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September 10, 2009




Thursday, September 10, 2009

4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 406

Committee Members: Sue Cauthen (Chair), Doyle Johnson, Marjorie Ann Williams

Call to Order: 4:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Cauthen, Johnson, Williams

Agenda Changes: None

Deputy City Attorney: Jerry Threet
Clerk: Chris Rustom


Adoption of August 13, 2009, regular meeting minutes

Motion to adopt August 13, 2009, regular meeting minutes ( Johnson / Williams)

Public Comment: None

On the motion:
Ayes: Johnson, Williams, Cauthen



Hearing on the status of the July 28, 2009, Order of Determination of Sue Cauthen against the Public Library.

The respondent was not present. Complainant Sue Cauthen said she was very disappointed that the Library was not represented. She noted that the Library also was not represented at the Task Force hearing. She presented a copy of the transcript that she offered at the Task Force hearing that indicated that she was prevented from making public comment on an issue that was not on the Library agenda. She urged the committee to make a finding that the Library take steps to avoid similar situations in the future and that the chair of the commission conduct herself in a manner befitting an official and to show respect to the public.

Motion to find violation of Sec. 67.15 and Sec. 67.34 and to refer the matter to the Compliance and Amendments Committee. ( Johnson / Williams )

Public Comment: None
On the motion:
Ayes: Johnson, Williams
Recused: Cauthen



Hearing on the status of the July 28, 2009, Order of Determination of Ann Grogan against the Police Commission.

Complainant Ann Grogan said she has not received any communication from anybody about the Steering Committee’s meetings on Patrol Specials. It was her understanding that a study was to be released six months from the start of the study in March. She said she sought information from Commissioner Sparks, Commander Tong and the Boston Research director but has received nothing in reply. She wanted to know if Lt. Reilly could confirm if there haven’t been any meetings and that no meeting is scheduled for this month and when the next meeting would be.

Respondent Lt. Joe Reilly, Secretary of the Police Commission, said he has advised Commissioner Sparks and Commissioner Mazzucco on the Task Force’s Order of Determination and had asked to be notified when the next meeting date was set. He also said Commissioner Sparks has since retired. He added that he will comply with the Order of Determination when he is notified of the meeting date.

Chair Cauthen asked Lt. Reilly to provide Ms. Grogan with a copy of the email he sent to Commissioner Sparks and Commissioner Zucco, informing them of the Order of Determination. Lt. Reilly said he would.

Member Williams urged Lt Reilly to ask Commissioner Zucco personally as to when the next meeting would be held.

Chair Cauthen asked Lt Reilly to pass on the same information to the Task Force administrator.

Motion to continue matter to the October 8 regular meeting ( Williams / Johnson)

On the motion:
Ayes: Johnson, Williams, Cauthen



Hearing on the status of the July 28, 2009, Order of Determination of Bridgid against the Police Department.

The clerk informed the committee that Ms. Bridgid had called earlier in the day to say that she had not received the report and was also unable to attend the meeting.

Respondent Lt. Daniel Mahoney, head of the Legal Division of the San Francisco Police Department, said he was surprised that Ms. Bridgid had not received the report because on the day of the hearing he gave her his contact information and that Ms. Bridgid had emailed him her contact information the next morning and by noon he had the report in the mail.

Member Johnson suggested Lt Mahoney email the report to the clerk who could then forward the document to Ms. Bridged. Lt Mahoney agreed.

Lt. Mahoney then introduced Cheryl Coleman, Manager of Records Management, who is knowledgeable with the California Public Records Act and is in the process of training her staff so that similar issues do not arise again in the future. Lt. Mahoney said one of the issues the department has is transition or temporary employees. It is with this group where items tend to fall through the cracks but they are doing their best, he said.

Matter concluded.


Complaints about the one-minute allowed for public comment at the Board of Appeals hearing on the demolition of the Ortega library branch.

Chair Cauthen said she put this issue on the agenda because a recent Board of Appeal hearing on the demolition of the Ortega library branch attracted a large audience. The supporters and opponents were given only one minute each to make their views known, she said. She recalled that the Task Force had recently informed the Municipal Transportation Agency that they need too to provide more time for public comment because one minute was not enough.

Motion to request Task Force Chair Rick Knee inform the Board of Appeals that one minute of public comment is an insufficient amount of time to be able to make a proper presentation and that two minutes should be the minimum. ( Johnson / Williams )

On the motion:
Ayes: Johnson, Williams, Cauthen


Outreach for Sunshine presentations.
· Office of Economic and Workforce Development
Members discussed parts of the Ordinance that each would present at the September 16 session to be held at 50 Van Ness at 3:30 p.m.

· Police community relations meetings
Chair Cauthen to contact Central Station Capt. James Dudley.
Member Williams to contact Ingleside Station Dennis O”Leary.
Member Johnson to contact Mission Station Capt. Stephen Tacchini.

· League of Women Voters
Chair Cauthen to make contact.

· Council of District Merchants
List needed. Chair Cauthen to contact Jim Maxwell of the Marina District.

· Glen Park Association
Chair Cauthen to follow up on contact made through Ann Grogan.


SFPUC’s Sunshine procedures

Continued to next month.


Update: YBR printing issues (10 min)

Member Johnson produced a sample of the 5,000 fliers that are going to cost him $149.00. The Ordinance is explained on one side in English and in Spanish on the reverse side. The document lacked the seal of the City and County of San Francisco because permission has yet to be granted. DCA Threet said he would look into the issue and report back.


Pitching newspaper editors

Chair Cauthen to contact editors at Central City Extra and Westside Observer.
Member Williams to contact editors at SF Bay View, VisValley Grapevine and Sun Reporter.
Member Johnson to contact editors at Castro Courier, Haight-Ashbury Beat, Richmond Review and Sunset Beacon.


Public comment on items not listed on the agenda: None


Committee members’ comments, questions, and requests for future agenda items (no attachment)

Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

This meeting has been audio recorded and is on file in the office of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force
Last updated: 8/12/2010 2:45:00 PM