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December 13, 2005



Tuesday, December 13, 2005
4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 406

Committee Members: Sue Cauthen, Chair; Bruce Wolfe, David Pilpel

Call to Order: 4:22 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Cauthen, Wolfe, Pilpel

Agenda Changes: None

Deputy City Attorney: Ernie Llorente

Administrator: Frank Darby, Jr.



Approval of minutes of November 8, 2005.

Speakers: None

Motion to approve minutes of November 8, 2005. ( Pilpel / Wolfe )

Ayes: Cauthen, Wolfe, Pilpel



Motion to amend complaint of Sue Cauthen v. San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to allow the complainant to also represent the Citizens Advisory Council on the complaint. *

Chair Cauthen appointed member Pilpel as interim Chair.

Motion to recuse Chair Sue Cauthen ( Pilpel / Wolfe )

Ayes: Cauthen, Wolfe, Pilpel

Member Pilpel indicated that he is a former member of the Municipal Transportation Agency-Citizens Advisory Council and that he is capable of being fair and impartial.

Speakers: Sue Cauthen, Complainant; Bill Seelinger, Chair, Telegraph Hill Dwellers Parking & Traffic Committee, Maggie Lynch, Director of Media Relations, Municipal Transportation Agency.

Motion to deny the amendment. ( Wolfe / Pilpel )

Ayes: Wolfe, Pilpel

Recused: Cauthen

Interim Chair Pilpel returned the meeting over to Chair Cauthen.



Determination of jurisdiction of complaint filed by Louis Dillan against the Golden Gate Park Stables Working Group for alleged violation of open meeting laws in that the Working Group failed to provide notice of its meetings and failed to allow public comment during its meetings in violation of the Sunshine Ordinance.

Speakers: Louis Dillan, Complainant; Jaci Fong, Director of Property Management, Recreation and Park Department.

Motion to recommend jurisdiction of complaint filed by Louis Dillan against the Golden Gate Park Stables Working Group for alleged violation of open meeting laws in that the Working Group failed to provide notice of its meetings and failed to allow public comment during its meetings in violation of the Sunshine Ordinance. ( Wolfe / Cauthen )

Ayes: Cauthen, Wolfe, Pilpel



Determination of jurisdiction of complaint filed by Juan De Anda against the the Department of Public Health for alleged denying access to public records and minutes of previous meetings of the Latino Leadership Peer Mentorship Program.

Speakers: Juan De Anda, Complainant; Susan Esposito, Assistant Director of Adult Services, Department of Public Health; Dr. Tina Yee, Director, Cultural Competence & Client Relations, Community Behavioral Health Services.

Motion to recommend jurisdiction of complaint filed by Juan De Anda against the Department of Public Health for alleged denying access to public records and minutes of previous meetings of the Latino Leadership Peer Mentorship Program. ( Cauthen / Wolfe )

Ayes: Cauthen, Wolfe, Pilpel


Continued discussion regarding City Department’s Index of Records/Records Retention Policy.

Speakers: None

In accordance with Committee consensus Chair Cauthen requested that the Administrator add to the Complaint Committees policy, the next time it is revised, language which says that ‘The Administrator will inform complainants as to whether a department has a record type being requested.’


Public comment for items not listed on the agenda.

Speakers: None



Administrators Report.

The Administrator made the report.

Speakers: None

Member Pilpel requested that future reports include the "Potential Complaint Log."


Announcements, questions, and future agenda items from the Committee members.


Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM

This meeting has been audio recorded and is on file in the office of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force

Last updated: 8/18/2009 1:56:58 PM