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April 13, 2004





Tuesday, April 13, 2004
4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 406

Committee Members: Doug Comstock, Chair, Bruce Brugmann, Sue Cauthen

Note: Action items: First name indicates Member making motion; second name indicates member seconding motion. All items unanimous except as noted.

Roll Call: All present


Approval of minutes of February 10, 2004.

Minutes approved (Brugmann/Cauthen)


Determination of jurisdiction of complaint of Peter Warfield against the Public Library for alleged failure to provide requested information relating to RSI related employee injuries/problems.

Complainant Warfield addressed the Task Force in support of his complaint.

Jurisdiction approved. (Cauthen/Brugmann)


Determination of jurisdiction of complaint of Peter Warfield against the Public Library for alleged failure to provide complete requested information regarding the RFID forum.

Complainant Warfield addressed the Task Force in support of his complaint.

Jurisdiction approved. (Cauthen/Brugmann)


Determination of jurisdiction of complaint of Peter Warfield against the Public Library for alleged failure to provide requested information regarding audio and video tapes of a commission meeting.

Complainant Warfield addressed the Task Force in support of his complaint.

Jurisdiction approved. (Cauthen/Brugmann)


Determination of jurisdiction of complaint of Peter Warfield against the Public Library for alleged failure to provide requested information regarding draft minutes.

Complainant Warfield addressed the Task Force in support of his complaint.

Jurisdiction approved. (Cauthen/Brugmann)

Member Brugmann suggested it could be helpful if a Task Force representative met with the Public Library regarding the continuing complaints.


Public comment on items not listed on agenda.

Peter Warfield addressed the Task Force suggesting publicity would be important, i.e., a newsletter on the web.

David Pilpel addressed the Task Force regarding the Planning Department requesting a document be filled out to review a record; and the Contract Administration Department regarding the Department requesting public records requests be in writing.


The meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m.

Submitted by Donna L. Hall, Administrator

*The April 13, 2004 Complaint Committee meeting has been recorded and is on file in the Sunshine Ordinance task Force Office.

Last updated: 8/18/2009 1:56:57 PM