Tuesday, March 8, 2005
4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 406
Committee Members: Sue Cauthen, Chair; Heather Sterner
Call to Order: The meeting convened at 4:18 p.m.
Roll Call: Present: Cauthen, Sterner
Agenda Changes: Meeting moved to Room 416
Deputy City Attorney: Ernie Llorente
Committee Clerk: Victor Young
Approval of minutes of February 8, 2005
Motion to approve the minutes. (Cauthen/Sterner)
Ayes: Cauthen, Sterner
Determination of jurisdiction of complaint of Dr. Ahimsa Porter Sumchai against (1) Supervisor Sophie Maxwell for alleged use of Committee Report format to block item by item analysis and restricting public comment and (2) CCSF contractor Lennar Developers for blocking radio access to a public hearing of the Redevelopment Commission CAC on 9/18/04.
Speakers: Dr. Ahimsa Porter Sumchai, complainant
David Pilpel, member of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force speaking under Public Comment
Regarding the complaint against the CCSF contractor, Lennar Developers alleged blocking radio access to a public hearing of the Redevelopment Commission CAC on 9/18/04, it was determined the SOTF does not have jurisdiction over this and has requested the SOTF Administrator follow-up with CAC regarding a letter sent by CAC Chair, Scott Madison to Mr. Roy Willis, inquiring about the circumstances surrounding the matter.
Motion to grant jurisdiction for alleged inadequate proper noticing of the December 6, 2004 Land Use Committee meeting pertaining to the 14 items relating to the Hunters Point Shipyard; and inadequate public comment. (Cauthen/Sterner)
Ayes: Cauthen, Sterner.
Determination of jurisdiction of complaint of Joseph Engler against the San Francisco Police Department regarding alleged willfully refusing to provide public documents.
Speakers: Joseph Engler, complainant
David Pilpel, member of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force speaking under Public Comment
Motion to grant jurisdiction. (Sterner/Cauthen)
Ayes: Cauthen, Sterner.
Discussion for a continuance of the revision of the Public Complaint Procedures.
Motion to continue to a future date. (Cauthen/Sterner)
Ayes: Cauthen, Sterner.
Announcements, questions, and future agenda items from the Committee members.
No action.
Public Comment for items not listed on agenda.
Speakers: None.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 5:24 p.m.