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January 11, 2011




Tuesday, January 11, 2011

3:30 p.m., City Hall, Room 406

Committee Members: James Knoebber (Chair), Richard Knee, Allyson Washburn

Call to Order: 3:30 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Knoebber, Knee, Washburn

Agenda Changes: No change

Deputy City Attorney: Jerry Threet (not present)
Clerk Chris Rustom


Approval of Dec. 14, 2010, regular meeting minutes.

Member Knee, seconded by Member Washburn, moved to continue the item to the next meeting.

Public Comment: None

The motion carried on the following vote:
Ayes: 3 – Knee, Washburn, Knoebber



Determination of jurisdiction on complaint filed by Debra Benedict against the non-profit San Francisco Bar Association for allegedly not notifying the public of a change in meeting date and location.

Heard: The complainant was not present. Mairi McKeever spoke in defense of the San Francisco Bar Association.

Member Knee, seconded by Member Washburn, moved to find jurisdiction.

Public Comment: None

The motion carried on the following vote:
Ayes: 3 – Knee, Washburn, Knoebber



Determination of jurisdiction on complaint filed by Jason Grant Garza against the Haight Ashbury Free Clinics for allegedly withholding medical records related to two visits he made in 2010.

Heard: Complainant Jason Grant Garza presented his case for jurisdiction. Dr. Mark Sears spoke in defense of the Haight Ashbury Free Clinics.

Member Knee, seconded by Member Washburn, moved to find jurisdiction.

Public Comment: None

The motion carried on the following vote:
Ayes: 3 – Knee, Washburn, Knoebber


Administrator’s Report.

Mr. Rustom made the report.

Public Comment: None.


Public comment for items not listed on the agenda: None.


Announcements, comments, questions, and future agenda items from Committee members.

Member Knee said the Society of Professional Journalists has extended the deadline for accepting nominations for its annual James Madison Award, and details are available at


There being no further business, the Complaint Committee adjourned at the hour of 3:45 p.m.

This meeting has been audio recorded and is on file in the Office of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, Rm. 244, City Hall, No. 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102, Phone 554-7724 and at

Last updated: 2/9/2011 9:39:42 AM