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May 13, 2003




Tuesday, May 13, 2003
4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 406

Committee Members: Sue Cauthen, Chair; Doug Comstock; David Parker

Note: Action items: First name indicates Member making motion; second name indicates member seconding motion. All items unanimous except as noted.

The meeting was called to order at 4:07 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Cauthen, Parker; Absent: Comstock


Approval of minutes of April 8, 2003.

Minutes approved. (Cauthen/Parker). Absent: Comstock

Public comment from Mr. Peter Warfield recommending format changes to the meeting minutes.


Determination of jurisdiction of complaint Daisy Buel against the Greenbook Project for failure to provide records.

Ms. Daisy Buel spoke in support of her complaint.

Motion adopted approving jurisdiction of the complaint. (Cauthen/Parker) Absent: Comstock


Determination of jurisdiction of complaint of Jason Grant Garza against the City Attorney’s Office for failure to provide records.

Motion adopted approving jurisdiction of the complaint. (Cauthen/Parker) Absent: Comstock


Determination of jurisdiction of complaint of Peter Warfield against the San Francisco Public Library Commission for failure to provide meaningful description on agenda.

Mr. Peter Warfield spoke in support of his complaint.

Motion adopted approving jurisdiction of the complaint. (Cauthen/Parker) Absent: Comstock


Public comment on items not listed on agenda.

Public comment from Mr. Emeric Kalman regarding a meeting of the Recreation and Park Department on May 12, 2003, public records requests, and compliance with the Sunshine Ordinance.

Public comment from Mr. Peter Warfield regarding written and oral public records requests and encouraging the Task Force to increase the specificity of Orders of Determination. (See attached summary of Mr. Warfield’s comments.)


Future Committee items.

Member Parker submitted letter of apology regarding statements he had made at the regular meeting of the Task Force on April 22 regarding the Complaint Committee Chair.

The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.

*The May 13, 2003 Complaint Committee meeting has been recorded and is on file in the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Office.

Last updated: 8/18/2009 1:56:57 PM