P.4.8   Private Residential Open Space
RIN.SAT 5. Streets and Transportation
RIN.SAT.5.1   Create Safe and Pleasant Pedestrian Networks...
RIN.SAT.5.2   Widen Sidewalks, Reduce Street Widths, and Make Other Pedestrian and Street Improvements...
RIN.SAT.5.3   Prioritize Pedestrian Safety Through Street and intersection Improvements....
RIN.SAT.5.4   Improve Transit Service To and From Rincon Hill
RIN.SAT.5.5   Manage Parking Supply and Pricing to Encourage Travel by Foot, Public Transportation...
RIN.SAT.5.6   Improve Local and Regional Traffic Flows and Transit Movements....
RIN.SAT.5.7   Maintain the Potential for a Bay Bridge Bicycle/Pedestrian/Maintenance Path...
RIN.SAT.5.8   Encourage State Agencies to Allow the Re-opening of Beale Street Under the Bay Bridge....
RIN.SAT.5.9   Require Private Development to Contribute to the Creation and On-going Maintenance and Operations of Streetscapes....
RIN.SAT.P   Policies
RIN.SAT.P.5.1   Implement the Rincon Hill Streetscape Plan
RIN.SAT.P.5.2   Living Streets
RIN.SAT.P.5.3   Folsom Street
RIN.SAT.P.5.4   Harrison, First and Fremont Streets
RIN.SAT.P.5.6   Guy Place and Lansing Street
RIN.SAT.P.5.7   Mid-Block Pedestrian Pathways
RIN.SAT.P.5.8   Transit
RIN.SAT.P.5.9   Parking
RIN.PVN 6. Preservation
RIN.PVN.6.1   Preserve and Adaptively Reuse Those Buildings in the Area Which Have Particular Architectural or Historical Merit...
RIN.PVN.6.2   Rehabilitate the Sailor's Union of the Pacific Building...
RIN.PVN.P   Policies
RIN.IMP 7. Implementation
RIN.IMP.7.1   Ensure That Private Development Provides Funding For Public Improvements...
RIN.IMP.7.2   Minimize the Amount of Direct Public Funding That Must Be Used to Fund and Maintain Public Improvements
RIN.IMP.7.3   Use Local SoMa Residents and First Source Employees and Provide Adequate Job Training...
RIN.IMP.P   Policies
RIN.PPJ 8. Pipeline Projects