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February 10, 2004





Tuesday, February 10, 2004
4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 406


Committee Members: Doug Comstock, Chair, Bruce Brugmann, Sue Cauthen, Garrett Jenkins

Note: Action items: First name indicates Member making motion; second name indicates member seconding motion. All items unanimous except as noted.

Roll Call: Present: Comstock, Cauthen (entered during Item 3), Brugmann, Jenkins


Approval of minutes of January 13, 2004. Approved. (Jenkins/Brugmann) (Cauthen absent)


Determination of jurisdiction of complaint of John M. Kelly against the Department of Building Inspection alleging (a) that his requests were not responded to in a timely manner and (b) that when the Department responded, the Department did not fully comply with the records request.

Motion adopted approving jurisdiction of t his complaint. (Brugmann/Jenkins) (Cauthen absent)


Determination of jurisdiction of complaint Oliver Luby and Kevin DeLiban against the Ethics Commission alleging deleting of email and attachments that were sent to the Ethics Commission.

Complainant Kevin DeLiban addressed the Committee in support of jurisdiction of this complaint.

Complainant Oliver Luby addressed the Committee in support of jurisdiction of this complaint.

Ginny Vida, Ethics Commission, addressed the Committee in support of non-jurisdiction of this complaint.

Mabel Ng, Ethics Commission, addressed the Committee in support of non-jurisdiction of this complaint.

Member Cauthen entered the meeting at this time.

Public comment from David Pilpel in support of jurisdiction of this complaint and stating importance of retention periods.

Public comment from Paul Melbostad requesting Task Force to proceed with jurisdiction of this complaint.

Public comment from Charles Marsteller regarding retention policy flaw.

Public comment from Mark Soloman regarding accountability of Ethics Commission.

Public comment from Bob D. requesting jurisdiction of this complaint.

Public comment from Randall Knox requesting jurisdiction of this complaint.

Motion adopted approving jurisdiction of this complaint. (Jenkins/Cauthen)

Member Brugmann submitted comments from Terry Francke; Terry Francke information to be included in the Task Force meeting packet of February 24, 2004.

Member Comstock expressed concern regarding records retention policies.


Public comment on items not listed on agenda.

Public comment from David Pilpel regarding retention of records.


Future Committee items.

No discussion.

The meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m.

Donna L. Hall, Administrator

*The February 10, 2004 Complaint Committee meeting has been recorded and is on file in the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Office.



Last updated: 8/18/2009 1:56:57 PM