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November 9, 2006



Rescheduled Regular Meeting


Thursday, November 9, 2006

3:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 421

Committee Members: David Pilpel, Chair; Marjorie Williams; Bruce Wolfe

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 3:10 PM

Roll Call: Present: Pilpel; Wolfe (arrived @ 3:30 PM); Williams

Agenda Changes: Item 4 was taken before Item 3

Deputy City Attorney: Ernie Llorente

Administrator: Frank Darby


Review Treasurer's Office forms, guidelines and procedures.

Speakers: David Augustine, Treasurer-Tax Collector's Office made the presentation.

Continued until the call of the chair


Discussion on status of access to electronic records – next steps.

Member Wolfe suggested that the Task Force help the Board of Supervisors, , during the next budget process, to understand the importance of City Wide standards, for consistency.

Chair Pilpel, in accordance with Committee consensus, asked Member Wolfe to develop suggested guidelines for 1) Departments with systems that can easily produce documents, 2) Departments with proprietary systems, and 3) Departments with no access to electronic systems.

Chair Pilpel, in accordance with Committee consensus, asked the Administrator to notify Task Force Chair Comstock that the Committee request that the motion submitted to the Boards Rules Committee, regarding its policy on electronic records, be calendared for the next full Task Force meeting.


Review of Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Web Site

Speakers: Administrator Frank Darby, made the presentation.

Chair Pilpel, recommended that the 2007 calendar include meeting dates for Committees; and that dates be added to titles of documents that have been revised.

Filed without objection.


Discussion: Process for Task Force advice to departments on compliance with the Ordinance.

Chair Pilpel, in accordance with Committee consensus, proposed that friendly suggestions form the Committee to Departments be submitted to the full Task Force, pursuant to Section 67.30 (c) of the Ordinance, that informs Departments on appropriate ways to implement the Sunshine Ordinance.

Speakers: None


Adoption of Minutes of June 8, 2006.

Speakers: None

Motion to adopt minutes of June 8, 2006. ( Wolfe / Williams )

Ayes: Pilpel, Wolfe, Williams


Report of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Administrator and Deputy City Attorney

No Report

Speakers: None


Status of monitoring and outreach efforts

Member Williams reported that many members of the public approach her to inquire about or to request assistance regarding Sunshine and non-Sunshine related issues.

Speakers: None


Public comment for items not listed on the agenda

Speakers: None


Committee Members' Comments, Questions, and Requests for Future Agenda Items

Chair Pilpel asked Deputy City Attorney Llorente to provide information on Proposition D and to report on any changes to State law regarding public records.

Chair Pilpel asked the Administrator to ask Task Force Chair Comstock to consider rescheduling the December 27, 2006 meeting of the full Task Force.

Speakers: None

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:47 PM in memory of Ed Bradley

This meeting has been audio recorded and is on file in the office of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force

Last updated: 2/12/2014 5:23:22 PM