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January 14, 2010 (Notes only)

Thursday, January 14, 2010
4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 406

Meeting cancelled for lack of quorum
Notes attached

Informal Gathering

Date: January 14, 2009

As there was no quorum at the Education, Outreach and Training Committee, Chair Sue Cauthen took information only. There was no roll call, minutes or action taken on any item. The gathering began at 4:10 p.m. and ended about 5:00 p.m. Member Manneh arrived at 4:10 p.m. No other members were present.

09067: Hearing on the status of the December 1, 2009, Order of Determination of Library Users Association against the Historic Preservation Commission.

Peter Warfield of the Library Users Association said he objects going forward with the meeting because there was no quorum and was speaking under protest.

He said the agenda did not have attachments and the audio tapes of the Historic Preservation Commission were not accessible because the Planning Department could not afford to buy a tape recorder. There was also no documentation on the website that showed how the HPC abided by the Order of Determination and the minutes did not include a summary of what was said during the HPC meeting.

Bradley Weidmeir said an effort is being made but the minutes should have more information on a speaker’s position and wider summary. The HPC also needs to discuss the Task Force’s Dec 1, 2009, Order of Determination to improve their minutes, he said.

Linda Avery, Secretary for the HPC and Planning Commission, said the HPC discussed the OD at its last meeting and is working toward being compliant. She added that the HPC is going to comply.

Chair Cauthen reminded both parties that the OD only mentioned brief summaries and not detailed accounts of what was said.

Mr. Warfield said it was the department’s duty and not Ms. Avery’s commitment to meet the requirements of the Sunshine Ordinance. Although getting accurate minutes was not easy, he said he was disappointed by the Dec. 2, 2009, HPC minutes because just one day earlier the Task Force had found that HPC’s previous minutes were inadequate. Ms. Avery said the minutes have changed since the complaint was filed and the documents now show their positions and brief summaries.

Chair Cauthen said she was glad that the HPC is committed to compliance and would report back to the Task Force that the matter was resolved. Mr. Warfield, she said, could ask for reconsideration if he was not satisfied.

Ms. Avery said she would contact the Task Force for training information.
Chair Cauthen and Member Manneh discussed ways on how to remind members of the meeting dates and times. Mr. Rustom was urged to make a quorum call a week before the meeting date as well as send a reminder.

09076: Hearing on the status of the December 1, 2009, Order of Determination of Anmarie Mabbutt against the Mayor’s Office

Complainant Anmarie Mabbutt was not present.

Respondent Rich Hillis said he was late in responding and had apologized at the last hearing. He also said he was well versed in the requirements of the Ordinance and did not need Sunshine training.

Chair Cauthen said the Order of Determination has been met and considered the case closed. She said she would so state at the Task Force meeting.

Chair Cauthen and Member Manneh talked about presentation at group meetings, newspaper assignments, department head calendars and IDR response times. On the calendars, Chair Cauthen said a memo should be sent out that says if a department head’s calendar entry is changed, the replacement activity should be recorded. She also said it was suggested that she and her group send a number of Immediate Disclosure Requests to a particular department to evaluate the department’s response. If a pattern emerges, she said, the Task Force could take up the issue.

Last updated: 3/11/2010 11:00:08 AM