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April 14, 2009




Tuesday, April 14, 2009

3:30 p.m., City Hall, Room 406

Committee Members: Nick Goldman (Chair), Doyle Johnson, James Knoebber

Call to Order: 3:30 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Goldman, Knoebber,

Absent: Johnson

Agenda Changes: Item 2 heard after Item 5

Deputy City Attorney: Ernie Llorente

Clerk Chris Rustom


Approval of minutes of March 10, 2009, regular meeting.

Motion approving minutes of March 10, 2009. ( Knoebber / Goldman )

Public Comment: None

On the motion:

Ayes: Knoebber, Goldman

Absent: Johnson



Determination of jurisdiction on complaint filed by Raymond Banks against the San Francisco HIV Health Services Planning Council for failure to provide contract information.

Complainant Raymond Banks said the Task Force has jurisdiction because his case falls under Sections 67.3 (c) (7) and 67.17.

Respondent Mark Molnar, co-chair of the HIV Health Services Planning Council, said the person who is responsible for responding to Mr. Banks' request was currently on disability leave and can not speak as to why it was not responded to in a timely fashion. He said all documents were provided to Mr. Banks when he, as the respondent's supervisor, was made aware of the request.

In rebuttal, Mr. Banks added that the Task Force has jurisdiction because the program is under the purview of the mayor.

DCA Llorente, on Member Knoebber's inquiry, said the committee may want to look into this further because some agencies are under the mayor but he does not have oversight responsibility.

Michelle Long of the Health Department said the council has come before the Task Force in the past and has found that certain actions by the council were under the purview of the body and others were not.

Motion to find jurisdiction. ( Knoebber / Goldman )

Public Comment: None.

On the motion:

Ayes: Knoebber, Goldman

Absent: Johnson



Determination of jurisdiction on complaint filed by Anonymous Tenants against the Building Inspection Department for charging $6.50 for a public record.

Complainant Anonymous Tenants said this is a new case against the department and was not connected to any of his previous complaints. He added that the Deputy City Attorney had said in the jurisdictional letter that the Task Force had jurisdiction.

Responding agency was not represented.

Motion to find jurisdiction ( Knoebber / Goldman )

Public Comment: None

On the motion:

Ayes: Knoebber, Goldman

Absent: Johnson


Administrator's Report.

Mr. Rustom made the report.

Public Comment: None


Public comment for items not listed on the agenda

Public Comment: Thomas Picarello said the Task Force should look into the recent trip to Washington, DC, by six members of the Board of Supervisors. The trip, he said, involved meetings for which no agenda was provided as required by the Sunshine Ordinance..


Announcements, comments, questions, and future agenda items from Committee members.

Public Comment: None

AdjournmentThe meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.

This meeting has been audio recorded and is on file in the office of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force

Last updated: 8/18/2009 1:56:59 PM