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June 12, 2006



Monday, June 12, 2006

4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 406

Committee Members: Richard Knee, Chair; Doug Comstock; Erica Craven

Call to Order 4:04 p.m.

Roll Call Present: Knee, Comstock (arrived at 4:09 p.m.), Craven

Agenda Changes None

Deputy City Attorney: Ernie Llorente

Clerk: Linda Wong


Approval of minutes of May 8, 2006.

Speakers: Kimo Crossman spoke on descriptive meeting minutes.

Chair Knee asked the Clerk to record descriptive minutes for this meeting.

Motion to approve minutes of May 8, 2006. (Knee / Craven)

Ayes: Knee, Craven

Absent: Comstock



Hearing on the status of the May 23, 2006 Order of Determination of John Avalos, on behalf of Supervisor Chris Daly vs. Mayors Office of Communications.

Speakers: John Avalos, Legislative Assistant to Supervisor Chris Daly.

Chair Knee, in accordance with Committee consensus, will draft a letter to the Mayor's Office of Communications asking the office to release all documents that were requested, to provide an explanation if the office refuses to release the documents, and that a representative be present at the next meeting.

Continued without objection.


Review of survey responses of individuals who have filed a Sunshine Ordinance Task Force complaint.

Speakers: Kimo Crossman, recommended that the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Office be opened during normal business hours.

Member Comstock asked the Administrator to continue sending a copy of the survey to individuals who filed a complaint.


Possible amendments to Sections 67.7(f), 67.13, 67.15 to 67.25 of the Sunshine Ordinance, and subsequent sections as time permits.

  1. Sec. 67.7(f) Agenda Requirements; Regular Meetings
  2. Sec. 67.13 Barriers to Attendance Prohibited.
  3. Sec. 67.14 Tape Recording, Filming and Still Photography
  4. Sec. 67.15 Public Testimony
  5. Sec. 67.16 Minutes
  6. Sec. 67.17 Public Comment by Members of Policy Bodies
  7. Sec. 67.20 Definitions
  8. Sec. 67.21 Process for Gaining Access to Public Records; Administrative Appeals.
  9. Sec 67.21-1 Policy Regarding Use and Purchase of Computer Systems.
  10. Sec 67.22 Release of Oral Public Information
  11. Sec 67.23 Public Review File – Policy Body Communications.
  12. Sec 67.24 Public Information that Must Be Disclosed.

(m.) Sec 67.25 Immediacy of Response

Sections 67.7(f), and 67.13 through 67.16 were discussed and the Clerk recorded recommended amendments.

Chair Knee, in accordance with Committee consensus, asked the Administrator to identify for discussion and possible action Sections 67.13, 67.15 through 67.25 of the Sunshine Ordinance for the July 10, 2006, meeting agenda, and to note that subsequent sections may be heard if time permits.

Speakers: Kimo Crossman, recommended that recordings be posted online and policy bodies adopt policy to provide members of the public access to their audio and/or video equipment during public testimony.

Allen Grossman, spoke on the time limits allowed for each speaker during public testimony and requested that minutes include resolutions adopted at meetings.


Public comment on items not listed on the agenda.

Speakers: Kimo Crossman, recommended to the Committee that they instruct the Administrator to seek outside legal council if he receives public records request(s).

Allen Grossman stated that meeting minutes should reflect the text of the resolution(s).


Administrator's report.

Speakers: None


Announcements, questions, and future agenda items from Committee members.

Speakers: None.

Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:41 PM.

This meeting has been audio recorded and is on file in the office of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force

Last updated: 2/11/2014 2:56:04 PM