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August 12, 2008




Tuesday, August 12, 2008

4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 406

Committee Members: Nick Goldman (chair); Ketaki Gokhale, James Knoebber

Call to Order: 4:03 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Goldman, Gokhale

Absent: James Knoebber

Agenda Changes: None

Deputy City Attorney: Ernest Llorente

Administrator Frank Darby

Agenda Changes:

The Administrator informed Chair Goldman that item #2 was withdrawn by the complainant.


Approval of minutes of June 10, 2008.

Speakers: None

Motion approving minutes of June 10, 2008. ( Gokhale / Goldman )

Ayes: Goldman, Gokhale

Absent: Knoebber



Determination of jurisdiction of complaint filed by Kimo Crossman against the Clerk of the Board and the SOTF Administrator on the department's new redaction policy.

Complaint withdrawn prior to the meeting.



Determination of jurisdiction of complaint filed by Juan De Anza against the Department of Public Health for allegedly denying records and other allegations.

Speakers: None

Motion finding no jurisdiction. ( Gokhale / Goldman )

Ayes: Goldman, Gokhale

Absent: Knoebber

Chair Goldman asked the Administrator to convey to Mr. De Anza that the reason for their finding is because his complaint is too vague to find jurisdiction and that he can appeal their decision at the August 26, 2008, meeting of the Task Force, or file a new complaint.


Administrator's Report.

The Administrator made the report.


Public comment for items not listed on the agenda

Public Comment: Doyle Johnson introduced himself as an applicant for seat 7. He said that he has three years experience in Consumer Advocacy and is pursuing his masters in public policy. He said that Supervisor Daly recommended that he attend meetings of the Task Force to get familiar with their procedures.

Member Goldman welcomed Mr. Johnson and explained the purpose of the Complaint Committee.

DCA Llorente urged Mr. Johnson to attend tomorrow's Compliance and Amendments Committee (CAC) meeting to gain additional knowledge about the Task Force.

Mr. Johnson indicated that he plans to attend tomorrow's CAC meeting.


Announcements, questions, and future agenda items from Committee members.

No announcements.

Speakers: None

Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 4:18 p.m.

This meeting has been audio recorded and is on file in the office of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force

Last updated: 8/18/2009 1:56:59 PM