Tuesday, October 24, 2000
4:00 p.m.
City Hall, Room 408
Task Force Members
Seat 1 Judith Appel Seat 8 Robert Planthold
Seat 2 Bruce Brugmann Seat 9 Daniel Guillory
Seat 3 Vince Courtney Seat 10 Paul Hogan, Vice Chair
Seat 4 Marie-Lorraine Mallare Seat 11 Sue Cauthen
Seat 5 Tuesday Ray Ex-officio Gloria Young
Seat 6 Hilda Bernstein, Chair Ex-officio Vacant
Seat 7 Ted Kowalczuk
Roll Call
Present: Appel, Courtney, Bernstein, Kowalczuk, Planthold,
Guillory, Hogan, Cauthen, Young
Absent: Brugmann, Ray, Mallare
1. Approval of Minutes of September 26, 2000
Approved. (Planthold/Kowalczuk) (Courtney no) (Brugmann,
Ray, Mallare absent)
2. Report from Chair (Hilda Bernstein)
Report given. (See attached)
Appel entered the meeting at 4:07 p.m.
3. Report of Rules Committee (Bob Planthold, Chair)
Bob Planthold submitted the recommendation from the Rules
Committee for the suggested points for the Annual Report. Motion adopted approving
the report with one change-that the sentence "Ad Hoc committee on email
communications" be changed to say "Special Committees as needed.")
(See attached report) (Appel/Kowalczuk) (Brugmann, Ray, Mallare absent)
Bob Planthold submitted the recommendation from the Rules
Committee for suggested responses to the Civil Grand Jury Report.
Finding 10: Clerk of the Board Gloria Young suggested
the recommendation "Request the Clerk of the Board to send yearly reminders
to agencies that are required to file mandated reports with the Board of Supervisors
to file the reports with the Clerk of the Board for distribution to the Board
of Supervisors’" that this request be made of the Mayor since the departments
under this organization report directly to the Mayor. Bob Planthold stated
it was the suggestion of the Rules Committee that this be a reminder.
Gloria Young stated she would agree with Finding 10 as
long as it is understood it is a "request" and not a "mandate."
Motion adopted approving the recommendation of the Rules
Committee for suggested responses to the Civil Grand Jury Report. (See attached
report) (Kowalczuk/Cauthen) (Brugmann, Ray, Mallare absent)
4. Report of Public Education and Information Committee
(Paul Hogan, Chair)
Informational report (Committee did not have a quorum)
on public information reports; brochure dissemination; annual report suggestions;
frequently asked questions list.
5. Report of Complaint Committee (Judy Appel, Chair)
Information report on meeting with Chair; next Complaint
Committee meeting to have recommendations on complaint process; briefly discussed
Davis/Reno complaint.
6. Report from Supervisor of Public Records (City Attorney):
Annual review and report. (Dorji Roberts)
Report given.
Public comment from John Jenkel stating he would resubmit
his complaint listed on the report as Item #6; stated Complaint #11 was never
considered by Sunshine Ordinance Task Force.
Motion adopted approving the Report of the Supervisor
of Public Records. (See attached) (Hogan/Guillory) (Courtney no) (Brugmann,
Ray, Mallare absent)
7. Hearing of John Jenkel: Complaint #13: Complaint that
three-minute time limit not uniformly applied by Small Business, Economic Vitality
and Consumer Services Committee at its meeting of August 10, 1999
John Jenkel, Complainant, explained his Complaint #13
regarding the Small Business, Economic Vitality and Consumer Services Committee
regarding legislation passed that never received public comment; he was not
able to make comment on an item; time limit was imposed in the middle of presentation;
two items combined; the two items were not related.
Michael Farrah, Legislative Aide to Supervisor Newsom
explained Supervisor Newsom is aware of the rules of the Sunshine Ordinance
in uniformly applying public testimony; Supervisor Newsom explains the rules
of public comment stating everyone will have the same amount of time; the
two items might have been were called together; the items were not combined;
Supervisor Newsom knows that letters are not a substitute for public comment;
perhaps a Board rule could be adopted that allowed for a two sentence statement
to be read before meetings to explain the Sunshine Ordinance before every
committee meeting that would make it clear to all involved what the rules
were and bring to light what the Sunshine Ordinance does.
Michael Farrah stated Supervisor Newsom would look forward
to recommendations from the Task Force.
Gloria Young stated when items are combined public comment
is usually given a one-time period, i.e., three minutes rather than six minutes;
the Clerk of the Board is updating the Rules of Order; this particular item
is not currently in the Rules of Order.
