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July 24, 2001



Tuesday, July 24, 2001

4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 408

Task Force Members

    Seat 1 Joshua Koltun Seat 8 Robert Planthold

    Seat 2 Bruce Brugmann Seat 9 Daniel Guillory

    Seat 3 Vince Courtney Seat 10 Paul Hogan

    Seat 4 Marie Harrison Seat 11 Marjorie Ann Williams

    Seat 5 Vacant Ex-officio Lillian Hare

    Seat 6 Hilda Bernstein Ex-officio Hala Hijazi

    Seat 7 Ted Kowalczuk

Roll Call: All present except: Harrison, Hare absent

Chair Bernstein introduced Carol Woodward, Counsel for the Clements and Jamerson items; Ernest Llorente, Counsel from the City Attorney’s Office for the Task Force; new Member Joshua Koltun.

1. Approval of Minutes of June 26, 2001.

    Minutes approved. (Planthold/Guillory) (Hogan, Harrison absent)

Member Hogan entered meeting at this time.

2. Complaints of Dawn Clements and Harry Jamerson of November 16, 2000 and November 30, 2000, related to appointments to the Minority/Women Business Advisory Committee of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission. (20 min) Action item

    Motion introduced that the Chair of the Human Rights Commission acted properly, citation of the relevant section of the bylaws when they filed to appoint Mr. Jamerson. (Courtney/ Hogan) Motion withdrawn

    Motion introduced that the Chair of the Human Rights Commission did violate the Sunshine Ordinance by failing to give proper notice and subsequently held an improper meeting, and the subject matter of the meeting was the committee seat of Mr. Jamerson, given the evidence provided. (Courtney/Brugmann)

    Ayes: Brugmann, Courtney, Williams

    Noes: Koltun, Bernstein, Kowalczuk, Planthold, Guillory, Hogan

    Absent: Harrison

    The motion failed.

    Motion introduced that the Task Force finds, given the evidence, that the Chair of the Human Rights Commission did, in fact, violate the Sunshine Ordinance by failing to give proper notice and subsequently holding an illegal meeting, subject matter of that meeting being the seat of Dawn Clements. (Courtney/Brugmann)

    Ayes: Williams, Brugmann

    Noes: Koltun, Bernstein, Kowalczuk, Planthold, Guillory, Hogan

    Absent: Harrison

    The motion failed.

    Order of Determination:

      Finding that the Chair of the Human Rights Commission had the power unilaterally to appoint or reappoint members of the MBE/WBE/LBE Advisory Committee based on the evidence before the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force. (Koltun/Hogan)

      Ayes: Koltun, Courtney, Bernstein, Kowalczuk, Planthold, Guillory, Hogan

      Noes: Brugmann, Williams

      Absent: Harrison

3. Report from Chair

    (a) Outreach presentations

    (b) Code of Conduct

    (c) Complaint filed by Scott Trammell Moore against Task Force Member.

      Deputy City Attorney Llorente gave an overview of the complaint and the response of the City Attorney’s Office, stating it was his opinion the Task Force could not take any action on the complaint because it would expose this Task Force and members to possible liability; his suggestion this be referred to the Ethics Commission.

      Member Koltun asked about recuse issues; Deputy City Attoney Llorente stated this was because of members participation in the original communication.

    Chair Bernstein stated because of a lack of a quorum to act on this complaint, she is referring this complaint to the Ethics Commission.

    Bruce Brugmann addressed the Task Force as a member of the public stating he does not conduct secret meetings; urge consideration of serious issues of non-compliance with the Sunshine Ordinance.

    Dawn Clements addressed the Task Force stating her concern of inappropriateness of proceedings around her complaint.

    Vince Courtney addressed the Task Force as a member of the public stating his email was an acknowledgement that it was his opinion that it was Paul Hogan that was providing information to the complainant; suggested it is Paul Hogan who is the complainant; requested complaint be recalled.

    Marjorie Ann Williams addressed the Task Force as a member of the public stating she knew nothing of this and hoped this complaint is dismissed.

5. Public hearing, SEIU Local 790 & the Committee to Save Our Services, against the Department of Public Health

    Deputy City Attorney Llorente, stated Maria Martinez of Department of Public Health, is one of the presentors, and he has not talked with Maria about this item.

    Linda Zaretsky, SEIU, addressed the Task Force, reiterated their concerns of Bayview Hunters Point Foundation; do not see efforts being made; no good faith effort to get consumers on the board; no evidence of vacancies being circulated; not good notice of meetings; consumers that applied have not had the courtesy of a response.

    Dr. Wayzel Fuller, President of the Board of Directors, Bayview Hunters Point Foundation, addressed the Task Force stating they had been publicly seeking new board members, especially a consumer; vacancies have been announced; information has been disseminated at public and community functions; have responded to all individuals who requested packets.

    Chair Bernstein expressed concern regarding the application of Bayview Hunters Point Foundation

    Member Courtney asked about by-laws. Dr. Fuller stated the by-laws have been sent to the Sunshine Ordinance and have been in force for a long time.

    Member Planthold asked about vacancies and leaves of absence and on-leave status and tracking of Board members and attendance requirements. Dr. Fuller stated a leave was granted-not a part of the by-laws.

    Member Kowalczuk asked about leave of absence. Dr. Fuller said the absence has been over six months.

    Member Hogan left the meeting at this time.

    Maria Martinez, Department of Public Health, addressed the Task Force, stating the questions of the Chair were addressed in the memo they have provided.

    Member Courtney left the meeting at this time.

    Chair Bernstein asked if the Foundation had been placed on notice with a time line that if they are not in compliance it will result in certain actions on the part of the Department of Health. Maria Martinez stated for this year the compliance is to be by December 31; at that time we will work on this on a case-by-case basis.

    Member Brugmann asked how many counts the Foundation is out of compliance. Maria Martinez stated on one count, the consumer representation.

    Female Speaker, SEIU representative, stated compliance is happening is a cosmetic way; there is a problem with the quality of services of Bayview Hunters Point Foundation.

    Public comment by Nora Roman, volunteer coordinator, Emergency Coalition to Save Public Health, expressed concern about problems and not providing adequate service of Bayview Hunters Point Foundation.

    Public comment by Louella Harris regarding posting of notices in public places.

    Public comment by Male Speaker regarding work of compliance officers; compliance of contracts and services of contracts of aids services.

    Damone Hale, employee of the Bayview Hunters Point Foundation, stated he is confident in the Foundation.

    Dr. Fuller stated she does care about Board; there is representation over San Francisco on the Board; this issue today is if we are in compliance, not the services of the Department.

    Chair Bernstein asked about positions appointed from the Board; Maria Martinez stated they do have something about community advisory boards.

    Order of Determination:

      Finding that based on the memo from the Public Health Department and the testimony, the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force finds that the Bayview Hunters Point Foundation is not now in compliance with Section 12L and urge the Department of Public Health to take effective action to bring them into compliance. (Planthold/Guillory)

      Ayes: Koltun, Brugmann, Bernstein, Kowalczuk, Planthold, Guillory, Williams

      Noes: None

      Absent: Courtney, Harrison, Hogan

    Member Guillory encouraged all parties to check in with us to talk about the progress that has been made on this process.

7. Public Comment

    No public comment.

4. Report from Public Education & Information Committee

    This item deleted from the agenda.

6. Report from Administrator

    The report of the Administrator was submitted by Donna Hall, Administrator.

Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

Donna L. Hall, Administrator

The 7/24/01 Sunshine Ordinance Task Force meeting has been recorded and is on file in the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Office.

Last updated: 8/18/2009 1:57:05 PM