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February 27, 2001



Tuesday, February 27, 2001

4:00 p.m. City Hall, Room 408

Task Force Members

Seat 1 Judith Appel Seat 8 Robert Planthold

Seat 2 Bruce Brugmann Seat 9 Daniel Guillory

Seat 3 Vince Courtney Seat 10 Paul Hogan, Vice Chair

Seat 4 Marie-Lorraine Mallare Seat 11 Sue Cauthen

Seat 5 Tuesday Ray Ex-officio Lillian Hare

Seat 6 Hilda Bernstein, Chair Ex-officio Hala Hijazi

Seat 7 Ted Kowalczuk

Note: Each member of the public will be allotted the same maximum number of minutes to speak as set by the Chair at the beginning of each item, excluding City representatives who are requested by the Task Force to make a presentation.

Note: Each item on the Agenda may include minutes, department or agency letters and reports, Task Force reports, and public correspondence. These items will be available for review at City Hall, Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Office, Room 409.

Roll Call

Agenda Changes

1. Approval of Minutes of January 23, 2001 (5 min)

Action item: Shall the minutes be approved?

· Previous Agenda Item 3 (f) deleted

2. Recommendation regarding removal of Task Force Member (10 min)

Action item: Shall the Task Force take action to recommend to the Board of Supervisors that Task Force Member Marie-Lorraine Mallare be removed for failing to attend three meetings as required by the Task Force by-laws?

3. Report from Chair (Hilda Bernstein) (20 min)

(a) Status and update letter to Gloria Tulanowski

(b) Letter to San Francisco Retirement Board regarding Courtney & Courtney complaints

(c) Letters to and from Anita Theoharis regarding meeting with Chair of Planning Commission

(d) Attendance at Committee meetings of 1/31/01 Ad Hoc Committee on Conflict of Interest and 2/13 Rules Committee

(e) Dawn Clements letters to Board of Supervisors and Supervisor Ammiano

and Task Force response.

(f) Reassessment of the Task Force three-meeting-absence rule

Action item: Shall this item be reffered to the Rules Committee?

(g) Facilitating work of Task Force; the role of the Chair

Discussion and possible action on above items

4. Report from Counsel (Jackie Minor) (5 min)

Discussion item

5. Report from Judy Appel, Chair of the Complaint Committee and Bob Planthold, Chair of the Rules Committee regarding distribution of complaints to the Task Force (20 min)

Action item: Shall the Task Force reaffirm its present procedure for distribution of complaints or shall the Task Force change the current procedures?

6. Report from Complaint Committee (Judy Appel, Chair) (10 min)

Report from Complaint Committee meetings of December and January

Action item: Shall the Public Complaint Procedure be amended?

Next meeting of the Complaint Committee: March 8, 2001

7. Report from Rules Committee (Bob Planthold, Chair) (5 min)

Report from Rules Committee meetings of December and February

Discussion item: Attendance at committee meetings

Next meeting of the Rules Committee: To be set.

8. Report of Public Education & Information Committee (Paul Hogan, Chair) (5 min)

Report of Public Education & Information Committee meeting of January 25, 2001.

Discussion item

Next meeting of the Public Education & Information Committee: To be set

9. Order of Determination dated January 23, 2001, Complaint of Kevin Williams against the Human Rights Commission (10 min)

Discussion and possible action.

10. Order of Determination dated October 26, 2000, Complaint of Davis/Reno, representing Local 21, AFL-CIO, against the Human Rights Commission. (15 min)

Discussion and possible action. Has the Human Rights Commission complied with the Order of Determination?

11. Report of Administrator (Donna Hall) (5 min)

Discussion item

12. Public Comment (10 min)

ADJOURNMENT Next Regular Meeting March 27, 2001, 4:00 p.m.

Last updated: 8/18/2009 1:57:01 PM