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February 12, 2003





Wednesday, February 12, 2003

3:30 p.m., City Hall, Room 408

Committee Members: Heather Sterner, Chair, Richard Knee, Alexandra Nickliss

Note: First name after item indicates Member making motion; second name indicates Member seconding motion. All motions passed unanimously except as noted.

Roll call: All members present

  1. Approval of minutes of January 8, 2003.

Minutes approved. (Knee/Nickliss)

  1. Orders of Determination.

    --Report from Administrator given. February 10, 2003 letter from the Board of Supervisors addressed to Michael Stoll to be forwarded to the full Task Force Meeting of February 25, 2003 for consideration

    Public comment from Jason Grant Garza regarding lack of follow-through on Orders of Determination.

    --Referrals to Ethics Commission: The Committee recommended a letter be sent to the Ethics Commission over Chair Koltun’s name expressing concern regarding the lag time between the time complaints are sent to the Ethics Commission and a response from the Ethics Commission.

  2. Discussion of Sunshine Ordinance Section 67.21(e)

    No recommendations for changes.


  3. Discussion of Sunshine Ordinance provisions regarding non-profits.

Public comment from Doug Comstock regarding non-profits that fall under the non-profit ordinance. Feedback to be requested from the full Task Force.

  1. Future Committee items.


  2. Public comment.

Public comment from Jason Grant Garza expressing concern of the lack of compliance enforcement.

The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

Submitted by Donna L. Hall, Administrator

*The 2/12/03 meeting of the Compliance and Amendments Committee has been audio recorded and is on file in the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force office.



Last updated: 9/4/2009 8:55:55 AM