Vince Courtney stated he commended Mr. Farrah for suggesting
the two-sentence rule; is a proactive way to explain the rule; feels we should
move forward on this offer.
Task Force members expressed concern about items being
combined and public comment being reduced.
Judy Appel suggested the Task Force possibly look into
recommending the Board adopt a rule that would allow for greater public comment.
Motion adopted for Order of Determination: The Sunshine
Ordinance Task Force shall work with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
and others as appropriate to draft recommended changes to the Sunshine Ordinance
or the Board Rules of Order regarding public comment length, particularly
as it pertains to agenda items that are called together. (Appel/Courtney)
(Kowalczuk no) (Brugmann, Ray, Mallare absent)
Paul Hogan requested information from the City Attorney
regarding the granting of relief when a person is cut off from public comment.
Jackie Minor stated public comment is not a provision that would render the
decision of the policy body voidable. Based on the Brown Act it is unlikely
there would be any kind of punitive remedy that would be granted by a court
and that this body has no jurisdiction as such to take affirmative, punitive
Guillory moved to amend Order of Determination: Based
on the language of the ordinance as it exists, there was not apparently a
violation of the Sunshine Ordinance at this meeting. Motion withdrawn.
Motion adopted to amend Order to Determination to include:
The Sunshine Ordinance Task Force determines that insufficient evidence was
provided to show a violation of the Sunshine Ordinance relative to the facts
in this petition. (Guillory/Planthold) (Brugmann, Ray, Mallare absent)
8. Hearing of John Jenkel: Complaint #14: Complaint that
Port Commission agenda description inadequate for Item 8 A, June 13, 2000 Agenda
John Jenkel, Complainant, explained his Complaint #14,
stating unaccountability of San Francisco Port Commission; violation of agenda
description regarding public attraction use; in fact the business was for
commercial amusement; commercial amusement is not public attraction; this
makes this resolution voidable in a court of law; agenda said one thing and
the Port Commission did another.
Vince Courtney stated we are not recommending disposing
of public comment.
Kurt Watts, Development Project Coordinator for the Port
of San Francisco: our position is that the agenda was accurate in the description
of the agenda item and discussion that followed; some of the other public
attractions both have ticketed admission and unticketed admission; distinction
between whether or not it is a profit or nonprofit group or ticketed or non-ticket
attraction speaks to the issue; public attraction fits all categories and
item description fits the agenda.
Bob Planthold asked Mr. Watts about source and authority
of distinction between public attraction and ticketed amusement or public
attraction and private entertainment for consideration and free attraction.
Mr. Watts stated not aware of any guidelines that would
specify that public attractions should either be free and must be open to
a non-ticketed type of situations.
Mr. Jenkel stated the purpose of the Port tideland is
not for commercial gain; it is for preserving the natural attraction.
Motion adopted for Order of Determination: The Sunshine
Ordinance Task Force respectfully denies this petition. (Hogan/Courtney) (Brugmann,
Ray, Mallare absent)
9. Hearing of John Jenkel: Complaint #15: Supervisor’s Kaufman’s
denial of a public records request for a private attorney legal opinion
John Jenkel, Complainant, explained his Complaint #15,
explaining possible conflict of interest of Supervisor Kaufman voting on Bryant
Square; Supervisor Kaufman stated she had a letter stating no conflict of
interest; as result of Prop G this document affected a public presence; maintain
this is part of the public record because it was relied upon for a vote on
Bryant Square; asking for justification for withholding document; this complaint
is not for Bryant Square only.
Bob Planthold asked about statement that opinion was circulated
through supervisor offices. Mr. Jenkel stated he was told this by the spokesman
for the Mission Anti-Displacement Coalition-not a city employee.
Bob Planthold asked why a private counsel can tell Supervisor
Kaufman that she can do this and no one can know why and the City Attorney
opinion is ignored.
Jackie Minor stated the document is not a document that
the City Attorney’s Office has ever seen; Supervisor Kaufman indicated the
opinion she is referring to is the opinion of a private attorney that she
retained for these purposes; this is not anything the City Attorney’s Office
knows anything about or that we have given advise on; we are not talking about
a document that was prepared or has been seen by the City Attorney’s Office.
