Tuesday, August 28, 2001
4:00 p.m.
City Hall, Room 408
Task Force Members
Seat 1 Joshua Koltun Seat 8 Robert Planthold
Seat 2 Bruce Brugmann Seat 9 Daniel Guillory
Seat 3 Vince Courtney Seat 10 Paul Hogan
Seat 4 Marie Harrison Seat 11 Marjorie Ann Williams
Seat 5 Vacant Ex-officio Lillian Hare
Seat 6 Hilda Bernstein Ex-officio Hala Hijazi
Seat 7 Ted Kowalczuk
Note: Each member of the public will be allotted the same maximum number of minutes to speak as set by the Chair at the beginning of each item, excluding persons requested by the Task Force to make presentations.
Note: Each item on the Agenda may include minutes, department or agency letters and reports; Task Force reports; and public correspondence. These items will be available for review at City Hall, Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Office, Room 409.
Roll Call
Agenda Changes
1. Approval of Minutes of July 24, 2001. (5 min) Action item
2. Report from Chair. (Hilda Bernstein) (15 min) Discussion and possible
action item
(a) Request of Member Joshua Koltun for discussion on general question of how it may be appropriate for members of a policy body to communicate with each other prior to the date of a public session about items on the agenda. See attached memo from Joshua Koltun.
(b) Complaint filed by Scott Trammell Moore.
(c) Letter to Mayor regarding lack of sole source contract responses.
(d) Standing Committee reconfiguration. See attached listing.
(e) Task Force training.
(f) Deputy City Attorney assignment to Task Force.
3. Administrator’s Report (Donna Hall) (5 min) Discussion item
4. Public hearing, Mission Girls Service Committee complaint against the YWCA for alleged violation of Section 12L of the Administrative Code. (Postponed to September Task Force meeting at request of complainant.)
5. Discussion of San Francisco Conflict of Interest Code; resolution approving a Conflict of Interest Code for the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force. (City Attorney Ethics Team) (30 min) Action item
6. Report from the City Administrator on progress of index of records. (Jill Lerner) (10 min) Discussion item
7. Report from Public Education & Information Committee (Paul Hogan) (5 min)
8. Report from Rules Committee (Bob Planthold) (5 min) Discussion item
9. Public comment.