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July 9, 2009




Thursday, July 9, 2009

4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 406



Committee Members: Sue Cauthen (Chair), Hanley Chan, Doyle Johnson, Allyson Washburn, Marjorie Ann Williams

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. There was no quorum. An information-gathering session ensued till 4:10 p.m. when quorum was reached.

Roll Call: Present: Cauthen, Chan (in at 4:10 p.m.), Johnson

Excused: Williams, Washburn

Agenda Changes: None

Deputy City Attorney: Ernie Llorente

Clerk: Chris Rustom


Adoption of minutes of June 11, 2009, regular meeting.

Motion to adopt the June 11, 2009, meeting minutes ( Johnson / Chan)

Public Comment: None

On the motion:

Ayes: Chan, Johnson, Cauthen

Excused: Washburn, Williams



Status on the Order of Determination regarding #09027_Alvin Xex v Office of Economic and Workforce Development.

Complainant Alvin Xex said he has received the document and is using it as a base to seek additional documents from the office.

Respondent Kriztina Palone said the office has provided Mr Xex with a response through the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force office. She said the office has also requested a Sunshine Ordinance training session to be held during a staff meeting session in August or September at 50 Van Ness.

Ms Palone also said the office is working on Mr Xex’s second request and has until the July 17 to respond.

Public Comment: None

No further action needed.


Brochure: Final language

Final touches were made to the document.

Chair Cauthen wanted Mr. Rustom to contact New America Media to see if they could find someone to translate the document .into Chinese and Spanish.

Motion to adopt the brochure ( Johnson / Chan)

Public Comment: None

On the motion:

Ayes: Chan, Johnson, Cauthen

Excused: Washburn, Williams


Outreach for Sunshine presentations.

DCA Llorente said the administrator, rather than the chair, should be making the initial outreach so that doubt is not cast on the process.

Members discussed the topic and later instructed Mr Rustom to provide at the next meeting contact information for

  • Glen Park Association
  • SFPD community meetings
  • Council of District Merchants

Chair Cauthen said she would get the contact info for the League of Women Voters through Member Chu and Member Washbun, who are also League members.

Public Comment: None


Planning Department “appointment” requirement.

Planner Michael Jacinto, who is responsible for the North Beach Library EIR, could not attend because of a prior appointment. His supervisor Lisa Gibson also could not attend because of being given a short notice. She said a response would be provided through Commission Secretary Linda Avery.

DCA Llorente said rather than using “appointment,” members of the public seeking information about a particular site should be told that the information could be held by the planner who could be in the field. In order to make the most efficient use of a requestor’s time, let the department know when the requestor is coming in so that the department could arrange for the planner to be available to provide the requestor with the information.

Chair Cauthen instructed Mr. Rustom to invite Ms. Avery or a person in the department who is most knowledgeable on the issue to the next meeting to further discuss the issue.

Public Comment: None


SFPUC’s Sunshine procedures.

Chair Cauthen said the document was provided by Mr. Joseph Singh of the PUC’s Communications Division, during the May hearing on the status of the #09013_Steve Lawrence v SFPUC Order of Determination.

She recalled that Member Washburn wanted to study the document and since Member Washburn was not present she continued the matter to the next meeting.

Chair Cauthen then went forward with making corrections to the document.

The changes include

Para 1

Immediate Disclosure Request rather than For Immediate Response.

Para 3

We are not obligated under the SO to

1. answer a question or a series of questions if it takes longer than 15 minutes to do so.

2. create a document

Para 5

Yes, notes that you keep in order to help fulfill the request may be destroyed once the request has been completed. However, they must be kept if made in the normal course of business and may be considered at a future Task Force hearing.

Para 6

This requirement is not mentioned in the Sunshine Ordinance but a department can develop written rules. This SFPUC has determined that they will notify the requestor when the items are available …and the file closed.

Para 10

What is redaction? Redaction is a process for deleting part of a document prior to its release to the public. When redacting, justification for removal of information must be provided. Documents most commonly needing redaction include project plans, contracts, certain personnel information and certain financial information. If you are unsure, please check with Tony, Diane or Suzanne for clarification.

Para 13

The requestor should notify you in advance when they are coming in to review materials. However, they are not required to make an appointment.

Para 14.

Current Good Government Guide

Replace “office of the City Attorney” with “Sunshine Ordinance Task Force.”

On Talking Points

Replace V (c) with “A requestor may remain anonymous.”

Public Comment: None

The matter was continued to the next meeting. Members were told to bring their suggested changes..


Update: YBR promotion issues

At Member Johnson’s request, the matter was continued to the September meeting

Public Comment: None


Members’ comments, questions, and requests for future agenda items.

Chair Cauthen said at her request, Task Force chair Rick Knee has agreed to maintain her position as chair of the Education, Outreach and Training Committee. She also would be contacting Chair Knee to reduce the membership to three to avoid the quorum issue. Member Chan and Member Johnson expressed their wish to stay on.

Members also discussed holding a get-together as part of promoting the Ordinance. Chair Cauthen said she would mention it to Task Force Chair Knee.

Public Comment: None

Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 5:42 p.m.

This meeting has been audio recorded and is on file in the office of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force

Last updated: 9/29/2009 10:01:11 AM