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October 12, 2000





Thursday, October 12, 2000

1:30 p.m.

City Hall, Hearing Room 406

Committee Members

    Judy Appel, Chair, Present

    Bruce Brugmann, Absent

    Daniel Guillory, Present

1. Approval of minutes of September 21, 2000.

    Approved. (Guillory/Appel)

2. Report from Committee Chair of meeting with Task Force Chair regarding complaint procedures

    Judy Appel reported on the meeting of October 11 regarding complaint procedures. The meeting was attended by Hilda Bernstein, Bob Planthold, Jackie Minor, Donna Hall, and Judy Appel. General discussion was held at the 10/11/00 meeting regarding streamlining the complaint process, i.e., possibly having hearings at the committee level; looking at ways to streamline the hearing process; possibly having Complaint Committee look at complaints to see if they are factual. The Complaint Committee to discuss further when all members are present to see if changes could be made to streamline the process and have a considerable amount of work done at the Committee level while not inhibiting the process for persons filing complaints.

3. Complaint of Davis Reno/Attorneys regarding Human Rights Commission

    Committee determination this was within jurisdiction of the Task Force. Amy Ackerman, represented the City Attorney’s Office. Administrator to contact Human Rights Commission again to request written response. Jackie Minor, City Attorney’s Office, stated the Human Rights Commission has been told the request are public records. Public hearing set for 10/24 unless Complainants agree to put off until November in the hopes the records are forthcoming.

4. Complaint # 16 of John Jenkle, regarding Task Force Committee meeting not noticed to Complainant

    This complaint has been withdrawn.

    Jackie Minor offered suggesting the Task Force might want to look at procedures of how to handle complaints that are made against the Task Force.

5. Amendment to Complaint Committee procedures

    At the next Complaint Committee meeting discuss the proposed amendments to the Complaint Procedures, i.e., B 4. rotation of members to Committee, and also B 6. the jurisdictional item; and also the items that were discussed at the meeting on October 11, 2000 with the Chair.

    Possibly have two short Complaint Committee meetings a month to handle the jurisdictional issue and the notifying of departments. If there are no "red flags" regarding jurisdiction, the letter notifying departments may be sent as soon as complaint is received.

    Judy Appel to put together a list to discuss at the next Complaint Committee meeting.

6. Public Comment

    No public comment.

    The meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.

Submitted by Donna L. Hall, Administrator

Last updated: 8/18/2009 1:56:57 PM