Gloria Young stated she was in attendance at the meeting;
Sue Hestor asked specifically under her comments about Supervisor Kaufman’s
ability to participate and if she did in fact have a conflict of interest;
Supervisor Kaufman indicated that she did not and clarified with the City
Attorney that she had not asked the City Attorney for an opinion on that and
that she had sought private counsel. Supervisor Bierman’s comment was with
respect to a question if there had been a Brown Act violation with respect
to notification, which was called into question; Gloria Young further stated
that she advised Supervisor Bierman there had not been a Brown Act violation.
Daniel Guillory stated the focus should be if the document
is something someone should get access to.
Judy Appel asked Mr. Jenkel if he made a claim to the
Ethics Committee. Mr. Jenkel stated no. Judy Appel asked if he had spoken
to anyone who had seen the document. Mr. Jenkel stated no.
Daniel Guillory asked Jackie Minor if she had read the
letter from Supervisor Kaufman. Jackie Minor read the 10/17/00 letter from
Supervisor Kaufman into the record. (See attached)
Sue Cauthen asked if subject counsel letter of Supervisor
Kaufman is protected by the attorney/client privilege. Jackie Minor stated
that advise is subject to attorney/client privilege.
Judy Appel stated there apparently was some analysis prepared
by Sue Hestor that the advice is public and would like to hear Sue Hestor’s
Bob Planthold asked if Supervisor Kaufman had not voted,
would it have changed the result. Sue Cauthen stated she watched the proceedings
on television, and was her opinion it would not have changed the result.
Judy Appel stated the question is-is this document public.
Buck Delventhal, City Attorney’s Office, stated when the
City Attorney’s Office gives advice to the Board of Supervisors on conflict
of interest issues, it is confidential; Supervisors can choose to get counsel
from other sources and they are not required by law to share that information
with anybody.
Hilda Bernstein stated she has heard that no one has seen
the document.
Gloria Young stated the issue does not indicate document,
it indicates advice.
Motion adopted for Order to Determination to include:
The Sunshine Ordinance Task Force determines that insufficient evidence was
provided to show a violation of the Sunshine Ordinance relative to the facts
in this petition. (Kowalczuk/Planthold) (Appel no) (Brugmann, Ray, Mallare
10. Hearing of Davis/Reno, representing Local 21, AFL-CIO:
Request for Compensatory Time Records by Local 21, AFL-CIO, from the Human Rights
Jackie Minor excused herself and Buck Delventhal represented
the Task Force on this complaint.
Janene Murtha, representing the Complainant, explained
that numerous requests had been made to the Human Rights Commission beginning
February 2000 for records; there have been several subsequent requests and
we have received nothing; City Attorney’s Office have stated by letter of
October 17 that the records requested are of a public nature and would be
made available to us as soon as possible; this has taken an extremely long
time; after records are found to be public, the Task Force will assure compliance;
the letter from the City Attorney was dated October 17 and we still have received
no documents; request the Task Force take appropriate further action; request
five days from today that we receive the documents.
Toni Delgado, Special Assistant and Custodian of Records
for the Human Rights Commission, stated they did receive the public records
request in February; there was confusion with the City Attorney’s Office whether
these documents were to be produced or not; subsequently the City Attorney’s
Office has stated these documents should be produced; the records have been
located and they will be produced in the next couple of days; our department
has been inundated with public records requests; unfortunately we have been
fairly understaffed in the Administrative Unit; we are working with the City
Attorney’s Office to remedy our tardiness in public records requests; I will
have the records to them by Thursday.
Vince Courtney left the meeting at this time.
Task Force concern about the number of times requests
were made for these records with no response. Toni Delgado stated each time
requests for the records were made, she made contact with the City Attorney’s
Office; she was under the impression the City Attorney’s Office was to contact
the Complainant.
Bob Planthold asked about staffing; if Toni Delgado was
on vacation, was there persons to cover. Toni Delgado stated yes; did not
know why response went unanswered during her absence.
Hilda Bernstein stated she was concerned about no response.
Judy Appel stated she would like timeline to begin running
from now.
Sue Cauthen stated she would like motion to include some
kind of censure and contain a deadline for submittal of records.
Motion adopted for Order of Determination: The Sunshine
Ordinance Task Force finds that the Human Rights Commission has willfully
failed to comply with the obligation to produce the records requested in this
appeal in a timely fashion and orders the Human Rights Commission to produce
the records within five days of this hearing. (Cauthen/Kowalczuk) (Brugmann,
Ray, Mallare, Courtney absent)
11. Report from Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Administrator
(Donna Hall)
12. Public Comment
The meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m.
Submitted by Donna L. Hall, Administrator