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November 16, 2000






Thursday, November 16, 2000

12:00 Noon

City Hall, Room 479

Committee Members

Judy Appel, Chair

Bruce Brugmann

Daniel Guillory

Roll Call: All present

1. Approval of minutes of October 12, 2000.

Motion adopted approving minutes. (Guillory/Brugmann)

2. Amendments to Complaint Committee procedures

Motion adopted approving the Public Complaint Procedures as attached and to send to the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force for approval. (Guillory/Brugmann)

Motion adopted to continue to have the Complaint Committee involved in the conflict of interest portion (B. 12). (Brugmann/Guillory)

3. Complaint of James Corrigan regarding Board of Supervisors Finance Committee

Motion adopted determining the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force did not have jurisdiction over the comment made to Mr. Corrigan by Supervisor Bierman at a Board of Supervisor's Finance and Labor Committee Meeting; the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force did have jurisdiction over the time-limit issue; this recommendation to be sent to the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force. (Guillory/Appel)

Administrator to contact Mr. Corrigan and explain to him the recommendation of the Complaint Committee, i.e., the determination of non-jurisdiction over Supervisor Bierman's comment; and the time-limit issue to be addressed in conjunction with another petition; a hearing on Mr. Corrigan's complaint will not be held at this time; Mr. Corrigan will be kept advised of the progress of the time-limit issue.

4. Email complaint

Discussion of Pasquariello complaint regarding email and finalize recommendation to the Task Force

Motion adopted to recommend to the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force an Order of Determination that the SOTF is unable to make a determination that the subject email requested in the petition was in fact a public document because that email no longer existed at the time of the complaint; send a letter to Bevan Dufty of the Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services, and a letter to Hillary Gittleman, Planning Department, stating that they should be cognizant of the fact that until further clarification is communicated regarding email policy, an email message may hold the same significance as a written document; and request the assistance of the City Attorney in clarifying the City's policy regarding retention of emails records, and sending a memorandum to city personnel regarding this policy. (Appel/Brugmann)

Mr. Pasquariello's Order of Determination to include a copy of the email retention memo.

5. Orders of Determination

Discussion if further action is required regarding the Orders of Determination.

Committee agreed that all Orders of Determination be forwarded to the entire Task Force; also, when Letters of Censure are prepared to a Commission, that the letter be addressed to the Commission and to the Department Director.

6. Setting date of regular meetings

Regular meeting set for the second Thursdays of each month, noon. However, the December meeting to be December 7.

7. Public Comment

No public comment.

The meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m.

Donna L. Hall, Administrator


Last updated: 8/18/2009 1:56:57 PM