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December 10, 2003




Wednesday, December 10, 2003

4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 406


Committee Members: Richard Knee, Chair, Nicole Dogwill, Alexandra Nickliss

Note: Action items: First name indicates Member making motion; second name indicates member seconding motion. All items unanimous except as noted.

Call to Order: The meeting convened at 4:02 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Knee, Dogwill, Nickliss.


Approval of notes of November 8 and minutes of November 12, 2003. No public comment. Approved. (Nickliss/Dogwill)


Report on Orders of Determination and requests from Committee.

-- Peter Witt Order of Determination of 11/16/02

Administrator Hall reported on Orders of Determination.

Peter Witt addressed the Committee regarding his Order of Determination of November 2002, stating there had been continued non-compliance by the Taxi Commission at future meetings. Mr. Witt presented a second complaint to the Committee on the same issue to be added to the original complaint.

Chairman Knee requested that Mr. Witt’s complaint be scheduled for the next Compliance and Amendments Committee meeting for testimony by Mr. Witt and Ms. Little’s representative from the Taxi Commission, and that equipment be set up so that the Committee may view the tape of the 12/10 Taxi Commission meeting.



Thirteen complaints submitted by Complainant Dan Boreen against the San Francisco Fire Department.

Dan Boreen spoke in support of his complaints against the San Francisco Fire Department.

Lorrie Kalos, San Francisco Fire Department, spoke in support of the department.

Chairman Knee requested that Mr. Boreen provides to Task Force Administrator Hall and Chief Kalos a list of the specific records that he is requesting and that the list be provided to the Committee members in their packet for the next meeting. Task Force Administrator Hall would work with Mr. Boreen and Chief Kalos to verify that all requests for records have been satisfied.


Discussion of possible amendments to the Sunshine Ordinance.

  1. Deputy City Attorney draft memorandum on proposed amendments.
  2. Letter from Steve Cockrell
  3. Off-site meeting requirements
  4. Section 67.30 (c)

Continued to the next Compliance and Amendments Committee meeting.


Items referred from the Task Force to the Compliance & Amendments Committee.

  1. An Overview of the Laws Governing the Conduct of Public Officials and the section on opinions by the City Attorney.
  2. Immediate Disclosure Requests and how that can meet the next day response requirement of the Sunshine Ordinance.

Task Force Administrator Hall reported that Ms. Cauthen requested that this item be continued to the next Compliance and Amendments Committee.



Future dates and places for community meetings.

The Wednesday, January 28, 2003, 7:30 p.m. community meeting would be held at City College Mission Campus.

The Saturday, February 21, 2003, 10:00 a.m. meeting would be held in District 5. Administrator Hall agreed to contact District 5 Supervisor Gonzalez’s office for possible locations.



Public Comment.

Public comment from Dan Boreen addressing the conflict that exists within the City where the City Attorney’s Office would be both protecting the interests of a department and at the same time insuring compliance with the Sunshine Ordinance and additional laws.


Future Committee items.

Conflict that exists within the City where the City Attorney’s Office would be both protecting the interests of a department and at the same time insuring compliance with the Sunshine Ordinance and additional laws.

Continued items from this meeting.

Amendments to the Sunshine Ordinance as it refers to:

  • Where the monies from civil penalties and fines would be directed to; and
  • .If a statute of limitations is needed.

The meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.

Submitted by Donna L. Hall, Administrator

Last updated: 9/4/2009 8:45:18 AM