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November 17, 2005




Thursday, November 17, 2005

4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 406

Committee Members: Richard Knee, Chair; Doug Comstock; Erica Craven

Call to Order: 4:05 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Knee, Comstock, Craven

Agenda Changes: Item 4 was heard before Item 3

Deputy City Attorney: Ernie Llorente

Administrator: Frank Darby



Approval of minutes of October 12, 2005, regular meeting.

Motion to approve minutes of October 12, 2005. ( Comstock / Craven )

Ayes: Knee, Comstock, Craven

Speakers: None



Report from the Mayors Office of Criminal Justice regarding steps that the department has taken to ensure timeliness in responding to public records requests.

Speakers: Rod Seymore, Director of Policy & Planning, Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice.

The Committee commended the MOCJ for the steps it has taken to ensure a timely response to requests for public records.



Hearing on the status of the May 24, 2005 Order of Determination of John Kelly against the Treasurer/Tax Collector. (discussion and possible action) (attachment)

Speakers: John Kelly, Complainant; David Augustine, Policy and Legislative Manager, Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector.

Motion that no further action be taken. ( Comstock / Craven )

Ayes: Knee, Comstock, Craven



Hearing on the status of the October 25, 2005 Order of Determination of John Kelly against the District Attorney’s Office.

Speakers: John Kelly, Complainant; Thomas Bogott, Assistant District Attorney, District Attorney’s Office.

Continued without objection to the next Compliance and Amendments Committee meeting.



Discussion of possible amendments to Sections 67.1 to 67.7-1 of the Sunshine Ordinance

  1. Sec. 67.1. Findings and Purpose.
  2. Sec. 67.2. Citation.
  3. Sec. 67.3. Definitions.
  4. Sec. 67.4. Passive Meetings.
  5. Sec. 67.5. Meetings to be Open and Public; Application of Brown Act.
  6. Sec. 67.6. Conduct of Business; Time and Place for Meetings.
  7. Sec. 67.7. Agenda Requirements; Regular Meetings.
  8. Sec. 67.7-1. Public Notice Requirements.

Subsequent section(s) may be heard if time permits.

David Pilpel, by consensus of the Committee, was invited to joint the Committee to discuss possible amendments.

Sections 67.1 through Sections 67.4 were discussed and recommended amendments were recorded by the Administrator.



Public comment on items not listed on the agenda.

Speakers: None



Administrator’s report.

The Administrator made the report.



Announcements, questions, and future agenda items from Committee members.

In accordance with Committee consensus, Chair Knee instructed the Administrator to identify for discussion and possible action Sections 67.5 through 67.9 of the Sunshine Ordinance for next months agenda.




Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m.

This meeting has been audio recorded and is on file in the office of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force.

Last updated: 9/4/2009 8:34:52 AM