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July 20, 2004






(From 7-13-04 to)

Tuesday, July 20, 2004
4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 406

Committee Members: Sue Cauthen, Chair; Alexandra Nickliss; David Parker

Note: First name indicates Member making motion; second name indicates Member seconding motion. All items carried unanimously except as noted.

Call to Order: 4:00 p.m.

Roll Call: All present

Agenda Changes: Item 2 removed from agenda.


Approval of minutes of June 8, 2004. Approved (Parker/Nickliss)


Determination of jurisdiction of complaint of Doug Comstock against Adult Probation for failure to file sole source contract report for Fiscal Year 02/03.



Determination of jurisdiction of complaint of John Kelly against the Department of Building Inspection and Department Deputy Director for alleged failure to provide copies of requested records; and for "official misconduct" by willfully failing to provide a response to a records request.

Mr. Kelly addressed the Committee in support of his complaint, stating he was not raising a time issue with regard to this complaint.

Motion introduced approving jurisdiction of this complaint removing the time issue from the jurisdiction letter. (Parker/Nickliss) (Ayes: Parker) (Noes: Nickliss, Cauthen) The motion failed.

Motion adopted approving jurisdiction of this complaint as outlined in the jurisdictional letter. (Nickliss/Cauthen) (Ayes: Nickliss, Cauthen) (Noes: Parker) The motion carried.


Determination of jurisdiction of complaint of Matthew Hirsch against the Mayor’s Office for alleged failure to provide requested information.

Matthew Hirsch addressed the Committee in support of his complaint.

Public comment from Emeric Kalman regarding his experience receiving information for requests for information from Commission applicants.

Motion adopted approving jurisdiction of this complaint as outlined in the jurisdictional letter. (Nickliss/Parker)


Direction of Complaint Committee.

--Discussion of work program for 2004.

Member Parker, Chair of the Public Education & Information Committee, stated he was preparing a letter to be sent to departments offering training for their public information persons.

Motion adopted requesting representatives from departments to appear before the Complaint Committee for the discussion of jurisdiction. (Nickliss/Parker)


Public Comment for items not listed on agenda.

Public comment from Peter Warfield requesting draft Orders of Determination be made by the Complaint Committee

Public Comment from male speaker regarding Love Parade and complaint against the Entertainment Commission.

The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.

Submitted by Donna L. Hall, Administrator

*This meeting has been audio recorded and is on file in the office of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force.

Last updated: 8/18/2009 1:56:57 PM