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November 12, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009
4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 406

Committee Members: Sue Cauthen (Chair), Doyle Johnson, Marjorie Ann Williams

Call to Order: 4:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Cauthen, Johnson, Williams

Agenda Changes: None

Deputy City Attorney: Jerry Threet
Clerk: Chris Rustom

1.     Adoption of October 8, 2009, meeting minutes. 

        Motion to adopt October 8, 2009, meeting minutes ( Cauthen / Johnson ) 

        Public Comment: None 

        On the motion: 
        Ayes: Johnson, Williams, Cauthen

2.     09030 Hearing on the status of the July 28, 2009, Order of Determination of Ann Grogan against the Police Commission 

        Matter tabled.

3     Presentation to Shelter Monitoring Committee on Dec 2, 2009, at 10:00 a.m. in Rm. 421 at City Hall. Assignments. 

        Chair Cauthen noted that the department has changed its agenda to accommodate public comment. 

        Chair Cauthen assigned members sections of the Ordinance to explain at the presentation

4     10-day and 14-day extensions and timely Sunshine responses (Planning Department, Public Library, Department of Public Works and Sunshine compliance). 

        Chair Cauthen said a group she belongs to has sent several Immediate Disclosure Requests to several departments and has received responses that sought 14-day extensions, which should only be made under unusual circumstances such as retrieving the document from an offsite storage location. 

        Member Williams said it should be determined on a case-by-case basis. 

        DCA Threet suggested that an IDR be presented to a department seeking its responses to other IDRs received during a particular time period. Then analyze the response times to see if there was a pattern.

5     Department head calendars: How to assure compliance with Sec. 67.29-5. 

        Chair Cauthen said of particular concern was the City Librarian’s calendar that did not indicate what he did after several meetings on a certain day was cancelled. 

        DCA Threet said all meetings need to be shown on the calendar.
Members broadly discussed the topic.

6     Outreach for Sunshine presentations
• Police community relations meetings
• League of Women Voters
• Council of District Merchants
• Glen Park Association 

    Continued to next meeting.

7.     Status of SFPUC’s Sunshine procedures. 

        Chair Cauthen said she would write the cover letter and have the revised procedures sent to the Public Utilities Commission.

8.     Results of contact with neighborhood newspaper editors. 

Chair Cauthen: Central City Extra and Westside Observer.
Member Williams: SF Bay View, VisValley Grapevine and Sun Reporter.
Member Johnson: Castro Courier, Haight-Ashbury Beat, Richmond Review and Sunset Beacon. 

        Members discussed their assignments. 

        Member Williams added radio stations KPOO and KEST to her list. 

        Member Johnson said the promo cards being printed. 

        Continued to next meeting.

9.     Public comment for items not listed on the agenda: None

10     Committee Members’ Comments, Questions, and Requests for Future Agenda Items. 

    Adjournment                                                               The meeting was adjourned at 5:47 p.m.
This meeting has been audio recorded and is on file in the office of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force

Last updated: 3/11/2010 10:57:40 AM