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December 12, 2002 Regular


Thursday, December 12, 2002
(Rescheduled from December 11, 2002)
3:30 p.m., City Hall, Room 406

Committee Members: Heather Sterner, Chair, Richard Knee, Alexandra Nickliss

Note: First name after item indicates Member making motion; second name indicates Member seconding motion. All motions passed unanimously except as noted.

Roll Call: All present

1. Approval of minutes of November 20, 2002.

Minutes approved (Knee/Nickliss)

2. Orders of Determination.

Report given by Administrator.

3. Representative from Ethics Commission regarding complaints forwarded to Ethics Commission.

Shannon Hardin and Mable Ng from the Ethics Commission spoke to the Committee regarding Ethics Commission complaint procedures.

4. Reconsideration of wording of Mission and Work Plan.

The Mission portion of the Plan was reworded as follows:

The Compliance and Amendments Committee will facilitate the complaint process of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force by following up on and enforcing compliance with the Orders of Determination; and by considering and making recommendations to the Task Force from staff and the community for Sunshine Ordinance amendments.

5. Discussion of possible amendment suggestions for Sunshine Ordinance Section 67.7-1.

Motion adopted recommending the section for consideration of proposed amendments to the Sunshine Ordinance: (Knee/Nickliss)

Section 67.7-2

When notice is given as provided in these articles by public policy bodies other than the one listed in 67.7-1, members of the public may submit statements and/or comments as to any item listed on the agenda at a meeting of the policy body, and those statements or comments shall be placed in the public record and be subject to review and consideration by the policy body anytime before or during the hearing.

There is no requirement that the author of the statement or comment be physically present at the hearing in order for the statement or comment to be placed in the public record.

If the statement or comment is received after the hearing, it will be placed in the public record with a notation as to when it was received.

6. Public comment.

No public comment.

7. Committee Member items.

The Committee requested the Administrator prepare a draft timeline for consideration of proposed amendments to the Sunshine Ordinance.                                        

The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

Submitted by Donna L. Hall, Administrator

*The 12/12/02 meeting of the Compliance and Amendments Committee has been audio recorded and is on file in the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force office.

Last updated: 9/4/2009 8:56:42 AM