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December 18, 2001 Special






Tuesday, December 18, 2001
4:00 p.m.
City Hall, Room 408

Task Force Members

Seat 1                    Joshua Koltun                              
Seat 2                    Bruce Brugmann                              
Seat 3                    Vince Courtney                              
Seat 4                    Marie Harrison                              
Seat 5                    Heather Sterner                              
Seat 6                    Hilda Bernstein                              
Seat 7                    Ted Kowalczuk
Seat 8                    Robert Planthold
Seat 9                    Daniel Guillory
Seat 10          Paul Hogan
Seat 11          Marjorie Ann Williams
Ex-officio          Vacant
Ex-officio          Hala Hijazi

(All motions adopted unanimously except as noted. First name indicates initiator of motion; second name indicates seconder of motion.)

Called to Order at 4:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Koltun, Brugmann, Courtney, Harrison, Sterner, Bernstein, Kowalczuk, Planthold, Hogan, Williams. Absent: Guillory, Hijazi
1. Approval of minutes of November 27, 2001. Minutes approved. (Hogan/Kowalczuk) (Guillory absent)

2. Public hearing, complaint of Bob Planthold against the Planning Commission regarding the alleged failure to conduct proper voting on agenda items and the alleged seriatim meetings by members during a public meeting.

Member Planthold recused from Task Force discussion on this item.

Bob Planthold, complainant, spoke in support of the complaint regarding roll call voting; Planning Commission did not have a roll call vote. Second allegation of complaint regarding seriatim issue; this issue not to be persued; requested the Task Force dismiss of consideration on this issue.

Linda Avery, Planning Commission Secretary, spoke in opposition to the complaint regarding roll call vote stating roll call voting has never been taken on any issues; all votes are recorded.

Chair Bernstein stated she had invited Planning Commission Chair Theoharis to appear before the Task Force or to meet with a few of us; she has declined.

Public comment from Lisa Dollard Ikeda, 2252 Beach Street, spoke in support of the complaint stating it was not clear who voted how on the issue, either audio or on the tape.

Public comment from Edward Dollard speaking in support of the complaint stating he could not tell what the vote was.

Motion introduced that insofar that the Planning Commission neglected to conduct a vote whereby the public could determine how each member had voted on the question, there was a violation of Sunshine Ordinance and the Charter. (Koltun/Courtney) Motion amended to say that insofar as the Planning Commission neglected to conduct a vote whereby the public could determine how each member had voted on the question, there was a violation of the spirit of the Sunshine Ordinance and the Charter. (Sterner/Williams) Motion adopted.
(Guillory absent) (Planthold recused)

Motion introduced that all commissions and task forces and bodies that vote in the City of San Francisco be required to have visible and audible roll call votes. (Brugmann/Harrison) Motion withdrawn.

Amendment to motion that says we have before us Administrative Code Section 67.16 which discusses the roll call vote on each matter, and we also have the relevant Charter provision that requires every member of every commission to record their vote; the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force’s view of the meaning of those two existent provisions is that every member of a commission must make their vote clearly known to the public either audibly or visibly, and that in the case of any question as to how members have voted, the secretary or chairman should announce what the vote is, giving the public the ability to know and members opportunity to clarify any confusion about their votes. (Koltun) Amendment to motion withdrawn.

Ad hoc committee to be formed to review the ordinance and make recommendations of additions, additions, etc., and the committee will come back to the full task force.

Motion introduced that the Task Force recommends that on each vote for every task force and commission and body that votes in the City/County of San Francisco that the clerk call the roll and the member provide a visible and audible vote that is so recorded in the minutes. (Brugmann/Harrison) Motion withdrawn.

Item on the next Task Force agenda regarding discussion of what the requirements of Section 67.16 and Charter provisions dealing with provisions of roll call voting.

8. Public comment.

Bob Planthold regarding Planning Commission must have reasonable accommodation procedures          

4. Report from Chair.

Chair Bernstein reported she attended Complaint Committee meeting; and did some follow-up correspondence on previous complaints.
5. Report from Complaint Committee.
Committee Chair Hogan presented report from the Committee.
Motion adopted approving recommendation from the Complaint Committee from their meeting of December 5 adopting a checklist for the filing of a complaint with the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force and a recommended policy change that includes the submittal of documents after the original submittal of the complaint. (Planthold/Williams) (Guillory absent)
At this time Member Planthold chaired the meeting.

6. Recommendation from Public Education and Information Committee.

Committee Vice Chair Kowalczuk presented report from the Committee.

Motion adopted approving a Volunteer Community Liaison position to work with the Public Education & Information Committee. (Kowalczuk/Courtney) (Koltun, Bernstein, Guillory absent)

Motion adopted appointing Sue Cauthen to this position for a three-month trial term. (Kowalczuk/Hogan) Motion withdrawn

Task Force Chair appointed Sue Cauthen as the Volunteer Community Liaison person to the temporary three-month appointment.

7. Report from Administrator

Administrator Donna Hall presented monthly report.

3. Annual Sunshine Ordinance Task Force training.

The Task Force will set a Special Meeting for Sunshine Ordinance training.

The meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m.

Submitted by Donna L. Hall, Administrator

* The 12/18/01 Sunshine Ordinance Task Force meeting has been recorded and is on file in the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Office.

Last updated: 8/18/2009 1:57:05 PM