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March 18, 2003






Tuesday, March 18, 2003

3:30 p.m., City Hall, Room 408


Committee Members: Heather Sterner, Chair, Richard Knee, Alexandra Nickliss

Note: First name after item indicates Member making motion; second name indicates Member seconding motion. All motions passed unanimously except as noted.

Roll call: All members present

  1. Approval of minutes of February 12, 2003. Minutes approved. (Nickliss/Knee)
  1. Orders of Determination.

    --Report from Administrator given.

    --Referrals to Ethics Commission. Deputy City Attorney, Ernest Llorente, reported that Robert Planthold was elected chair to the Ethics Commission and recommended a meeting be set up with Mr. Planthold, Mr. Llorente, Ms. Hall, and Chair Koltun to discuss concerns with the lag time of responses from the Ethics Commission on Sunshine referrals.

  2. Discussion regarding passive meetings as outlined in the Sunshine Ordinance.

    Public comment from Sue Cauthen who recommended that the Sunshine Ordinance be amended to require that passive meeting bodies abide by open meeting laws. Sue Cauthen will bring back specific details of how the Sunshine Ordinance could be amended to include passive meeting bodies. This item to be discussed in more detail next month.

  3. Discussion regarding possibility of including standing committees under Sunshine Ordinance.

    Motion that this Committee recommend to the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force that Chair Koltun write a letter to the Recreation and Park Department requesting that their Standing Committees take meeting minutes and request a response by a certain date. (Nickliss/Knee)

  4. Discussion regarding penalties for non-compliance of Sunshine Ordinance. (discussion and possible action)

Member Nickliss will draft ideas in consultation with Deputy City Attorney Llorente of how the Sunshine Ordinance can be amended to develop penalties for non-compliance and will discuss this issue at the next Committee meeting.

  1. Future Committee items. None
  2. Public comment. No public comment.

The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.

Submitted by Donna L. Hall, Administrator

*The 3/18/03 meeting of the Compliance and Amendments Committee has been audio recorded and is on file in the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force office.



Last updated: 9/4/2009 8:55:55 AM