Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 406
Committee Members: Sue Cauthen, Chair; Bruce Wolfe, David Pilpel
Call to Order: 4:01 p.m.
Roll Call: Present: Cauthen, Wolfe (arrived at 4:02 p.m.), Pilpel
Agenda Changes: Item #5 to be heard after item #2.
Deputy City Attorney: Ernie Llorente
Administrator: Frank Darby, Jr.
Approval of minutes of August 9, 2005.
Speakers: None
Motion to approve minutes of August 9, 2005. (Cauthen/Wolfe)
Ayes: Cauthen, Wolfe, Pilpel
Continued item on determination of jurisdiction of complaint filed by Richard Midgett against the Controller’s Office for alleged failure to provide access to process/verification of funding resources.
Speakers: Richard Midgett, complainant; Peg Stevenson, Head of the City Services Auditor Division, Controllers Office; David Curto, Director of Contracts, Human Services Agency.
Motion to recommend jurisdiction of complaint filed by Richard Midgett against the Controller’s Office for alleged failure to provide access to process/verification of funding resources. (Wolfe/Pilpel)
Ayes: Cauthen, Wolfe, Pilpel
Determination of jurisdiction of complaint filed by John Kelly against the District Attorneys Office for alleged unlawful refusal to provide public records and failure to respond to a supplemental public records request in violation of Sections 67.21 (b) and 67.24 (d) of the Sunshine Ordinance.
Speakers: John Kelly, complainant; Thomas Bogott, Assistant District Attorney, District Attorney’s Office.
Motion to recommend jurisdiction of complaint filed by John Kelly against the District Attorneys Office for alleged unlawful refusal to provide public records and failure to respond to a supplemental public records request in violation of Sections 67.21 (b) and 67.24 (d) of the Sunshine Ordinance. (Pilpel/Wolfe)
Ayes: Cauthen, Wolfe, Pilpel
Determination of jurisdiction of complaint filed by Todd Wallack against the San Francisco County Assessor and Recorder for alleged refusal to provide copies of its records in a timely manner, and excessive fees.
Member Pilpel disclosed that he has had some past communication with Mr. Wallack.
Speakers: Todd Wallack, complainant; Craig Dziedzic, Tax Manager (Tax Policy and Planning), San Francisco County Assessor and Recorder.
Motion to recommend jurisdiction of complaint filed by Todd Wallack against the San Francisco County Assessor and Recorder for alleged refusal to provide copies of its records in a timely manner, and excessive fees. (Cauthen/Pilpel)
Ayes: Cauthen, Wolfe, Pilpel
Determination of jurisdiction of complaint filed by Robert Planthold and Karen Fishkin against the Mayors Office of Criminal Justice for allegedly preventing a proposal responder from having effective notice and time to question and consider a protest to scorings for a proposal.
Member Pilpel and member Wolfe disclosed that they are acquainted/friends with Mr. Planthold, however they are able to fair and impartial.
Speakers: Karen Fishkin and Robert Planthold, complainants; Murlene Randle, Director, Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice.
Motion to recommend jurisdiction of complaint filed by Robert Planthold and Karen Fishkin against the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice for alleged failure to provide complete copies of requested records in a timely manner. (Wolfe/Pilpel)
Ayes: Cauthen, Wolfe, Pilpel
Public comment for items not listed on the agenda.
No speakers.
Staff Report.
Administrator gave no report. Member Pilpel requested that the Administrator provide a copy of the 2005 Complaint Log for all future meetings.
Speakers: None
Announcements, questions, and future agenda items from the Committee
members. (no attachment).
Member Pilpel noted that the complainant’s personal information had been redacted on the packet and requested future non-redacted packets.
Member Pilpel also requested that information be provided on the complaint form informing complainants that any information they provide may be disclosed publicly unless redaction is requested.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
This meeting has been audio recorded and is on file in the Office of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force.