Determination of jurisdiction of complaint filed by Kimo Crossman against the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Administrator for alleged illegal redaction of email addresses and filename paths
Motion to stipulate jurisdiction (Goldman / Wolfe)
Allen Grossman, approached the lectern and said that there is new matter on the item that he wanted to address.
Chair Cauthen asked DCA Llorente regarding procedures. DCA Llorente responded that if there is new information the Complainant needed to indicate it, but he is not aware of anything new in the complaint.
Chair Cauthen asked Mr. Crossman to comment.
Kimo Crossman, Complainant, indicated that he submitted examples of redacted e-mails but is aware that Mr. Grossman has new material to submit.
Member Goldman responded that Mr. Crossman is the complainant and not Mr. Grossman.
Member Chu asked Mr. Crossman whether the letter from Mr. Grossman would affect the Committees finding of jurisdiction. Mr. Crossman responded that he wanted Mr. Grossman to present the information.
Member Wolfe asked Mr. Crossman if the matter was a new complaint. Mr. Crossman said no, but that Mr. Grossman submitted relevant information that he feels should be heard.
Member Wolfe asked Mr. Crossman if the letter changes the entire compliant. Mr. Grossman responded that it changes what goes with the complaint.
Member Wolfe asked if it would change how the Committee voted on jurisdiction. Mr. Grossman responded no.
Mr. Grossman said that he didn't want to interfere with the process, but that he wanted to point out that when a document is provided to the Task Force it should be included in the packet.
Member Wolfe asked if the document was something that Mr. Crossman is submitting as part of his complaint. Mr. Grossman responded no.
Member Goldman responded to Mr. Grossman that he is not the Complainant so he cannot amend the complaint. Mr. Grossman responded that he might be out of order as a member of the public. Member Goldman informed Mr. Grossman to speak during public comment.
Chair Cauthen asked Mr. Darby to comment.
Frank Darby, Administrator, Sunshine Ordinance Task Force said that he had no new information and stipulated jurisdiction. He said that Mr. Grossman submitted a document yesterday (700+ words) that questioned the Administrator's response letter to the Task Force, which is not in the packet.
Chair Cauthen explained that the rules indicate that the Complainant files the documents not non-complainants, and asked DCA Llorente for confirmation. DCA Llorente confirmed Chair Cauthen's statement saying that it's the interested parties who should submit the information.
Chair Cauthen informed Mr. Grossman that he could give the letter to Mr. Crossman who can then submit it as part of his complaint.
Mr Crossman asked to provide public comment since he didn't had a chance to comment. Chair Cauthen said that he was not the public but a real party in action, and that he could have a rebuttal.
Kimo Crossman said that he wanted to add Mr. Grossman as a co-complainant; that the letter submitted by the Administrator was written by the City Attorney's Office (CAO) and is a violation of the ordinance. He said that the letter should not be allowed.
Chair Cauthen asked DCA Llorente about the role of the CAO regarding complaints. DCA Llorente responded that the CAO can advise City departments and can provide legal advice to the point of providing information in the form of a letter that can be signed by the department. The Department can not be represented by the CAO before the Task Force hearings but under the charter they have a right to advise departments.
Allen Grossman, in public comment, said that he doesn't dispute that the CAO can advise departments regarding complaint matters, but that the CAO should not advocate for departments. He said that the ghost letter with legal citations written for departments by the CAO is unfair and prejudicial.
Motion to stipulate jurisdiction (Goldman / Wolfe)
Ayes: Cauthen, Chu, Wolfe, Goldman