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April 9, 2009, cancelled, notes only


Informal Gathering


Date: April 9, 2009

As there was no quorum at the Education, Outreach and Training Committee, Chair Sue Cauthen noted agenda items and heard from representatives of the Arts Commission and the Police Department. There was no roll call, minutes or action taken on any item. The gathering began at 4:15 p.m. and ended at 4:55 p.m. Member Doyle Johnson arrived at 4:20 p.m. No other members were present.

Sharon Page-Ritchie of the Arts Commission said her office has updated the Index of Records and was working on creating a link to it from the commission's website. She is to notify the administrator when it is done.

Lt. Daniel Mahoney of the San Francisco Police Department said he is waiting for a final count of all the records and for the latest record retention policy to be approved by the Police Commission. He said the original plan was to send everything to the City Administrator as a whole, but because it was taking a great deal of time he was waiting for DCA Molly Stump's approval to send the documents in batches and as they become available. He is going to use the Task Force's PowerPoint presentation during the California Police Officers Association's Public Records Act class at the academy later this month. Chair Cauthen asked if she could attend and was told that she would be welcome. The SFPD is also going to provide a link to the Index of Records from its website.

Member Johnson said YBR Promotions owner Brittney would like to make a presentation to the committee but was out of the country. She was invited to make the presentation during the May 14, 2009, meeting. Member Johnson said he was going to be out of town for the rest of the month but would work with Member Allyson Washburn on updating the green flier. Chair Cauthen named Member Johnson as chair of the brochure sub-committee and asked him to report back next month.

The administrator will get contact names from SF Neighborhood Newspapers Association and the 16 local newspapers.

The administrator will continue work on the Education, Outreach and Training Committee's media contact list.

The Education, Outreach and Training Committee workplan is to be included in the May agenda packet.

Discussed quorum issue: Options were: Make a quorum call 10 days before the meeting, voluntary resignation, or ask another member to join. Quorum call was preferred.

Last updated: 8/18/2009 1:56:54 PM